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conix67 09-04-2009 06:43 AM

conix's 75G
Hi Everyone,

I am a new member in this forum, just joined today. I'd like share my experience with my own 75G setup here. This setup was started off with a used complete setup from someone.


75G all-glass-aquarium /w megaflow
25G sump /w refugium
Tunze 9010 skimmer
Koralia 3
Tunze nano stream 6025
4x54W T5HO Tek retro
Two little fishes Phosban reactor /w activated carbon

The tank has been up and running for about 3 months, and most live stocks and rocks are from my previous 12G nano.

Fast forwarding all 3 months, this is how it looked just days ago

The rock scaping bothered me too much, so 2 days ago most of large pieces were removed from the middle. It now has a lot more open space for fishes..

lobsterboy 09-04-2009 06:47 AM

welcome to canreef.

nice tank, wait till those SPS grow out, its going to be a nice coral scaped valley:razz:

conix67 09-04-2009 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by lobsterboy (Post 445517)
welcome to canreef.

nice tank, wait till those SPS grow out, its going to be a nice coral scaped valley:razz:

Thanks! I can't wait till the day those SPS grow out..

SeaHorse_Fanatic 09-04-2009 08:16 AM

I like the open scape of the second pic much better. Welcome to Canreef btw.


Skimmerking 09-04-2009 12:57 PM

ya Me too love the second picture its like looking at 2 reef walls coming together...


conix67 09-04-2009 09:34 PM

Thanks everyone! The reason I ended up with #1 is miscalculation on amount of rocks I needed for this setup. I had various LRs and base rocks, about over 100lbs, and I was determined to use them all, while building tunnels for fishes to hide and feed secure.

I wish I had done this sooner, and I like more open scape a lot better. Now it looks like it's ready to accept few more fishes (have a couple waiting in QT).

muck 09-04-2009 09:48 PM

Welcome to Canreef conix67!!

Is that a Dendo I see?

conix67 09-04-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by muck (Post 445614)
Welcome to Canreef conix67!!

Is that a Dendo I see?

Thanks! Yes, it is a Dendro frag, about a year old.

JDigital 09-04-2009 10:56 PM

Very Nice 75 conix! Really like the new aquascape!

Welcome to Canreef!

subman 09-05-2009 01:16 AM


I just took out about 60lbs of rock as well. I thought the more the better but I couldn't get enough flow to keep it clean. Much better now! Love the new look.

conix67 09-07-2009 02:15 AM

Addition of some bright SPS frags for change
Thanks everyone for positive comments! I'm really enjoying this forum since I joined.

Update today -

Although I've been resisting temptation of getting more SPS frags, as the colonies look a lot better, I decided to try another batch, mostly very light colored ones, and easy to keep ones mostly (millies, montis).

New frags ready to be drip acclimatized..

after a few hours, all of them were glued in position in my 75G.. FTS update

side view, my RBTA split is almost brushing against other SPS frags.. this guy needs to find a new home soon!

These are the frags, photos taken after they are added to the 75G. Very bright colors! I sure wish I could keep them that way! Crossing my fingers...

Skimmerking 09-07-2009 03:08 AM

Now that's that way to have a reef tank growning them from frags. I hate when people will buy colonies and then post "look at my tank, look how much it has grown". When you gr9own from frags you see results and you see how much remand CAL and ALK and MAG you are using and you get use to dosing and measuring for your tank. When you have huge colonies you can say look how much they have grown , because mother nautre grew them for you.

any ways well done on the tank .loos great. love the color's just remember if you have some thing that is yellow and you put it under 12k,14,20 k your going to get another color like green. so it may not be you its just the light that you have in your tank.

conix67 09-07-2009 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by asmodeus (Post 446088)
Now that's that way to have a reef tank growning them from frags. I hate when people will buy colonies and then post "look at my tank, look how much it has grown". When you gr9own from frags you see results and you see how much remand CAL and ALK and MAG you are using and you get use to dosing and measuring for your tank. When you have huge colonies you can say look how much they have grown , because mother nautre grew them for you.

any ways well done on the tank .loos great. love the color's just remember if you have some thing that is yellow and you put it under 12k,14,20 k your going to get another color like green. so it may not be you its just the light that you have in your tank.

Yeah I realized the lighting itself has a lot to do with actual coloration of SPS corals, not just how it looks under certain lighting. I sure hope my frags stay healthy and grow. Here's current readings of water condition in my tank -

PH - 8.0
Alkalinity - 6dkh
Calcium - 480ppm
Phosphate - 0
Magnesium - 1290ppm

For some reason Alkalinity is way too low. I just started dosing 2 part from bulk reef supply. I will use the online calculator now to adjust dosing amount.

conix67 09-11-2009 03:58 AM

I've been wanting to add few more fishes, and purchased few and kept them in QT. Unfortunately the little 20G wasn't large enough to support 6 fishes in short time, so I gave up on QT and moved all fishes being QTed to DT.

Among them are a pair of Twinspot gobies, but these nasty guys are constantly stirring up sand and causing haze in my tank... however all corals and fishes don't seem to mind it, so I'm just going to let them be until they cause real problems.. hopefully not, as these cute little guys are a lot of fun to watch

So, the new fishes are - Power brown tang, Scopas tang, sixline wrasse, the pair of twinspot gobies

Here's current FTS..

Van-rookie 09-11-2009 04:11 AM

nice setup

fishytime 09-11-2009 12:23 PM

Nicely will likely hate your gobies for the first two or three weeks while they sift through the fine stuff....dont worry the haze will eventually settle....

Leah 09-11-2009 12:56 PM

Wow! Very nice :mrgreen:

conix67 09-12-2009 01:21 PM

Thanks again.


you will likely hate your gobies for the first two or three weeks while they sift through the fine stuff....dont worry the haze will eventually settle....
That will be nice. As a matter of fact, the little guys dug a dungeon and they seem to have settled in there. At least while they are inside, they are not causing the sandstorm..

conix67 09-14-2009 02:34 AM

RBTA in a basket
FTS-less update today.

A picture of my hippo tang asleep, taken early in the morning under room lighting.. he likes to lie down flat while sleeping.. very cute

My twinspot gobies won't stop. They are digging dungeons everywhere. I'm worried that some rocks that are not sitting on the eggcrate floor may tip over and cause rock slide! So far, that hasn't occurred, but these guys are very cute! Everyone loves them (most are fooled by the false eyes).

Now, I had to let go my RBTA split, as it was brushing against several acro frags and causing some damage. The anemone was already sold before I had a chance to place a for-sale ad. However, I had to keep it for few days, and had some issues with it moving over to unwanted place. Finally I decided to make the floating basket, similar to what's used by LFS to keep them in a place. Picked up $1 basket and attached styrofoams.

Attached to a string to let it float in the middle of water surface, RBTA settled in nicely and now I know how to get the bubbles back! Look at this picture, the tentacles are becoming nice and bubbly!

That's all for now.. there were some minor rearrangements done in the tank, will post FTS soon.

conix67 09-20-2009 11:54 PM

Lighting upgrade..
Although my tank's been doing fine so far, some SPS species some colors I liked. Out of many parameters, I decided to try upgrading the lighting system first, as I'm still running 4 T5HOs in this system. I've made a purchase from AP on used stuff, but were missing endcaps. Just days ago I obtained the endcaps via trade, and finally I had chance to complete the lighting system upgrade..

Old look -

First problem - can't fit 5 retro mounts on the lid, ended up with a small piece of aluminum plate to extend the mount.

2 pieces were prepared.

Mounted with a screw.

Endcap mount installed.

Another view.

Wirings and others all complete. Took much longer than expected :(

all lights on! Glad it worked at first try!

With reflectors. Notice missing a reflector, and a short one. Need to order some now...

New FTS. Color level auto adjusted as there's stronger actinics and messes up camera's view. Looks like a little more pop to color due to 2xactinics+ added now.

Boomboy 09-21-2009 12:53 AM

wow man everything looks really great. nice job at fitting 2 more in there.

conix67 09-24-2009 04:54 AM

RKL mini review..
Well, RKL finally arrived. This is actually a little exciting moment, as it could be the beginning of automation of this tank. For now, I'll be using it as temperature control and for some timer functions. Here's what came in the package
  • power module with 4 outlets (8A 3A 3A 8A), status lights
  • temperature probe (connects to the power module directly)
  • head unit (2 line backlit LCD display and 5 buttons)
  • USB module, cables for firmware upgrade
  • users guide, etc

Paid ~$95US (plus shipping, tax, etc) at bulk reef supply, and this is supposed to be very inexpensive considering what it offers - capability of a dual stage temperature controller, digital timer, wave maker, etc.

You can do things like controlling your main lights with temperature monitor such that it would shut off the light if temperature's too hight, etc. However, advanced programming is not possible.

I have it setup to control heaters, and skimmer/return pump in standby mode, which is really a neat feature and let you delay start skimmer/return pump while feeding the fishes/tank.

Here's the pic with the head unit visible (lower left corner) and actinics on.

It was very hot today, and I had my air conditioner turned off. I did not realize my tank's temperature shoot up to 84F !!! :eek: Fortunately, everything seemed to be ok.

I realized this only after RKL was installed. Good thing the temperature is now clearly visible all the time, and never thought the effortless temperature monitoring can bring this much relief!

Anyway, I'm very happy with RKL so far. I do plan to add at least PH monitoring in the near future, and possibly moon light control... and maybe replace all timers with another power module.. we'll see

conix67 09-29-2009 07:02 AM

Some growth shots
Update today - growth shots of some frags..

I've noticed substantial growth from my birdnest frag.. it is known to be a fast grower, but the growth rate is amazing regardless!

Original frag mounted on a plug.. it was a tiny piece, about an inch tall...

2 1/2 months later

Notice the green frag on the left side, it's the frag of a frag (to save it from other parts suffering from some sort of tissue recession) grown from a tiny frag also.. definitely not as fast as the birdnest, but growth is visible

and here's my purple millie colony

about 3 months after

Showing good growth, but the growth is not very even :confused:. You can see clearly the left edge shows substantial growth, but the rest isn't showing much of the growth at all. I wonder if this is related to flow...

Anyway, last update of today.. seeded few frags just days ago, will let them heal and grow for a while..

conix67 10-15-2009 03:50 AM

I had a very difficult time last weekend. One of the major salt water aquarium store had a big sale, and had to resist temptation, very hard. However, still ended up with two more SPS corals. One I'm very happy with, another I'm not too sure...

Deep purple-blue Acro

Yellow-neon green body, purple tipped, brown polyp acro /w acro crab

Finally added two more 48" reflectors, so the lighting hardware is now complete @ 6 bulbs.

Some of my tiny frags aren't doing well, but SPS frags have been doing well. Multi color frags on a single frag plug.

Finally added ATO system, using a container outside. Looks ghetto but someone told me to do it this way :D

Next up is a matching stand to house the 15G tall tank for ATO..

conix67 10-15-2009 03:51 AM

As the "Reef Crystals" bucket doesn't really fit in my living room, I'd been looking into ways to build a small stand to hide it under. I was thinking of complete DIY stand with similar look and color as the tank stand.

I found something that comes very close to it, without much of DIY from Ikea and decided to use it instead.

It's supposed to be black-brown, but looks quite brown under certain lighting condition. Anyway, it blends in well, and hides my ATO container.

With more hidden space available, next step is to add larger water container for ATO, 15G high will fit nicely inside, and I already have a glass lid for it. Also, a decent size containers (slim and tall) for 2-part solution would be needed.

Anyway, today I found a mystery creature on my green monti digi. looks like either a snail or nudibranch.. what could it be?? Crossing my fingers hoping it's not something bad..

conix67 12-22-2009 12:01 AM

Tank Journal Video!
Just got a pocket digital video camera. Tried it out on my 75G tank and it looked decent, so uploaded my first Youtube video. :D Take a look -

muck 12-22-2009 01:25 AM

Great vid!! Thanks for sharing.

conix67 06-08-2010 03:22 AM

It's been a while since last update. Not much have changed, which is a good thing I guess :D

Changed some bulbs for a change. I've got 6 T5HO retro fixture, two of the six have been replaced recently

UVL 75/25
Giesemann Actinic+ (old)

KZ FIJI purple
KZ superblue

Rest of the bulbs are the same. The effect is not obvious, but red/purple are enhanced without putting red cast on everything. Here's some random shots, taken with my D50/35mm lens, some taken with a magnifying glass in front (macro effect).

Hairy Acro

Monti digi garden

Close up of Styropora

Close up of green Tongan mushroom

Close up of orange rics

Close up of pulsing Xenia

Close up of frogspawn

What used to be long and stringly powder blue anthelia. What a transformation! These tiny polyps don't look anywhere near what it used to be like.

OK. Finally, FTS from an angle.

For those in GTA, I have monti cap/digis and birdnest frags from my tank for sale. The ad has been posted in gtaaquaria for local reefers, if interested let me know. I really need to clear out my frag rack..

cuz 06-08-2010 03:47 AM

nice colors!!!

conix67 06-24-2010 09:29 PM

Here's live cam of my tank

Not very high quality but it's realtime :D. Not sure how long this will be on but have a look!

Sunee 06-30-2010 10:06 PM

Great tank, I love the colours!!!

conix67 07-22-2010 12:39 AM

Thanks for the positive comment!

So today a new toy(?) arrived - SWC mini cone 160. It actually looks pretty good, just like all others other owners said. Here's the picture of mine

Right after setting it up. Skimming already!

I like being able to see the bubbles. There are some micro bubbles but my baffles are doing a good job.

It was not easy to get this thing in my sump. I got rid of mini wall that was keeping the drain hose outlet to minimize turbulence, because this new skimmer is much larger than Tunze 9010 it replaces. Even without the collection cup, it was a big challenge to get this thing inside the sump.

The water level is easily adjusted with outlet valve, and air intake amount can be fully adjusted. Tunze 9010 has ability to adjust air only.

I feel that the potential of skimming capacity is much greater than the Tunze 9010. The amount of bubbles this thing creates is many times greater. Also added filter sock, and I may keep it permanently. It also reduces bubbles and water turbulence, making the skimmer perform better.

Here's youtube video of it in action

Finally, here's the video of my clown spawning. These guys are laying eggs almost every 2 weeks. Quite something to watch them spawn.. very cute..

conix67 07-22-2010 12:41 AM

Also, I'm trying to get my tank cam broadcast live. Please take a look. Upgraded to higher resolution, sorry my upload speed is crappy.

75G mixed reef - tank cam

globaldesigns 07-22-2010 01:05 AM

Kudos to you, I must say one of the most vibrant tank for colors that I have seen in a long time.

saltynuts 07-22-2010 03:54 AM

what type of return pump are you running. or did i miss that.

conix67 07-22-2010 04:01 AM

It's a QuietOne 3000.

snow1 07-22-2010 04:56 AM

Great looking tank. Looks like a lot of hard work went into that.

Sunee 07-22-2010 02:31 PM

Hi I noticed you have Halimeda in the tank. I like the look and am considering having in my new tank. How do you find it? Is it easy to control and keep where you want it? Thanks. Still love the colours!!!

Greenmaster 07-25-2010 06:25 AM

The colors in your tank look killer.

conix67 07-25-2010 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by snow1 (Post 536748)
Great looking tank. Looks like a lot of hard work went into that.

Thanks. I try to make sure tank stays healthy. Lately I'm having trouble as frags are all grown and they are attacking each other and I have no place to relocate them. Unfortunately it's time to give up one coral at a time.


Hi I noticed you have Halimeda in the tank. I like the look and am considering having in my new tank. How do you find it? Is it easy to control and keep where you want it? Thanks. Still love the colours!!!
The Halimeda is a hitchhiker, it doesn't spread all over the place but it still grows very quickly. I control it by trimming it time to time.


The colors in your tank look killer.
Thanks! It turned out to be pretty good overall. I would like to keep things more stable so that I could try more fancy acros :P

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