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BC Mosaic 12-21-2009 09:08 PM

Live sushi
Taken a bit to the extreme.

my2rotties 12-21-2009 09:31 PM

That is just wrong...:sad:

hillegom 12-21-2009 09:33 PM

After the first gasp, I couldn't watch any more

shrimpchips 12-21-2009 09:49 PM

Not advocating it, but even when you decapitate some fish, they will continue to twitch or open and close their mouths. Eels are particularly bad for this - I've filletted eel, and the individual portions (2" x 5") would twitch even after 30 minutes after the fish was killed.

I once watched a carp head do that for well over 3 hours when I worked at a fish market. Just the head, cut away from the body.

All that being said, sushi is best the fresher it is. Although, the animal should be dead (killed quickly) before preparing as the flesh declines in quality if the fish struggles or suffers before dying.

couchrugby2 12-21-2009 10:01 PM

Sick bastards

globaldesigns 12-21-2009 10:04 PM

I have seen things like this before, they actually fillet them while still alive. Very wrong... How would we all feel having that done to us!!!

If you eat sushi (I DON'T) that is ok, but put the poor thing out of its misery.

One poster is correct, some fish can twitch/gasp even after death, but I don't think this is the case here. My family are mostly all commercial fishermen and I grew up around alot of fish, torture is JUST WRONG!!!

my2rotties 12-21-2009 10:18 PM

I saw a news clip about the sushi chief discovering how to paralyze a fish and fillet it alive. Could not watch it happen.


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 474584)
I have seen things like this before, they actually fillet them while still alive. Very wrong... How would we all feel having that done to us!!!

If you eat sushi (I DON'T) that is ok, but put the poor thing out of its misery.

One poster is correct, some fish can twitch/gasp even after death, but I don't think this is the case here. My family are mostly all commercial fishermen and I grew up around alot of fish, torture is JUST WRONG!!!

Seamazter 12-21-2009 10:39 PM

Shame on you for posting that in a reefkeeper forum.
Come on now, if i knew where you lived id cut your tank power from the street.
Do you have no shame?

my2rotties 12-21-2009 10:46 PM

Kind of harsh don't you think? Cutting hisn power off would cause the fish to die a slow and painful death so you are no better.


Originally Posted by Seamazter (Post 474598)
Shame on you for posting that in a reefkeeper forum.
Come on now, if i knew where you lived id cut your tank power from the street.
Do you have no shame?

RuGlu6 12-21-2009 11:01 PM

If we would really be so good to our fish we would Not keep it in the glass box to begin with.

When we buy anything that is worm blooded from LFS we are just as same,

When we buy a dog and cut its ears off or a tail (because it looks better that way), we are just as same, How about removing cat's claws? how would that feel.
lets face it, we the people, we don't realize what we do, and most of it is for profit or entertainment.:cry:

BC Mosaic 12-22-2009 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Seamazter (Post 474598)
Shame on you for posting that in a reefkeeper forum.
Come on now, if i knew where you lived id cut your tank power from the street.
Do you have no shame?

Excuse me, but I'm not the chef.

What about the "shameful" posts about the harm we do to the reefs or another oil spill or another YouTube video about whale hunting or sharks' dorsal fins being cut off etc.?
You're going to be an awfully busy person climbing up and down those power poles.:mrgreen:

[quote=my2rotties; you are no better.[/QUOTE]

:question: ?? :question:

noirsphynx 12-22-2009 01:57 AM

:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Ian 12-22-2009 04:54 AM

I believe that there is a huge difference between what conscientious animal lovers do and what that video portrayed. Is what we as reefers do somewhat selfish , you bet, but certainly the vast majority of us do everything we can to provide a safe and healthy home for our animals.
To torture any animal for any reason is completly unacceptable.

kien 12-22-2009 06:56 AM

yikes! Uh.. ya, I'm going to pretend that it was something like one of those electronic singing bass and go to my happy place now.. :sad:

Myka 12-22-2009 04:47 PM

Ok that was shocking. Kinda like some of those PETA videos, have youguys seen all those? Some of those images will never leave my mind.

GreenSpottedPuffer 12-22-2009 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by RuGlu6 (Post 474610)
If we would really be so good to our fish we would Not keep it in the glass box to begin with.

When we buy anything that is worm blooded from LFS we are just as same,

When we buy a dog and cut its ears off or a tail (because it looks better that way), we are just as same, How about removing cat's claws? how would that feel.
lets face it, we the people, we don't realize what we do, and most of it is for profit or entertainment.:cry:


Your going to really compare buying anything warm (I think you meant 'warm') blooded from a LFS (not sure how many warm blooded animals are found in a LFS mind you) to eating a fish live piece by piece?

I don't understand why you visit a fish keeping forum if you have these views?

On another note, I have seen another video where they fry a whole fish live, at a very high heat but only for a few seconds each side until it sears. Then pour some sauce on it and serve it still live. The people at the table start ripping it apart and eating it as the things eyes are moving around and it wiggles. You just hear little giggles each time the poor fish moves :( Everyone pauses for a moment until it stops and then start ripping it apart again.

Won't get into the dolphin videos from Japan (most disturbing to me) but I will say its all very sad.

Myka 12-22-2009 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer (Post 474911)
Won't get into the dolphin videos from Japan (most disturbing to me) but I will say its all very sad.

Yes, I got sick after I watched one of those videos. Same with some of the videos of skinning little critters alive for their fur.

travisle 12-22-2009 07:43 PM

baby seals
how about them baby seals we club up in the artic??? ehhh!!:mrgreen:

RuGlu6 12-22-2009 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ian (Post 474748)
I believe that there is a huge difference between what conscientious animal lovers do and what that video portrayed. Is what we as reefers do somewhat selfish , you bet, but certainly the vast majority of us do everything we can to provide a safe and healthy home for our animals.
To torture any animal for any reason is completly unacceptable.

Nothing personal to you, nevertheless for example, how would YOU like to be kept without freedom of movement, freedom of reproducing, castrated or spayed, your ears trimmed, tattooed, microchipped, have a collar that would shock you with electricity, claws surgically removed, kept in a cage and have all your freedoms taken away by Conscientious animal lover ? Just because you look cute or its cool to have an animal like you around the house?
Would that not be a torture?

kien 12-22-2009 09:06 PM

I would rather have my nails removed than to have to fend for myself and scavenge for food in dumpers every night while fighting off other rabid diseased animals competing for the same food..(trust me I know what it's like - not fun). My cat is declawed, tattooed and neutered and lives more comfortably than I do :neutral:

RuGlu6 12-22-2009 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer (Post 474911)

Your going to really compare buying anything warm (I think you meant 'warm') blooded from a LFS (not sure how many warm blooded animals are found in a LFS mind you) to eating a fish live piece by piece?

I don't understand why you visit a fish keeping forum if you have these views?


With all due respect,
If i have blood or any circulatory system , regardless of how much evolved i am no different from human in regards to torture and feelings.

Having said all that i am just as guilty ! :redface:
Because i keep fish in a glass box and I eat sushi.
What i am trying to say is that we have to evolve and change our ways.

RuGlu6 12-22-2009 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 474987)
I would rather have my nails removed than to have to fend for myself and scavenge for food in dumpers every night while fighting off other rabid diseased animals competing for the same food..(trust me I know what it's like - not fun). My cat is declawed, tattooed and neutered and lives more comfortably than I do :neutral:

The difference is we have a choice , your cat did not.

kien 12-22-2009 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by RuGlu6 (Post 474992)
The difference is we have a choice , your cat did not.

Believe it or not, even we humans do not have this choice sometimes and they are often made for us, for better or worse. I agree that we sometimes have to change our way of thinking but not all decisions that we make on the behalf of others are bad decisions.

We don't give birth to children and then throw them out into the world to fend for themselves. We make a lot of decisions for them for a long time. It is up to us to decide what those decisions are. Hopefully they are the right ones but it is ultimately up to us to decide that. Whenever we choose to care for something the same applies. What it eats, what medicines it takes or doesn't take, what surgeries it needs or doesn't need, etc. We must often make these decisions on their behalf, again, trusting that it is the right decision.

RuGlu6 12-22-2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 474994)
Believe it or not, even we humans do not have this choice sometimes and they are often made for us, for better or worse. I agree that we sometimes have to change our way of thinking but not all decisions that we make on the behalf of others are bad decisions.

I would have to agree that often nowadays humans have taken their freedoms away as well. Way too often in my opinion.

Oh well... philosophy... good bad ... The wise once say, there is no good or bad , only learning the lessons.:wink:

kien 12-22-2009 09:34 PM

how can you tell that we are both passionate about this subject??? :lol:

geobee 12-23-2009 05:43 AM

That is very sad and cruel! I can't believe people can eat the poor fish while it is still alive and leave it there in front of them, while they are eating his body in front of him. I've seen plenty of vids like this and they just seem so wrong. =(

G1GY 12-23-2009 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by RuGlu6 (Post 474610)
If we would really be so good to our fish we would Not keep it in the glass box to begin with.

When we buy anything that is worm blooded from LFS we are just as same,

When we buy a dog and cut its ears off or a tail (because it looks better that way), we are just as same, How about removing cat's claws? how would that feel.
lets face it, we the people, we don't realize what we do, and most of it is for profit or entertainment.:cry:

The only thing that you,ve mentioned here that has no purpose is ear docking. This practice is being frowned on by many breeders now.
All of the stuff you've mentioned are(now days) done by people who are animal physicians. Maybe you've heard of them? In most cases the procedures that you mention are done to increase the pets quality of life They don't remove dew claws, dock tails, spay and let them run around while they giggle like little school girls. Killing animals for food is something that we do, but when we remove the flesh off of a living thing and then watch it squirm, swim or wiggle while we eat it...... That makes us animals. There is no plus to doing this. The fish, frog or invertabrate doesn't get any fresher. It won't taste any better than if you had just killed it. If the amount of suffering is proportional to the quality of the meal, there's serious issues that have nothing to do with food and everything to do with old world thinking and a lack of understanding.
Nothing is gained by watching a living creature suffer.

my2rotties 12-23-2009 02:02 PM

If any of you know me personally or just from facebook, you know my dogs hit the jackpot when they ended up with me. Yes, my rotties tail is docked. It was done when she was a day old. Yes, she is spayed and I made some hard choices in going through with it. However, it was best for her in the end, and there were no puppies. My dogs get the best of everything, from human grade food I prepare for them and they are my business partners.

It is not always best for all animals, but to say pet owners are cruel is out of line. I love my dogs more then anything else in this universe, and it shows in how they behave themselves and how we interact.

belzebuth 12-23-2009 03:23 PM

Aggree with you Diana!

I also believe that tail docking serve a purpose. To prevent injuries, have you ever seen a rottie with a broken tail ? I have....not pretty at all.

my2rotties 12-23-2009 03:39 PM

They docked tails when they used to pull carts back in the old days. It is not needed now of course, but at such a young age, I don't really think it is all that bad. I think circumcising baby boys would be more painful. The ear cropping seems like quite and ordeal, but if it is done by a qualified vet, I am not going to judge. I know people cut pit bull's ear off with scissors, which is really not at all cool.

I know people can be horrible to animals but not all pet owners are cruel and have their animal's best interest at heart.

I used to feel a lot of remorse when I looked at all my fish in the tank. I really did not know what happened to them until after I got into the hobby. All I can say is that my fish are fat and healthy and don't seem to hate tank life. All of them come eat out of my hands and follow from side to side of the seven foot wide tank. I don't feel bad for them at all. They have a wonderful home. If I could do this hobby all over again, I probably would not, but they are here now, and they will be loved and cared for to the best of my abilities.


Originally Posted by belzebuth (Post 475188)
Aggree with you Diana!

I also believe that tail docking serve a purpose. To prevent injuries, have you ever seen a rottie with a broken tail ? I have....not pretty at all.

GreenSpottedPuffer 12-23-2009 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by G1GY (Post 475156)
If the amount of suffering is proportional to the quality of the meal, there's serious issues that have nothing to do with food and everything to do with old world thinking and a lack of understanding.
Nothing is gained by watching a living creature suffer.

I agree 100%. I know with the dolphins, the Japanese believe that the more they suffer (slower or painful death), the better they taste :sad:

GreenSpottedPuffer 12-23-2009 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by RuGlu6 (Post 474990)
With all due respect,
If i have blood or any circulatory system , regardless of how much evolved i am no different from human in regards to torture and feelings.

Having said all that i am just as guilty ! :redface:
Because i keep fish in a glass box and I eat sushi.
What i am trying to say is that we have to evolve and change our ways.

Well that's not a bad way to look at things I guess...better than much of the world these days that have absolutely no regard for animal OR human life :neutral: I disagree about evolution having nothing to do with feelings but agree, no animal deserves to be tortured.

It's a cultural difference. I was in China a few years ago with my father and saw rabbits being killed by smashing their heads on the pavement in front of little kids playing on the street in a market, the kids don't even look twice. Coming from Canada myself, I had a very hard time visiting many parts of Asia. The commercial, tourist cities were great but some of the smaller towns and villages I just couldn't deal with watching how animals were treated. My father has lived in Asia for a few years now and has said its the one main reason he wants to come back to Canada asap.

trilinearmipmap 12-23-2009 11:56 PM

It is disgusting to see them treat animals this way. If we are going to use an animal for food we need to give it a quick and humane death.

On the one hand it seems some other cultures don't place the same value on animals' lives as we do.

On the other hand the way animals are treated in factory farms and slaughterhouses in North America is pretty sick too. The animals' suffering is hidden from us because all we see if a slab of steak in a package at Safeway. It makes me want to become a vegetarian sometimes.

Myka 12-24-2009 12:08 AM

It's all relative. I can imagine the videos out there about Canadian animal killing practices. Check out all the Canadian Salmon that suffocate to death in ship holds. How about the baby Canadian seals? Disrespectful Canadian hunters? Canadian slaughter houses...oh I've seen those videos, not pretty. There are a lot of animals suffering out there in all countries...


Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer (Post 475253)
I know with the dolphins, the Japanese believe that the more they suffer (slower or painful death), the better they taste :sad:

Where do you get that info??

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