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fish_man05 12-13-2009 10:12 AM

Anybody Deal With Bow Valley Aquariums?
Been out of the hobby for a while and getting back into the swing of things.

What are your thoughts?

Are they any good?

Any feedback on positive / negative on product quality and experiences would be appreciated.

I am looking for a large monster tank and want to know your thoughts. Any other good manufacturers, other than Bow Valley?


fishytime 12-13-2009 02:56 PM we go....wonder how long before this thread get locked or deleted:lol: Go with Gary.....unless you like shower doors for your tank bottom

lucyw 12-13-2009 04:07 PM

I looked here


kien 12-13-2009 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 472208) we go....wonder how long before this thread get locked or deleted:lol: Go with Gary.....unless you like shower doors for your tank bottom

I didn't know Gary shipped tanks ? :-)

You know, I always wondered why threads that speak badly of vendors get locked or deleted.. If a vendor has done wrong to a customer, that customer should be allowed to speak his/her peace. To avoid these sorts of things the vendor should be putting the customer first and avoiding these situations in the first place. Anyway, just my two cents.

lastlight 12-13-2009 05:05 PM

In my opinion Elite builds the nicest tanks in Calgary. They'll be building my next tank for sure and the nice thing is I won't need suction cups and extra hands to move it.

trilinearmipmap 12-13-2009 07:01 PM

I would suggest being careful whoever you buy from. I have not personally purchased an aquarium from Bow Valley (formerly known as Inter American I believe). Before I bought my tank I did internet searches and asked around a lot and viewed various threads. I am happy that I bought an Oceanic tank (actually four Oceanic tanks).

fish_man05 12-16-2009 01:22 AM

Bow Valley Aquariums
Anybody else have comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback?

I am looking to make my tank purchase in the early new year.


mark 12-16-2009 01:58 AM

Lots of BVA threads, here being a more recent one.

lastlight 12-16-2009 02:17 AM

And normally I post in them but this time...

oh. shoot.

Palmer 12-16-2009 02:18 AM

I have a tank and sump I bought second hand and they were built at BV. No complaints so far although it is not fully set up and running yet. I filled it with FW did the plumbing and ran it, no leaks in the tank or sump.


sphelps 12-16-2009 02:25 AM

BVA is good for the money you pay, super cheap and good construction. I've never heard of a single problem despite the false info people provide about recycled glass. They do use crops from various glass stores around the city to save money but it's still new glass. Sometimes the glass is etched as a result but, of course, it wouldn't be used on a viewable side, usually just the base. And the whole shower door statement is nothing but rediculous, you can't cut tempered glass, think about it.

The only issue people really have is delivery but I've heard good things lately. Just recently someone here in town got a very large tank and sump delivered within a few weeks for less than half what I would pay just for materials. All I know is don't pay up front and deal with someone other than Mitch (can't remember other guys name)

MMAX 12-16-2009 02:48 AM

Yep, dealt with them. Yes good quality and that's all I'll say in here. If anyone wants to know my honest opinion fire me a pm.

fishytime 12-16-2009 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 472925)
And the whole shower door statement is nothing but rediculous, you can't cut tempered glass, think about it.

Who said its been tempered at this stage? it not possible that the person cutting or etching the glass made a mistake before the tempering process?...either way, most people would probably not want a tank scabbed together out of Buford's bargain glass bin

sphelps 12-16-2009 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 472972)
Who says it been tempered at this stage? it not possible that the person cutting or etching the glass made a mistake before the tempering process?...either way most people would probably not want a tank scabbed together out of Buford's bargain glass bin

Then it's not a shower door is it? It's just glass, perfectly good glass that was never used.
I've seen many tanks from BVA that cost half compared to anyone else and the quality seems fairly equal. I'll gladly make or buy a tank made from scraps/crops if it says me that kind of money.
Somebody obviously never learned about the 3 Rs :wink:

globaldesigns 12-16-2009 04:15 AM

Even though I refuse to deal with Elite anymore, I can say he built my tank and I do agree with Lastlight. Colby and Jay know how to build.

Kevin at Red Coral also builds nice tanks and they are not overprised. Check him out.

I do agree with Fishytime, you do want to buy from reputable LFS. You do get what you pay for, and do you really want to take a chance with a flood.

fishytime 12-16-2009 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 472975)
Then it's not a shower door is it? It's just glass, perfectly good glass that was never used.
I've seen many tanks from BVA that cost half compared to anyone else and the quality seems fairly equal. I'll gladly make or buy a tank made from scraps/crops if it says me that kind of money.
Somebody obviously never learned about the 3 Rs :wink:

The OP inquired about "monster tanks"(does BV even do anything over 200g?)....if I am the OP and I am spending $?000 on a ?00 gallon tank, I want my glass to be molten when the glass cutter gets it, not a mistake from some shower installation company...if the OP wants a big chain store quality tank than he should call Pisces

lastlight 12-16-2009 04:27 AM

Mitch builds all or almost all of Pisces' tanks FYI.

Obviously this excludes the name brand ones they also carry.

The cost of any tank BUT one built by mitch is calculated as follows:

(1) Materials + (2) Labour + (3) Premium for not dealing with Mitch.

(3) is by far a higher number than 1 or 2. It's also worth it.

Don't pay the guy and see what luck you have. Once you pay him and I made this're stuck harassing him, visiting his shop repeatedly to find it not even open when he said it would be, and many lies. After all that his seams are ugly. His tanks in-wall are ok though.

fishytime 12-16-2009 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 472990)
Mitch builds all or almost all of Pisces' tanks FYI.

I know Brett....that was my point:wink:

lastlight 12-16-2009 05:00 AM

I'm 90% braindead Doug.

3 bandits came today and stole my tank so please forgive lol.

MMAX 12-16-2009 12:47 PM

You guys are scaring the s*** out of me now. I've never had water in my tank yet. If I could do it all over again I never would have dealt with Mitch. He has a **** poor attitude towards his customers. He sold me some bulkheads to go with my tank and gave me the wrong size which I didn't notice until I got home. When I called to question him on it he basically called ME a liar for not knowing what I was talking about.

Jamieh 12-16-2009 01:08 PM

I always love these Bow Valley threads. I have dealt with Mitch for about 10 years now as a Pet Store owner. It has been a challenge to get him to honour a timeline in everyone of these deals. I have seen recycled glass in only small tanks that I ordered from BV, never in a large tank. Most of these were intended to be used for terreriums so not much water intended. Have had many large tanks including several that were in my own home and have not yet seen even one BV large tank leak. Can't say the same for all manufacturers.

Also for all those who bash BV everytime a thread like this one comes along I never read any stories about bad tanks, just bad service, and of course shower door glass in 200 gallon tanks, which we all know would be impossible to do!!!

MMAX I am sure your tank will be just fine when you add water and you will be even happier when you add up you savings by choosing BV!!!

o.c.d. 12-16-2009 01:16 PM

[quote=sphelps;472925]BVA is good for the money you pay, super cheap and good construction. I've never heard of a single problem despite the false info people provide about recycled glass.
Wow I think your too far away to hear the problems. I've heard plenty and BV has made a name for them selves over it. Ya don't pay any up front to Mitch. Mitch is the owner so WTF if you can't trust the owner that's not a problem. I've personally had to sit with my friend and almost force a tank build so it would actually get done. Just to mention a butt joint in the middle of a 14' long aquarium is a problem and a ugly one. Cheap yep, holds water , Worth it....Roll the dice.

Jamieh 12-16-2009 01:26 PM

More falsehood OCD. BV is actually owned by Mitch's parents and both Mitch and his Sister work there. They were formally known as Cameron Management and had a retail pet store just off 17th Ave SE.

o.c.d. 12-16-2009 01:31 PM

Sorry your right his parents tried to retire,let mitch run it in to the ground then had to come back to save it. They do call him the boss

lastlight 12-16-2009 04:46 PM

Anyone associated with an LFS is going to come to bat for Mitch. Why wouldn't they when they can sell his tanks and make a much better profit. I've seen with my own eyes massive windows with frames still on them. Maybe we aren't talking about shower doors but clearly glass is being repurposed and absolutely isn't always new. Unless they toss old beat-up wooden frames around new glass to make shipping easier.

Yeah these threads are lame. Always the same. And I always post. But I always assume that anyone who can't find the past threads (and there are many and they are easy to find) needs our help!

danny zubot 12-16-2009 04:57 PM

I've had a couple of BVA tanks and sumps over the years and never had an issue with it. I knew one guy who got his tank home and discovered a 1.5" scratch on his front starfire panel, but IMO was not that noticable; and couldn't have been if BVA didn't see it either. I realize that Mitch can be difficult to deal with over the phone, that is why I've always just gone into the shop to talk with them. He's much different in person, especially if you flash a bit of cash.:wink:

fishhunter8 12-16-2009 05:44 PM

I have just ordered a 90g tank through them. I agree Mitch is hard to deal with on the phone (lol it could be cuz he talks a hundred miles and hour) however the tank is paid for and were just waiting for it to be delivered. It is suppose to be here on the 23rd. Mitch did give good recommendations to other store to purchase live rock from so that was nice. Also for everyone who has been to cow town in Regina, the tank that holds the alligator, Mitch built that one (or at least thats what he told me???)
I do believe were taking a chance purchasing a tank from him but sometimes taking chances works out in your favor. And for the money we paid to have a tank built to our specifications, it seems to good to be true but you never know. I'll keep you posted once the tank is here and again once we have water in it.


sphelps 12-16-2009 06:00 PM

The bottom line is BVA has a good product for the price you pay, anyone that argues otherwise is likely going off internet rumors as appose to personal experience. Yes sometimes shortcuts are taken, sometimes the glass may not be 100% brand new of a truck and sometimes you have to wait but the price more than compensates for this and if you really do have sour grapes or don't approve then pay double and go with someone else.

BVA tanks are everywhere, most have then and don't even know. They build all sizes, well over 200 gallons and I've never heard or read about one leaking, this is not the case for almost every other tank manufacturer.

Also if you're really concerned about quality and warranty you're better sticking with an actual company that's been around for a while as appose to some dude that builds tanks for a few LFSs in his free time, just saying.

I'd say get a quote from a few companies and then make a decision.

kien 12-16-2009 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 473134)
The bottom line is BVA has a good product for the price you pay, anyone that argues otherwise is likely going off internet rumors as appose to personal experience. Yes sometimes shortcuts are taken, sometimes the glass may not be 100% brand new of a truck and sometimes you have to wait but the price more than compensates for this and if you really do have sour grapes or don't approve then pay double and go with someone else.

BVA tanks are everywhere, most have then and don't even know. They build all sizes, well over 200 gallons and I've never heard or read about one leaking, this is not the case for almost every other tank manufacturer.

Also if you're really concerned about quality and warranty you're better sticking with an actual company that's been around for a while as appose to some dude that builds tanks for a few LFSs in his free time, just saying.

I'd say get a quote from a few companies and then make a decision.

I think this is what the original poster is after, feedback from people with experience. I'm sure the OP is getting quotes from different places as they have another thread asking for a list of tank manufacturers.

Price is only one part of the buying experience. For some that may be all they care about, but for others (myself included), it is important to have a good purchasing experience from start to finish. So, I can buy a tank for $1000 or the same tank for $500. If I buy the tank for $500, sure I save half but then I have to harass the company to actually provide the product? Repeatedly? I have to put up with the supplier's lies about availability? I have to drive to the supplier's store repeatedly just to have a decent conversion with them about my undelivered product? I have to put up with the supplier cussing at me over the phone and hanging up on me mid sentence? So I save money to go through all that for a few weeks above and beyond the original date that the supplier promised the product would be ready for me? That may be acceptable for some people but not everyone.

I am speaking from personal experience.


sphelps 12-16-2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 473145)
Price is only one part of the buying experience. For some that may be all they care about, but for others (myself included), it is important to have a good purchasing experience from start to finish. So, I can buy a tank for $1000 or the same tank for $500. If I buy the tank for $500, sure I save half but then I have to harass the company to actually provide the product? Repeatedly? I have to put up with the supplier's lies about availability? I have to drive to the supplier's store repeatedly just to have a decent conversion with them about my undelivered product? I have to put up with the supplier cussing at me over the phone and hanging up on me mid sentence? So I save money to go through all that for a few weeks above and beyond the original date that the supplier promised the product would be ready for me? That may be acceptable for some people but not everyone.

I am speaking from personal experience.


It should be noted that not everyone has such experiences, some get tanks right away or within the quoted delivery time but some end up waiting longer. One must also realize that it's a fairly large supplier who supplies many LFSs and usually deals with large orders so your one off custom tank may not always be priority, if this is something you simply can't except then you're better off going with the one man type shows which typically only do the odd custom tank here and there so delivery isn't usually an issue with them.

StirCrazy 12-16-2009 09:16 PM

I usaly stay out of this one but what the heck.. BV has been around a long time, I talked to mitch about a tank about 9 years ago but decided on a smaller tank that I got a smoking deal on. would I buy a tank from BV ya.. I know it will take longer than said, I know mitch can be a bit hard to deal with but his work is good and his tanks have been shipped all over the US and canada. and I have never heard of anyone being disapointed with the tank, only the time it took. and if I was a major supplier for pet stores I would tend to put there business first over the walk ins also..

so.. armed with the knowlage of it going to take longer than your told, and maing sure your specifications and requirments are on paper, and actualy going to the store to make sure his understanding of your wants are the same as yours and you will have a good experiance..

I don't know anyone who would order a custom tank and it be imparitive to have it in 4 days, or even 2 weeks.. like anything else in this hobby.. paitents is a virtue.. so order stuff way befor you need it.


Ross 12-16-2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 473187)
I don't know anyone who would order a custom tank and it be imparitive to have it in 4 days, or even 2 weeks.. like anything else in this hobby.. paitents is a virtue.. so order stuff way befor you need it.

I had a 125 gallon tank (48" wide 20" depth 30" tall) made by Mitch at Bow Valley 8 months ago.

It was for a buddy of mine out of town that we were going to visit.
My buddy was sitting on the fence as to wether or not he needed another tank.

I called Mitch TWO days before we were to leave and asked to have the tank made up. Well he made it that day, and gave it a day to dry in his shop.
Price was discussed over the phone and no money exchanged hands till I picked it up.

This was a freshwater tank. So there was no overflows, holes drilled, etc.
I told him overall dimensions and that he wanted it eurobraced.

I'm sure that if I wanted to nit pick and have an overflow installed 12.25" from the edge, 2.375" from the bottom, with 3 holes drilled x" apart and so on, he would have not wanted to deal with me on short notice.

Most of the places that I called took longer to get back to me with their quotes than he had it made in.

Anyone thats ever been to the shop knows that he is constantly answering the phone to as an example people looking to have a 10 gallon tank made for cheaper than Walmart.

If he had someone who was controlling the front end more, rather than him working and answering the phone at the same time, im sure that most of the complaints would disappear.

When the time comes, I will buy a tank from him again.

StirCrazy 12-16-2009 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ross (Post 473188)
I had a 125 gallon tank (48" wide 20" depth 30" tall) made by Mitch at Bow Valley 8 months ago.

It was for a buddy of mine out of town that we were going to visit.
My buddy was sitting on the fence as to wether or not he needed another tank.

I called Mitch TWO days before we were to leave and asked to have the tank made up. Well he made it that day, and gave it a day to dry in his shop.
Price was discussed over the phone and no money exchanged hands till I picked it up.


Ok, so now I know some one who needed a custom tank fast :mrgreen:


Ross 12-16-2009 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 473194)
Ok, so now I know some one who needed a custom tank fast :mrgreen:

He survived a helicopter crash and had the realization that he shouldn't wait for one day...

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