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aussiecoral 07-10-2009 02:09 AM

Final reduced price Fs super male lineatus wrasse 6"
i have a 6" super male lineatus wrasse, too big for my tank. Red coral store selling it at $250, i'm selling $170

Delphinus 07-10-2009 05:08 AM

HOW is this guy not sold ?? I'd be all over it if I had the cash .. guess I mustn't be the only one!! Sorry man, I wish, I wish I could but ... :(

Tomjay 07-10-2009 06:23 AM

Yeah too bad you weren't in Vancouver....nice fish

michika 07-10-2009 02:27 PM

Beautiful fish. Like Tony, if I had the cash, I'd be all over that!

Good luck with your sale.

What makes this fish a "supermale"?

aussiecoral 07-10-2009 04:02 PM

his color pattern is so dark and i noticed the color of my wrasse is alot nicer then other wrasse i have seen in store.

Leah 07-10-2009 04:04 PM

Super Duper then!

Ryan 07-10-2009 05:50 PM

Not sure if this is coincidence but the picture attached in the first picture displayed when Lineatus Wrasse is googled. Is that a picture of the actual fish?

aussiecoral 07-10-2009 06:42 PM

my fish is even nicer then the fish in the picture, since my camera sucks so i use the picture as a guide, my wrasse color is even darker then the one in the picture !!!! just for the record

cuz 07-10-2009 10:13 PM

might want to try posting a pic of the actual fish for sale. Kinda funny good catch ryan!!

my2rotties 07-10-2009 10:32 PM

As far as I know the fish is going to a fellow member already... good catch Keith!!!

aussiecoral 07-11-2009 05:14 AM

yeah nice catch there, but i did not lie about the wrasse appearance, the wrasse is even nicer the one in the pix. It's sold to Keith who has a super super very nice tank, i was stunt when i saw the tank. Thanks Keith for buying the wrasse, you have very nice taste in fish and corals.

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