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How things change- new pic
I would like to announce the arrival of my second daughter Keelyn. She came into this world at 3:08 am this morning, and is very healthy and active after a short 28 hrs of labour (22 hrs were spent at home, only the last 6 hrs were bad and spent at the hospital) . I would like to thank all of you who helped out during this time. As for my wife, she is okay and should be home later on today, myself, once again a proud father. This being said, I am off to bed, haven't slept since yesterday.
Thanks again you guys, you know who you are, i appreciate it, Bob |
Alright! Congratulations to you and your family! We all welcome a new baby reefer.
Congratulations :new-bday:
Congratulations to you and yours!
Dude that awesome! Congrats!!!
Hope to see some pics when you're able! |
Congratulations on your new arrival Bob! Second daughter eh? Going to try again for a boy? :biggrin:
Reid (father of 3 girls!) |
Congrats but I noticed that you posted on here very soon after your baby girl was born. I hope you notified your family first (unlike another reefer I know - and its NOT me) who told all his fish friends on the boards hours before letting his & his wife's families know:lol:
Pics please. Did you cut the umbilical? Anthony |
Congrats Bob;
Great to hear it went excellent. Another reefer to the hobby. Get some sleep while you can. Kevin |
congrats :lilangel:
Congrats Bob!!
Congrats!!! We could use some more chick reefers :mrgreen:
Thanks everyone, I will put up a pic. as soon as i download them. Looks exactly the same as our first daughter, only smaller, she was only 7lb 4 oz. Well i guess i am out numbered 3:1 in this house now, not that anything i said was listened too anyway. She is healthy and eating so that all that counts. I am off to the hospital again, my daughter Jordan hasn't seen the baby yet, so that's the first order of business, the second, get the rest of my family home. I can't believe i am starting this all over again, as for a third? I have a feeling that's going to be a hard one to pull off, I am closer to 40 than I am to 30, and I don't think momma will fall for it. Then again, stranger things have happened.
Bob |
Awesome to hear everyone's healthy and happy! Congrats on the addition of another cod!
Congrats !!!
Congrats...you'll have to share with me how you found the energy to try two let alone three.
Congrats Bob, I wish for you and your family all the health and hapiness for life long. :) see you soon :)
Bob, from my family to yours, our best wishes and congratulations. Drop me a line if you need anything!
Jason |
Bobby-bye!....... Congrats from Gail and I...having a C-gar in your honor...when does man-ternity leave start?
Funny you should mention that Doug, I will be taking Jan. to Sept. off in paternity leave, thank God for my union benefits. I picked up my girls and brought them home last night, Keelyn is very active and hungry. Oh, I forgot about the feeding every 3-4 hours, that really sucks. But both my wife and I do it together, makes it alot easier for both of us, I am sure she is more tired than I. Here is a couple of pics of both my new daughter and the two together. Bob
http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/t...9/DSC00014.jpghttp://i617.photobucket.com/albums/t...9/DSC00018.jpg |
Beautiful together! Hopefully that's a good-big-sister spell she's casting hehe.
10 wks and growing
Healthy looking codlet. Congrats again ;) sleeping through the night yet?
Not yet, good night is 6 hours, but at least it is getting longer. How is your wife? I hope she is feeling better, again, if there is anything we can do, let us know.
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