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BlueWorldAquatic 09-28-2009 03:32 PM

Fish Request Thread
This thread will be used for the "Fish Request".

These are not guaranteed, but those that know me, I do my best to fill request in a timely manner.

Ken - BWA

The Codfather 10-02-2009 02:31 PM

Paracentropyge boylei
Here's one to bring in Ken-
Paracentropyge boylei - Peppermint Angel
Just joking, interesting though.

noirsphynx 10-02-2009 02:50 PM

Yellow-line Goby - Elacatinus figaro& maybe a Red Head Goby - Gobiosoma punticulatuson, on ORA's site. Trimma goby.

.........Got the yellow line.

fishoholic 10-06-2009 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by noirsphynx (Post 451924)
Yellow-line Goby - Elacatinus figaro & maybe a Red Head Goby - Gobiosoma punticulatuson, on ORA's site. Trimma goby.

:lol: great minds think alike, I was just going to post asking Ken to get in a Red Head Goby (Elacatinus puncticulatus)


Also Chevron Tang's are nice as well as a Starry blenny and an Ember Blenny (Cirripectes stigmaticus)

BlueWorldAquatic 10-06-2009 03:29 AM

got a few cheverons comming this week with a few achillies.

Over the next few weeks I am starting to focus on my "Little Blue World" section with Nano fish that don't get larger then 2".

ORA here we come.


noirsphynx 10-06-2009 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 452863)
:lol: great minds think alike, I was just going to post asking Ken to get in a Red Head Goby (Elacatinus puncticulatus)


noirsphynx 10-06-2009 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 452866)
Over the next few weeks I am starting to focus on my "Little Blue World" section with Nano fish that don't get larger then 2".

ORA here we come.



fishoholic 10-06-2009 04:09 AM

Fairy wrasses are always cool, and I still want a leopard wrasse

noirsphynx 10-06-2009 04:22 AM

The Blue Flasher Wrasse is really nice. I'd even consider adding a male to my tank.

BlueWorldAquatic 10-06-2009 03:32 PM

communicating with ORA on the gobies, probaly bring some of each for early next week, as they ship Mon & Weds.


Jeff_ 10-06-2009 05:18 PM

Anglers/ Frogfish - Warty Frogfish (Antennarius maculatus) or Painted Frogfish (Antennarius Pictus)

BlueWorldAquatic 10-06-2009 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff_ (Post 452972)
Anglers/ Frogfish - Warty Frogfish (Antennarius maculatus) or Painted Frogfish (Antennarius Pictus)

On the next bali order

nnanu 10-22-2009 08:13 PM

Blue flasher Wrasse, Red Head Goby, Small Regal Tang, Long Fin McCosker's Wrasse, and a male black Seahorse. That would be my list.

Jessie55 10-25-2009 05:52 AM

Juvenile Tomini Tang please and i would love some birdsnest coral.....

leducreef 10-25-2009 07:23 AM

sps lol

Jeff_ 10-27-2009 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 452987)
On the next bali order

any updates for frogfish? haven't seen any on the last few order lists.

BlueWorldAquatic 10-27-2009 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by nnanu (Post 457162)
Blue flasher Wrasse, Red Head Goby, Small Regal Tang, Long Fin McCosker's Wrasse, and a male black Seahorse. That would be my list.

THursdays order has most but the red headed goby

BlueWorldAquatic 10-27-2009 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jeff_ (Post 458361)
any updates for frogfish? haven't seen any on the last few order lists.

I think I have a few this Thursday also

Jeff_ 10-27-2009 04:01 AM

awesome! :mrgreen: :clap2:

leducreef 10-27-2009 04:40 AM

when are you geting those acros lol :lol:

BlueWorldAquatic 10-27-2009 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by leducreef (Post 458376)
when are you geting those acros lol :lol:

Hold your horses, you know my supplier is hand picking me a few boxes in Indonesia right now. Keep it up and I won't tell you when they come in :mrgreen:

leducreef 10-27-2009 06:48 AM

ha ha lol i just got to give you a hard time somtimes ken
i am i no hurry anyways need lights first :biggrin:

nnanu 10-27-2009 03:44 PM

That's awesome Ken. Also, I would add a Watanabe's Angel if that is a possible find.


BlueWorldAquatic 10-27-2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by nnanu (Post 458457)
That's awesome Ken. Also, I would add a Watanabe's Angel if that is a possible find.


Should be next week. Also we know we can ship to you easily now too.


BlueWorldAquatic 10-27-2009 04:50 PM


Ken, Both the Sharknose Gobie ( E.evelynae)which are close to neons, and the Yellowline ( E. figaro) are looking good in numbers. Red Heads are growing now should be ready in a few weeks.
You'll see the gobies on our Nov. 1st email.
Email from ORA, so red heads will be on my Nov 1st order, anyone else want ORA fish speak now, as I make limited orders from them.


BlueWorldAquatic 10-27-2009 11:39 PM

October 27th update
October 27th update

Pretty much everything that was requested is in the store except for the red head goby and Watanabe's Angel and frogfish.

Watanabe's Angel is due Friday

Ken - BWA

noirsphynx 10-28-2009 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 458576)
October 27th update
Pretty much everything that was requested is in the store except for the red head goby and Watanabe's Angel and frogfish.
Ken - BWA

The yellow neon gobies aren't in yet either, right?

BlueWorldAquatic 10-28-2009 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by noirsphynx (Post 458585)
The yellow neon gobies aren't in yet either, right?

will be on the ORA order.


Jessie55 10-28-2009 12:38 AM

Tomini? i must have missed it when i stopped by last week and really really really really really want birdsnest please.....

BlueWorldAquatic 10-28-2009 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Jessie55 (Post 458595)
Tomini? i must have missed it when i stopped by last week and really really really really really want birdsnest please.....

Tomini next week, and we have a Special Indo SPS order due November

noirsphynx 11-19-2009 02:59 PM

Mini, Blue Eye Dart (Tryssogobius colini)
Mini, Dart Goby (Aioliops megastigma)
Trimma Red Spotted (Trimma rubromaculatus)
Red Striper (Trimma cana)
Orange Belly Flag Tail (Trimma tevegae)

Jessie55 11-26-2009 04:45 AM

When will the frag tank be filled again it was my favourite.... : (

The Grizz 11-26-2009 05:18 AM

tangs / butterflies
I was hoping you could tell me what you have for small Tangs and or Butterflies. I really need to get my but up there to store.

BlueWorldAquatic 11-26-2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by noirsphynx (Post 465555)
Mini, Blue Eye Dart (Tryssogobius colini)
Mini, Dart Goby (Aioliops megastigma)
Trimma Red Spotted (Trimma rubromaculatus)
Red Striper (Trimma cana)
Orange Belly Flag Tail (Trimma tevegae)


You really try to challenge me don't you? Will do my best to source them out.

Red Heads will be in next week from ORA, and Yellow Neons.


BlueWorldAquatic 11-26-2009 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 467778)
I was hoping you could tell me what you have for small Tangs and or Butterflies. I really need to get my but up there to store.

We usually have a decent supply for tangs and butterflys.

If we don't have it in stock, we have a Great supplier that if we order by Monday, we get it Wed/Thurs, and they are virtually eating within hours after acclimation.

PM me if you have any specific questions.


noirsphynx 11-26-2009 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 467913)

You really try to challenge me don't you? Will do my best to source them out.

Red Heads will be in next week from ORA, and Yellow Neons.


:becky: You know me, I like the tiny and unusual little guys. You don't have to get them all in, even one or two would be great.


noirsphynx 12-04-2009 02:14 AM

Gobiodon atrangulatus "War Paint Clown Goby" I REALLY miss my guy.

BlueWorldAquatic 12-04-2009 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 467778)
I was hoping you could tell me what you have for small Tangs and or Butterflies. I really need to get my but up there to store.

I usually try to have a stockk or small & large fish of all stock I get in.

I learned not everyone wants a huge yellow tang.

PM me or call the store is you want anything in particular, I have 3 orders weekly.


BlueWorldAquatic 12-04-2009 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by noirsphynx (Post 469887)

I have a few in the left nano tank.


noirsphynx 12-04-2009 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 469894)
I have a few in the left nano tank.


You have the regular painted ones but not the war paint style. I looked today.

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