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aussiecoral 08-16-2009 10:28 AM

shutting down tank, fishes up for sale
5 Attachment(s)
4" lemonpeel angel, $35

3" flame angel, $35

2" african flame back angel, $35

3" purple firefish, $25

2" sunburst anthias, $40

Leah 08-16-2009 12:26 PM

Hey, Carmen is looking for a used flame. Nice fish. Wish I were closer.:biggrin:

Finley 08-16-2009 02:27 PM


Clay&Chey 08-16-2009 03:09 PM


kien 08-16-2009 05:14 PM

Quick someone call Carmen! She's been looking for a flame for a while! :-)

woolala 08-16-2009 05:37 PM


andestang 08-16-2009 05:50 PM


Argentiner 08-16-2009 07:46 PM

I thought I had asked you to hold the anthias for me, 2 weeks ago?? I gave you a deposit on it. I can pick it up whenever is good for you.

Carmen 08-17-2009 02:41 AM

I will absolutely 100% take the flame if it's still available!!!!!!!!!!! Sent pm!

Thanks Leah and Kien for keeping your eyes peeled for me!

Carmen 08-18-2009 05:19 PM

Haven't heard from you??? Did you get my pm?

andestang 08-18-2009 05:27 PM

The Flame was already sold :(

24storm 08-18-2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Argentiner (Post 441565)
I thought I had asked you to hold the anthias for me, 2 weeks ago?? I gave you a deposit on it. I can pick it up whenever is good for you.

I paid for that Anthias when i was over buying coral before he even post anything up for sale about 3 weeks ago!!!!!

Not sure what the deal is??????????

Argentiner 08-18-2009 06:22 PM

What?? I left a deposit for him too about 2-3 weeks ago when I bought a coral and I've since sent him 5 PM's. No response to any. Has anyone heard back?? Is this the same person as "marine". He has the exact same fish, so I'm assuming so. Anyway, both won't get back to me.

xtreme 08-18-2009 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Argentiner (Post 441965)
Is this the same person as "marine".


24storm 08-18-2009 07:07 PM

i do have his phone number not sure that its gonna help right now. Let me know if you need it. I have not tried calling him yet.


Originally Posted by Argentiner (Post 441965)
What?? I left a deposit for him too about 2-3 weeks ago when I bought a coral and I've since sent him 5 PM's. No response to any. Has anyone heard back?? Is this the same person as "marine". He has the exact same fish, so I'm assuming so. Anyway, both won't get back to me.

kien 08-18-2009 09:24 PM

this thread is getting exciting! Tagging along :pop2:

Coleus 08-18-2009 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 441998)
this thread is getting exciting! Tagging along :pop2:


Borderjumper 08-18-2009 09:35 PM

LOL.. this guy is a piece of work. I must have 100 emails from him ( under all of his names as he thinks I cant put 2 and 2 together) wanting to buy coral.. he whines and begs and negotiates prices for weeks, the disapears when its time to pay LOL then he changes his name and starts all over again.

Sorry to hear hes screwing over you guys tho by selling the same fish to three different people.!

bulletsworld 08-18-2009 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 441998)
this thread is getting exciting! Tagging along :pop2:

Actually, I remember seeing a post, by "marine" a few weeks back with the EXACT same background picture of the lemon peel angel. I can't believe we have a scammer here :shocked:

Hmm... :pop2:

24storm 08-18-2009 10:43 PM

Be careful he has a brother as well!!!!! I have his address and phone number if anyone needs it.

Borderjumper 08-18-2009 11:39 PM

whats the brothers log on name?

24storm 08-19-2009 12:00 AM

I am not sure. He has a tank his mom has a tank and his brother has a tank not sure if his mom and brother are on here for sure. Just warning people to be careful is all.

Carmen 08-19-2009 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by andestang (Post 441951)
The Flame was already sold :(

Dang..........:sad:Well this is not really looking like a transaction I want to be tied to at this point......:neutral:
Thread not looking too good...

aussiecoral 08-19-2009 03:43 AM

Wow this thread is getting exciting, first off for borderjump u screw me over buying alot of frags from you jacking up with high price, I thought you were a nice person I guess I was stupid to buy anything from you. 24storm I did not said to sell you a fish and I did not owe you anything, the way you post on post it seem you disrespect me, do you really want a piece of me that's not cool man. You told people that you got my address and so what, if you want a piece of me make sure you know who you are dealing with. You guys think I'm this cheap I don't think so. Carmen I were gonna sell the flame fish to you since I know doug at red coral if you want to know more if I'm cheap or not you can ask doug after hearing what you had said it makes me sad. Chill peps

24storm 08-19-2009 03:48 AM

I have not said i want a piece of you!!!!! I bought that fish from you??? Your girlfriend or wife tried to catch that fish near a half hour when i was there remember????

We then agreed you would call me once you sold off some of the rocks any of this sound correct???

Not a big deal just trying to warn others you can still make this right if you chose to. Sorry if your taking it the wrong way.


Originally Posted by aussiecoral (Post 442111)
Wow this thread is getting exciting, first off for borderjump u screw me over buying alot of frags from you jacking up with high price, I thought you were a nice person I guess I was stupid to buy anything from you. 24storm I did not said to sell you a fish and I did not owe you anything, the way you post on post it seem you disrespect me, do you really want a piece of me that's not cool man. You told people that you got my address and so what, if you want a piece of me make sure you know who you are dealing with. You guys think I'm this cheap I don't think so. Carmen I were gonna sell the flame fish to you since I know doug at red coral if you want to know more if I'm cheap or not you can ask doug after hearing what you had said it makes me sad. Chill peps

aussiecoral 08-19-2009 03:54 AM

It's weird so many pep pm me so many times to buy my fish and since I didn't get a chance to get back they start saying stuff about me that's good to know, there are so many fishes at the local fish store why don't you guys buy it from don't have to go crazy on canreef

Van-rookie 08-19-2009 04:24 AM



Originally Posted by aussiecoral (Post 442116)
It's weird so many pep pm me so many times to buy my fish and since I didn't get a chance to get back they start saying stuff about me that's good to know, there are so many fishes at the local fish store why don't you guys buy it from don't have to go crazy on canreef

Carmen 08-19-2009 04:25 AM

AussieCoral -- I did not call you cheap nor mean to offend.?????:sad:

Really I just wanted a Flame angel!:wink:

The problem is that people get excited when they are looking for a favorite me ....and hope they get it! When we don't hear back or find out from other poster that it sold it's disappointing. Best thing when posting to sell on canreef is just be upfront, pm back as soon as you can and let people know where things stand. Then there will be less misunderstandings.

I too have met you Aussiecoral and don't judge you or "think you are cheap"??? Not sure where that came from???

Anyways, good luck with your sale. Sorry I offended you.

yeeg 08-19-2009 02:19 PM

I'm cheap...And I admit it...Just ask the guys at RC...


Coleus 08-19-2009 03:58 PM

Talking about cheap. Hmm any one has any coral for free? I will gladly take them

fishytime 08-20-2009 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by yeeg (Post 442189)
I'm cheap...And I admit it...Just ask the guys at RC...



Argentiner 08-21-2009 02:49 AM

OK everyone, I know all of you are dying to get an update on this soap opera. lol I kindly asked my brother to send a PM about the anthias to see if he was actually busy, or just didn't want to get back to me about the deal we had made for some bizarre reason. Sure enough, he got a reply and was asked if he could pick up the fish soon, so seeing how my brother lives out of town, I offered to pick it up for him. Maybe I could use my deposit to get a discount while I was there. :wink: Called the guy and set up a time later in the day to pick up the fish and he asked me to call him before I left. No problem. So I call close to the time we set up, and the phone was mysteriously hanging up all the time while it was ringing.

I think he realized that I might be picking the fish up for my brother, and that wouldn't be good, because in our deal we had made he had offered the anthias for $30 (without bargaining) and now he was asking $40, plus with my deposit, he would have gotten even less!

So I decided to go over and get my money back, or find out why all this was even happening, because I was not understanding anything. So they send a VERY nice girl to the door and I had told her I was picking up the anthias. In the end, after chatting with someone else in the house several times she had told me the anthias was gone, and they didn't want to sell the mysteri wrasse that he was also going to save for me. So I asked for my money back. Sure enough, they did give it to me. :biggrin:

In the end it was very dissapointing as I was totally excited about the sunburst anthias and mysteri wrasse as both looked great. Would it have been so hard to just tell me what was really going on???:neutral: I'm sure Keith is thinking the same thing.....

By the way, the torch coral I bought off them initially is great and they gave me a good deal on it. lol.

saltwaterfish 08-21-2009 04:29 AM

just to let people know, aussiecoral is an excellent guy, he just sold a mystery wrass, sunburst anthias, and multicolor angel to me. Many people say this guy is a scam but from what i know he's a cool guy, he used to have all aussie corals and they look amazing and cost alot of money, so i don't think he would screw people over so little amount of money. I think you must have ****ed him off or something. I went over just 1 hour ago, he just bought a pair of crosshatch trigger and they look so amazing. I think people got it wrong about him. Argentiner don't be so cocky buddy, talk about corals and fishes, you are not even a tiny bit spender like him man, so shut up man.

md14 08-21-2009 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by saltwaterfish (Post 442647)
just to let people know, aussiecoral is an excellent guy, he just sold a mystery wrass, sunburst anthias, and multicolor angel to me. Many people say this guy is a scam but from what i know he's a cool guy, he used to have all aussie corals and they look amazing and cost alot of money, so i don't think he would screw people over so little amount of money. I think you must have ****ed him off or something. I went over just 1 hour ago, he just bought a pair of crosshatch trigger and they look so amazing. I think people got it wrong about him. Argentiner don't be so cocky buddy, talk about corals and fishes, you are not even a tiny bit spender like him man, so shut up man.

lol, Really says the guy with 2 posts and the brand new join date :lol:

saltwaterfish 08-21-2009 05:24 AM

you have a problem with new member punk.

md14 08-21-2009 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by saltwaterfish (Post 442656)
you have a problem with new member punk.

Well welcome to Canreef, Saltwaterfish or any other names you go under. I got no problems with new members, the more the merrier actually.. But anyone can put two and two together so really.. I dont think much needs to be said, enjoy your "new" fish.

Yours Truly

Argentiner 08-21-2009 06:57 AM

lol wow. Thanks Md14. Ya, I'm such a big talker with fish and coral. What does that mean, anyway. lol. I too thought he was a great guy. I got along fantastic with him. Until I left him a deposit to hold 2 fish and never heard back from him again. Does anyone care what this guy spends? Don't tell people one thing and do another. The actual "deposit" meant nothing to me. I just can't stand people that scam others. I totally know where you're coming from though, because I really liked the guy too. I had no problem at all in leaving him money till he sold his live rock to make it easier to catch the fish. Well, we know what happened next.

aussiecoral 08-21-2009 07:06 AM

You know why I didn't sell them to you, cause I think you are cheap person and like brother both are so cheap, I would rather give the fish away instead of selling them to you, give you a hint man, you want people to like you stop being cheap man. Be wise buddy, money is not always important peace out

365seasons 08-21-2009 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by md14 (Post 442653)
lol, Really says the guy with 2 posts and the brand new join date :lol:


Argentiner 08-21-2009 07:23 AM

Funny you say that as I was paying exactly what you were asking for the whole time, and never tried to lower a price on anything, including what you offered me on the anthias and mysteri wrasse. I admit, I check canreef often for things to buy as they are cheaper and any fish will be "usually" healthy if it has been in someone's tank for a while. Call me cheap if you want, it's not going to offend me. As for why all this happened. I'm lost.

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