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Bio Pellet solid Vodka carbon dosing! NEW INFO
O.C. is the first retailer to offer this very new and exciting product to the Canadian market!
NP Biopellets 500 ml (1/2 liter) Solid Vodka Dosing Pellets NP provides a novel filtration substrate entitled NP-reducing BioPellets to the professional aquarium industry. This includes public aquaria, zoos and aquaculture facilities. This product has been developed for (professional) aquarists who want to supply their aquarium inhabitants with large quantities of feeds without negatively affecting water quality. The husbandry of marine species which require large amounts of nutrition has made a crucial step forward with this new product. Examples of such species are Anthias fish, soft corals such as Dendronephthya sp. and filter feeders such as sea squirts. How It Works The positive effects of NP-reducing BioPellets on water quality are based on the principle of immobilization. Waste products from the water, mainly nitrate and phosphate, are converted into bacteria. This keeps the aquarium water clean. NP-reducing BioPellets are composed of biologically degradable polymers that can be placed in a fluidized filter or filter canister. The pellets will allow aerobic growth of bacteria which consequently will consume nitrate and phosphate simultaneously. The bacteria will use up the carbon from the BioPellets, while nitrogen and phosphorus are taken from the water as nitrate and (ortho) phosphate. This conversion of organic BioPellets (together with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus) into microbial biomass is called immobilization. In addition, anaerobic layers will develop, resulting in additional denitrification. The surplus of bacteria will be consumed by filter and suspension feeding organisms such as sponges and corals, or skimmed off by a protein skimmer. On average this “solid vodka method” takes 2-4 weeks to give rise to sufficient bacteria to allow nitrate and phosphate levels to drop. The main advantage of this method over using vodka or sugar as a carbon source is that NP-reducing BioPellets stimulate local growth of bacteria in a filter compartment, instead of all over in the aquarium where they may clog up pipes and hoses. They also prevent the growth of cyanobacteria, as the bacteria growing on NP-reducing BioPellets will compete with these phototrophic nuisance microbes. Finally, NP-reducing BioPellets will save the aquarist a lot of time, as no daily dosages of carbon are required. Product Guidelines NP-reducing Biopellets can be placed in canister filters or fluidized reactors. The latter configuration may yield better results, and prevents detritus buildup. A proper starting dosage is 0.5-1 liter of pellets per 500 liters of system volume (12,5-25 fl. oz. for every 100 USG). After about 2-4 weeks, nitrate and phosphate levels should start decreasing. For some aquaria experiencing heavy feeding, higher dosages are appropriate. Examples are aquaria which house large quantities of azooxanthellate corals, sponges, tunicates or large schools of Anthias fish. Dosages may be increased indefinitely, provided the aquarium water is sufficiently aerated. NP-reducing BioPellets are consumed by bacteria, which is why new pellets need to be added every 3-6 months to compensate for digested substrate. This can be seen during inspection of the filter. These figures however depend on aquarium conditions and are strongly influenced by feeding regimes and livestock. Taking regular measurements of both nitrate and phosphate levels in the aquarium is recommended, after which dosages may be increased or decreased. NP also suggests placing the outlet of the pellet filter in front of a protein skimmer, to limit the amount of bacteria entering the system. This has the additional benefit of increased gas exchange (CO2-removal and O2-addition). The pellets should never be used without sufficient aeration, as this may lead to low oxygen and pH levels, especially during night time. Proper aeration can be established with air pumps and protein skimmers. When heavy feeding is required, it is recommended to combine the pellets with standard phosphate adsorbents. The reason for this is that most aquarium feeds contain higher levels of phosphate than is consumed by bacteria, fish and invertebrates, when compared to nitrogen. Some phosphate adsorbents however deplete alkalinity and may reduce pH. Using phosphate adsorbent media based on iron hydroxide does not have this disadvantage. Important: - Maintain sufficient water flow through the BioPellets, to prevent production of hydrogen sulfide gas. - The use of ozone and UV will negatively affect bacterial recruitment of the BioPellets and increase the maturation time of the filter. - When nitrate and phosphate are already very low before applying BioPellets, a decrease in these levels may not be detectable with standard aquarium testkits. Disclaimer: Reef Interests, NPBioPellets.com and Coral Publications cannot be held responsible for any loss of livestock or damages to personal property which result from misusing NP-reducing BioPellets. Results Below you can find examples of animals which can be kept alive by using NP-reducing BioPellets. Especially in combination with a phosphate reactor and strong protein skimmer, heavy bioloads are possible. When using our substrate, you can feed larger amounts of live plankton, frozen feeds or dry feeds. The following list includes animals which have been proven to thrive in aquaria using NP-reducing BioPellets. Note that although NP-reducing BioPellets may also serve as a bacterial food source, feeding with various types of plankton (or artificial derivatives) is required to keep these animals alive for prolonged time. Fish: pipefish and dragonets (Synchiropus spp., Corythoichthys schultzi) Anthias spp. All major Teleost taxa currently kept alive in aquaria Bivalves: Flame Scallops (Lima scabra) Tridacna spp. Tunicates: Colonial sea squirts (Neptheis fascicularis) and solitary species Zooxanthellate Scleractinian corals: Goniopora spp., Alveopora spp. All major Scleractinian taxa currently kept alive in aquaria Azooxanthellate Scleractinian corals: Rhizotrochus typus, Tubastrea coccinea Zooxanthellate Octocorals: All major Octocoral taxa in currently kept alive in aquaria Azooxanthellate Octocorals: Menella spp., Swiftia exserta, Dendronephthya sp. Echinoderms: Comatula sp. Comanthina sp. Linckia laevigata Sponges: Trikentrion flabelliforme Cryptic species as well as medium-sized macro sponges http://www.premiumaquatics.com/images/NP-B500.jpg |
Far out!! Count me as an interested party, please and thank you! How much interest do you need to see before you could consider ordering some?
I've been considering trying them but am still doing some reading. I would probably be more willing to give it a shot if they were available locally.
I would be interested in seeing and knowing more.
Tom R |
I would need 3-5 people that are interested to bring it in, if enough people are interested I will add the product to our growing inventory of items available on our website. Interesting note: I have read about some people adding a small layer of these into the top of their Zeovit reactor with excellent results as far as the "mulm" that is produced that acts as coral and filter feeder food... I think a person would have to be careful as the product is still new, using them in too great of a concentration and or in combination with KZ etc could be detrimental if not done cautiously. Ian |
I'd like to check it out.
Cheers |
I would be interested in the pellets as well.
Bob |
Hmmm, interesting. I was starting to Vodka dose, but kept forgetting. These, one would put in like a Phos reactor or something and just adjust water flow???
I'm definitely interested! Sounds cool, and promising.
Okay, it looks like I have enough interest to bring some of these packages into stock, anyone wanting to commit to a bag please let me know so I can order extras.
Here is the pricing; NP Biopellets 500 ml (1/2 liter) $64.99 NP Biopellets 1000 ml (1 liter) $109.95 Ian |
OKay, I'll play and try a 1/2 liter. Thanks Ian.
PM-a-coming your way :mrgreen:
NP Biopellets are now available on our website on a pre-order basis, shipping sometime the 2nd or 3rd week of December!
Thanks for all the Pm's and input. :wink: Ian Webmaster/Dry goods |
Tatu Vaajalahti showing off the bacterial growth taking place in his reverse flow filter. NP Bio Pellets are a unique carbon based polymer that doubles as a substrate and food source for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Like adding a liquid carbon source such as Vodka or VSV, we still cannot control what bacteria are growing–however, these pellets should inherently provide more control through the location that the bacterial growth occurs (on the pellets!). It has been referred to as the Solid Vodka method for the large bacterial biomass that can be generated and then exported via protein skimming. Reef Interests, the manufacturer of NP Bio Pellets, has stated they have a patent on their unique biodegradable polymer. “NP-reducing BioPellets are composed of biologically degradable polymers that can be placed in a fluidized filter or filter canister. The pellets will allow aerobic growth of bacteria which consequently will consume nitrate and phosphate simultaneously. The bacteria will use up the carbon from the BioPellets, whilst nitrogen and phosphorus are taken from the water as nitrate and (ortho)phosphate. This conversion of organic BioPellets (together with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus) into microbial biomass is called immobilization. In addition, anaerobic layers will develop, resulting in additional denitrification.” |
We have more stock of these Biopellets arriving shortly, pre-orders are welcome!
My order is in.
Great, we will contact you when they are available! Thank you. |
is there more info on this? maybe reviews or something for me to read?
Steve |
http://reefcentral.com/forums/showth...=1694529&%29// edit: Fixed link. |
For those planning on running the pellets as a stand alone pro-biotic regimen, O.C. suggests the use of our Next-Reef MR1 Shorty reactor, this guy is a perfect size for tanks up to 200G when using Biopellets.
The MR1 Shorty also comes with the hang on adapter. We also have a package deal complete with your first bag of pellets and MR1 Shorty reactor at a $25 savings. |
manufacturer |
Do you accept paypal :D
Paypal is fine! P.S. How are the lights I sold you? :mrgreen: Ian |
Our whole next order has now been sold, we have put in another order but the supplier is out of 1000ml bags. For those wanting the 1000ml size we will ship you two 500ml instead. Thanks. Ian O.C. |
Lights are awesome, Love the color. Everything's doing GREAT now, even the GHA LOL That's why I want some Pellets. Got to build a canopy 'floating' around the lights, to house some T5's as well I think, to fill in some blank spots and add a little more flourescence to the corals. How much pellets are needed for a 150g? Was going to run them in my TLF Phos reactor, instead of Phosban. Is there a PP option on your site? I havn't been to the checkout yet. |
Interesting read, but still a lot of unanswered questions and a few important ones befor I would even concider using this product.
has this paper the creater of this product has been taking about explaining its properties and such been released yet? I would realy like to know what exactly is in this.. don't care what the ratios are but would like to be able to put my mind at ease that there is nothing that could cause a long tearm problem down the road.. and I am not one for the "trust me" thing. If this is totaly safe and some hard test results are released that show a reduction in PO4 it would be a great thing for people who hate dosing. Steve |
Glad you like the lights, they are a great setup! Don't forget we have great prices on the Phoenix bulbs. For 150g you would need to run anywhere between 500-1000ml depending how much you feed etc. The key is to start small and work your way up to more pellets. A Phosban reactor would work just fine! Our website has a PP option upon check out. Ian |
Hmm, interesting. I'll have to do some reading and also see the results/benefits of using with Zeovit. Thanks.
Is there an existing thread (Reefcentral) to find out the benefits/risks of this new product. If you know a link.
Look here! http://reefcentral.com/forums/showth...=1694529&%29// |
the guy who came up with this stuff and is marketing it had mentions they were putting togeather a paper on the product its self that would answer the questions but it isn't out yet I guess. all the links to it are just advertising and on RC the few people that are running it cannot give it a proper review as one is still dosing vodka at the same time, and the other is not getting results yet. Charels Delbrek (I think that how it is spelt) was given some to review a couple months ago but hasn't had tome to try it yet. Like anything new a lot of questions and no answers yet and not proven.. the biggest questions by RHF are about the ingreadence of this stuff.. as it breaks down what exactly will be released into the tank and over the long tearm will there be any problems caused because of this. I imagin that they are waiting for there patent to go through befor they release what is in it. Steve |
Why not have a few people trial it on canreef , like Aqua Digital does with his products.......
If we were the distributor for the product in Canada we would most certainly do some trials; however, we are not in a position to do this. I think most people realize this is a new product and idea that has shown some extremely positive results thus far. the RC forum that we are following does show multiple people that are experiencing great results but people using it the first time should practice caution and start slow. We are going to use these pellets on our own tanks for our livestock holding facility. I do have a volunteer that is going to do an in depth thread and review of the product once he receives his order. |
right on sounds good looking forward to the positive and negitive results
I am not dosing anything right now, I was trying Vodka, but could not commit to daily dosing. I do have a butload of GHA, so we'll see how this does reducing my N+P |
First batch of Pellets have arrived and will be shipping out Monday. For those that ordered this last week yours will be shipping out late next week or just after Christmas.
O.C. |
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