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trix25 05-19-2009 07:39 AM

WTB: Beginner Friendly Corals (vancouver)
as the title states looking for anything that is hardy and easy to keep...zoas, chalice, favia, cloves, any easy sps, lps, let me know what you have :mrgreen: for my reef tank.

i need to feed my NEW addiction if you have anything that you want to clear out...please pass it over to me....:humble: if you are in the surrey or richmond area and would like to showoff you tank to help further feed my addiction pm me so that i can pick your brain :cell:



edikpok 05-19-2009 03:51 PM

Although I do not have much to offer myself, but I would recommend to start off with some Xenia or mushrooms just to make sure that everything is alright with the system. These are relatively hardy corals so they are diffenetly good starter corals. You can get 3 different mushrooms (frags) at King Ed's for only $5 (and NO - I am not working for them nor I promote them but they do have the frags...)

Also, I wouldn't start with SPS....A quick description of your tank will help people to offer you different frags, based on their requiremnts....

Ron99 05-19-2009 04:20 PM

I haven't forgotten you. I have some possibilities for you and will try to get you more info later this week once life settle down a bit.

reefy 05-19-2009 04:44 PM

I still have some anthelia,yellow polyp, frag for 5$ and couple of (easy)SPS frag from $5-$10 each frag

trix25 05-19-2009 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 422075)
I haven't forgotten you. I have some possibilities for you and will try to get you more info later this week once life settle down a bit.

hey Ron:
no worries...i know you have a lot on you plate with the frag orders. just let me know when you have some more time.

edikpok: thanks for the heads up. i already have mushrooms, zoas, and gsp...gsp grows like weed...:sad: i don't mind trying some blue pulsing xenia, but afraid they will also take over the tank...i also think what most ppl would like to know is what i have for lighting - i have 250w HQI metal halide on my nano.

Reefy: you got pm.

icecool217 05-19-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by trix25 (Post 422100)
hey Ron:
no worries...i know you have a lot on you plate with the frag orders. just let me know when you have some more time.

edikpok: thanks for the heads up. i already have mushrooms, zoas, and gsp...gsp grows like weed...:sad: i don't mind trying some blue pulsing xenia, but afraid they will also take over the tank...i also think what most ppl would like to know is what i have for lighting - i have 250w HQI metal halide on my nano.

Reefy: you got pm.

separate your weed corals from rocks you want unless you want a GSP-rock covered tank

I think Edikpok is referring more to the age of the tank. The longer the tank has been set up, the more stable it is. A new tank will experience diatom blooms and possibly algae blooms as well. These will create instability in water parameters and some corals are very sensitive to changes.

Tom R 05-19-2009 09:56 PM

I have a number of corals that might interest you. Send me a PM and we can set up a convenient time for you to come and see my system.

Tom R

trix25 05-19-2009 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by icecool217 (Post 422148)
separate your weed corals from rocks you want unless you want a GSP-rock covered tank

I think Edikpok is referring more to the age of the tank. The longer the tank has been set up, the more stable it is. A new tank will experience diatom blooms and possibly algae blooms as well. These will create instability in water parameters and some corals are very sensitive to changes.

haha i think i set off the alarm for the "NEWBIE POLICE"
thanks icecool217 for the heads up, once again pretty basic info which i already know...tank has been setup for a while now and all tests are all good. i appreciate the concern thou.:smile:

Tom R: you got pm.

Tom R 05-19-2009 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tom R (Post 422197)
I have a number of corals that might interest you. Send me a PM and we can set up a convenient time for you to come and see my system.

Tom R

bowkry 05-19-2009 10:45 PM

I have some cauliflower corols and xenia p.m. if interested real easy corals cant kill

trix25 05-19-2009 11:31 PM pictures courtesy of j'field on nano-reef.

i know is a long shot but anyone have any of this in this clove purple green colour? or any clove at all :mrgreen:

bowkry 05-19-2009 11:38 PM

sory I sold all of mine on sunday

trix25 05-21-2009 09:01 AM

got most of what i want today...doing more shopping tomorrow...but that's it. no more...
ok maybe one more...
Looking for a Torch Coral. anyone got any for sale? please let me know

i would also like some more colourful chalices, acan, and zoas if you have any.


p.s. god this is addictive...i think i am a coralholic.:mrgreen:

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