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BlueTang<3 11-26-2009 11:20 PM

180 Gallon New FTS
So i am completely new to having a computer was using the blackberry before so no pictures of tank info ever updated so lets give it a shot have a low end p&s camera so pics not he best but whatever

So for our tank we have a 180 gallon eurobraced single overflow tank nothing fancy

4 mp40 vortechs
60" 8x80w ati powermodule
bubble kin supermarine 200
red dragon 8.2 return pump

Live stock
1 Naso Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Purple Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Regal Tang
1 Blotched Anthasis
1 Sunburst anthasis
1 Bartlett Anthasis
4 Lyrtail Anthasis
1 Mystery wrasse
1 Leopard wrasse
1 flame angel
2 Percula Clowns
4 bangaiis
2 mandrins
1 Royal gramma
1 Swales swiss guard basslet
1 Henecoius Butterflyfish

8 clams

As for Corals

BlueTang<3 11-26-2009 11:24 PM


BlueTang<3 11-26-2009 11:25 PM

Let me know
let me know what you think :wink:

Leah 11-26-2009 11:34 PM

:mrgreen: Very nice :mrgreen:

chris121277 11-26-2009 11:42 PM

nice looking tank, good job on the rock work.

Mr.nintendo 11-27-2009 12:01 AM

Looking awesome!

rjengen 11-27-2009 12:09 AM

Great looking tank man!

Abbyreefer 11-27-2009 12:12 AM

ya, the rockwork looks great ! That's usually the toughest part :)

hillegom 11-27-2009 12:23 AM

agreed, I like the rockwork! caves, ledges layout.
Did I say I like the rockwork?

BlueTang<3 11-27-2009 12:27 AM

rock work
i need to thank my gf for that i have no patience lol i just get mad. it is her job she makes it look good thanks guys it took a while alot of money and time but it is in our bedroom as a wall

kien 11-27-2009 12:54 AM

nice! But.. um.. why is there no Blue Tang in your tank ?!? :lol:

Delphinus 11-27-2009 01:06 AM

Diggin' that sparkly rose! :cool:

BlueTang<3 11-27-2009 01:10 AM

yeah no blue tangs for us the naso is the only tang for me we had a 90 gallon with a bonded pair well maybe not just two smaller ones that were never apart attached at the fin i guess lol before hence the name blue tang with the heart lol so i try to keep the bio load down as the crappy skimmer and the rose is even better in picture thanks BOB for it just imagine the brightest neon pink you can that is the colour i will try for a better picture :biggrin:

BlueTang<3 11-28-2009 08:59 PM

new pics
oh a new box at my door wonder what that is

The Codfather 11-28-2009 09:40 PM

Looks good, like the skimmer by the way.

BlueTang<3 12-01-2009 03:22 AM

so supermarine 200 has been running since friday and all i have managed is overflow :sad::sad::sad: kinda sad as to the hype of these skimmers i hope it turns around

The Codfather 12-01-2009 04:12 AM

Patience, I will get you that info tomorrow

BlueTang<3 12-05-2009 03:35 AM

well i realized that the skimmer does not fair too well with the tap water got some carbon in the tank and it perked up bubble level dropped to where it should be let it tune for a few days pics to follow

BlueTang<3 12-06-2009 03:15 PM

this is since friday still tuning skimmer bubble level low in body and still pulling this crap out my water must be nasty

prodogg02 12-06-2009 05:31 PM

i bet it smells nice to ijust hav a coral life super 65 on my 75 gall i get stuff like that smells like someone did a number2 in my cup nasty :puke:

BlueTang<3 12-16-2009 11:11 PM

new pics
so added a new salifin and sps corals also picked up a new return pump and vertex rodi unit pics to follow and trying out a video sorry for the crappy shots camera is low end and internet is so slow to upload movies

BlueTang<3 12-16-2009 11:26 PM

BlueTang<3 12-16-2009 11:27 PM

BlueTang<3 12-16-2009 11:29 PM


BlueTang<3 12-18-2009 04:07 AM

well got the rodi unit plumed in and now making mater first batch with rodi water hopefully the skimmer will turn around

Chase31 01-09-2010 11:19 PM

looking really good :)

Lance 01-10-2010 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Chase31 (Post 479958)
looking really good :)

+1 :biggrin:

burrows14 01-10-2010 01:37 AM

Looks great! i really like your aquascape! lots of nice tunnels caves

BlueTang<3 01-10-2010 02:36 AM

thanks i guess i should update it as i recently added a controller and 25+ sps frags but it is a chore with the time of year and well bad start to the new year girlfriend has blown out her knee at her soccer all star game and is looking like surgery tank may get neglected soon for a bit on a side note working on finding a calcium reactor :biggrin:

BlueTang<3 01-10-2010 02:44 AM

pics from dec 26

BlueTang<3 01-10-2010 02:46 AM

fishytime 01-10-2010 02:07 PM

:surprise: 25 sps frags....holy cow man!...gonna have that thing stuffed in no time:biggrin:.....Looks many Bartlets(?) do you have?

BlueTang<3 01-10-2010 03:17 PM

they are not the Bartlett anthias there a lyretail i got 4 just cause they were the most amazing colour bright orange with purple eyes and one is transforming into a male as for sps it is doing pretty good we have lost 2 frags so far in about 2 months not bad i must say i never really liked sps when i first started but after going to calgary and seeing full tanks of it it looks amazing and yeah it is a start

BlueTang<3 01-24-2010 03:27 AM

so started a full zeo system already noticing a difference in water clarity and polyp extension what camera should i use i will try for pictures or my sps tomorrow :biggrin:

BlueTang<3 02-07-2010 03:16 AM

BlueTang<3 02-13-2010 02:10 PM

BlueTang<3 02-13-2010 03:13 PM

tank on sept 2009

Much Change ?

BlueTang<3 03-13-2010 03:38 AM

fishytime 03-13-2010 03:42 AM

Love the flame hawkfish......just chillin in the background....doin what hawks do.......sit there:biggrin:

BlueTang<3 03-13-2010 03:44 AM

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