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danny zubot 10-19-2009 04:33 AM

Name your poison
Just curious as to what people like to drink while either working on their tank or just relaxing in front of it.

banditpowdercoat 10-19-2009 04:44 AM

Whiskey and Beer here. Beer tonight. I never say no to a Scotch either :D

megs_clark 10-19-2009 04:47 AM

Well i sit and inspect my tank quite often, so in the morning tea, afternoon juice, after work out water, evening a cocktail. Vodka, malabu, paralizer, lol,

sphelps 10-19-2009 05:05 AM

Haha public poll, good thing I didn't vote coolers :lol:

ElGuappo 10-19-2009 05:28 AM

noting but jack Daniels. 3 beers give me a worse hangover than a night of unknown amounts of Jack. all clear liquor destroys my head for 3 days.

torrid_07 10-19-2009 05:30 AM

i would have to agree with the scotch prefer it with coke, or a dark rum and coke (sailor jerrys) good old sj!

Ron99 10-19-2009 05:54 AM

Well, the 75 gallon is in my youngest daughter's bedroom and the iReef is in the older daughter's bedroom so usually no drinking in front of the tanks :lol:

But otherwise I enjoy a decent darker beer. Developed a taste for Gulden Draak recently. It's a really tasty dark belgian beer. Also happens to be fairly stong at 10.5% :mrgreen:

That and a good single malt whiskey every now and then.

KennyKen 10-19-2009 05:58 AM

nothing else. clean, pure, no sugar, no hangover.

dylanserbin 10-19-2009 08:24 AM

a deep red wine with a dryness to it. Doesnt get better.

Ephraim 10-19-2009 02:13 PM

i have done some serious damage to my rock pile when hammered. it seems like whenever i get really torqued i get "great ideas" about how to restack the rock to make it look better.

i now have a 8 beers=dry hands rule.

banditpowdercoat 10-19-2009 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ephraim (Post 456256)
i have done some serious damage to my rock pile when hammered. it seems like whenever i get really torqued i get "great ideas" about how to restack the rock to make it look better.

i now have a 8 beers=dry hands rule.

LMAO, I'm the same way, about everything when I drink :D

Leah 10-19-2009 02:36 PM

All I drink is coffee with International delight-fat free of coarse... ha, it is fattening enough. :wink:

noirsphynx 10-19-2009 02:44 PM

Funny this thread was started, I was just looking at the Wine & Food Festival coming up. I'm hoping I can make it this year.

fishytime 10-19-2009 04:07 PM

52% of us drink beer......what a bunch of hosers eh?:lol:

Aquattro 10-19-2009 04:50 PM

Is somebody going to add coco to the poll??

Leah 10-19-2009 05:20 PM

Is that cocoa or something else????

bvlester 10-19-2009 05:34 PM

I don't know but I did put Scotch/Whiskey but I have vodka also. but about 95 % of the time I have a cup of Jo.


PoonTang 10-19-2009 06:05 PM

A good single malt on the rocks. Or if Im feeling a little more barbaric then just a can of good 'ol Lucky Lager.

michika 10-19-2009 06:15 PM

Rum and Vodka here! Wine on rare occasions too.

lastlight 10-19-2009 06:38 PM

Diet Pepsi. Always!

Binare 10-19-2009 06:38 PM

Red stripe or appleton for me. Hmmm... No I'm not Jamiacan n never been... Guess they just make good booze.

Coincidentally 10-19-2009 06:52 PM

You can vote on more than one! I can never have more than a couple or I fall asleep though.:laluot_28:

fishoholic 10-19-2009 08:44 PM

There is pretty much only one alcoholic drink I like and it has a name I'm going to get bugged about, it's called a "Porn Star" It is 1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur 1/2 oz Sour Puss raspberry liqueur mixed in a glass of sprite. Best drink ever IMO :mrgreen: Also tastes good with a shot of pineapple juice added.

Coincidentally 10-19-2009 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 456319)
There is pretty much only one alcoholic drink I like and it has a name I'm going to get bugged about, it's called a "Porn Star" It is 1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur 1/2 oz Sour Puss raspberry liqueur mixed in a glass of sprite. Best drink ever IMO :mrgreen:

The "porn star" is actually the shooter with no sprite added. But even better with the sprite. Another really good drink may like is a "rusty conch" It is the raspberry sourpuss with malibu, pineapple and sprite. ( I worked at a a college bar)

noirsphynx 10-19-2009 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 456319)
There is pretty much only one alcoholic drink I like and it has a name I'm going to get bugged about, it's called a "Porn Star" It is 1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur 1/2 oz Sour Puss raspberry liqueur mixed in a glass of sprite. Best drink ever IMO :mrgreen: Also tastes good with a shot of pineapple juice added.

That's a yummy one but I know it as being called Holy Water, talk about totally opposite names, lol.

sphelps 10-19-2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by noirsphynx (Post 456323)
That's a yummy one but I know it as being called Holy Water, talk about totally opposite names, lol.

Well if you think about they are the same, it's just a different audience, people worship different things :lol:

pelle31 10-19-2009 10:59 PM

BlueAbyss 10-19-2009 11:26 PM

I'm known to partake in a number of drinks, depending on where I am and who I'm drinking with... at home, it's normally Kokanee.

untamed 10-19-2009 11:36 PM

Wow...this is a popular thread!

Tall, dark and dirty... dark rum and coke for me! Preferably any rum from the Caribbean. I'm as predictable as the seasons. I can even back this up with a photo or two.

This was the day that the bar went onto the aquarium...

The glass bar beside the tank has six assorted dark rum bottles...including the cool one that looks like a scuba tank.

marie 10-19-2009 11:42 PM

Has anyone else noticed there is one person who will drink anything while relaxing in front of their tank? :razz: :lol:

untamed 10-19-2009 11:46 PM

Oh...I forgot mention that the tank itself has developed a vodka habit...although the tank likes to cut it with a bit of vinegar and sugar.

mike31154 10-20-2009 02:17 AM

Nice job Untamed. If you like dark rum, check into a little gem called Stroh. It's from Austria of all places. I developed a taste for it while skiing in Europe, the Austrians use it to make a hot beverage called Jagatee. Very potent (80%). I could do one at lunch and go back to ski the afternoon veeery welaxed. If you dared to do two of these at lunch, forget about skiing the rest of the day, it would be extremely hazardous to yourself and most probably others.

Generally I quaff a beer when I'm tanking (reefing? aquariuming?), but I also like wine, a single malt Scotch on rare occasions and of course the odd Stroh rum. It's hard to source though, so I'm quite frugal with the Stroh.

lobsterboy 10-20-2009 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 456303)
Diet Pepsi. Always!

+1 here, love that stuff.

Trabby 10-20-2009 04:18 AM

Well speaking from experience I have to 100% agree. I never ever liked rum until I went to jamaica. Infact prior to going we picked up a bottle of appletons. After trying that I said they had better make a good beer afterall red stripe beer and jerked chicken was number 1 on the list.I drank at least a three year supply of RUM it was sinfully good the sooner you get to Jamaica the better mon!!.

Originally Posted by Binare (Post 456304)
Red stripe or appleton for me. Hmmm... No I'm not Jamiacan n never been... Guess they just make good booze.

fishoholic 10-20-2009 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Coincidentally (Post 456321)
The "porn star" is actually the shooter with no sprite added. But even better with the sprite. Another really good drink may like is a "rusty conch" It is the raspberry sourpuss with malibu, pineapple and sprite. ( I worked at a a college bar)


Originally Posted by noirsphynx (Post 456323)
That's a yummy one but I know it as being called Holy Water, talk about totally opposite names, lol.

Interesting, whenever I go to the bar and ask for a porn star, the drink mixed with sprite is what they give me.

danny zubot 10-20-2009 04:36 AM

Wow what a turn out! I didn't put diet Pepsi or tea or cocao because the thread is called name your POISON.:biggrin: But maybe I should have added the coffee with International Delight because to me that is poison.:razz:

Untamed, your Barquarium puts mine to shame but I have to say great minds think alike.:wink:

banditpowdercoat 10-20-2009 04:40 AM

What, Pepsi IS poison. To me LOL. I dont do cola's Only "pop" that I mix with my wiskey is Ginger Ale. And even then, I like to cut it with water.

Now, Mountian Dew, theres a good pop

lobsterboy 10-20-2009 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by danny zubot (Post 456475)
Wow what a turn out! I didn't put diet Pepsi or tea or cocao because the thread is called name your POISON.:biggrin:

one word aspartame, i still love diet pepsi and i drink way way to much of it.

anyways. great topic.

Trabby 10-20-2009 05:11 AM

Could you imagine how much money we would all have if we didn't spend it all on booze and reefing!!

Originally Posted by danny zubot (Post 456475)
Wow what a turn out! I didn't put diet Pepsi or tea or cocao because the thread is called name your POISON.:biggrin: But maybe I should have added the coffee with International Delight because to me that is poison.:razz:

Untamed, your Barquarium puts mine to shame but I have to say great minds think alike.:wink:

untamed 10-20-2009 05:34 AM

We had one of our reefer meetings in Vancouver some time ago at a restaurant called "the Reef". It was basically Jamaican/Caribbean food....

Anyway...we sit down and instead of a wine list, they give me a rum menu... Best restaurant ever!

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