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thread review - canreef staff please read
First - this is in no way an attempt to further a discussion canreef is currently reviewing/may not feel appropriate.
That being said - I am interested in knowing when the "other" thread regarding the importation of highly sought after coral frags into Canada does, or does not go back online. This topic warrants/demands further discussion and review for various reasons, which I would be happy to elaborate on when you feel it is appropriate (the other thread got closed before I even had an opportunity to read it!). This topic affects many members, including sponsors. I think it is important to review it here. I will be reviewed further none the less (if not here...), but I think canreef is the most appropriate forum. Thanks. |
Thanks for posting, my sentiments exactly IMO there is WAY to much sensorship on this forum. Why on earth would a perfectly good post be pulled for review? This isn't the government, canreef should be MUCH more transparent when it comes to issues like this. It feels like every day posts are being closed/ removed and the reason for doing so is always EXTREAMLY vague. I would be down for paying an "Elite" member charge, this way the vendor amount could be lowered giving a little more power to members of this site. This might be out of bounds but why does the forum Admin Titus never participate in these discussions, is it not his board and would it not make sence to have his input on it?
Levi |
Everything we do has a reason, and if it's not clear to you, I don't care. We provide this resource to people like you as a free service. If you're not happy with our free service, go somewhere else. No, really. |
Levi |
Some of the discussions are useful and informative and people should just have to agree to disagree at times. Thanks, Ron |
You know, with your subtleness, yes you did insult me personally. You don't come out and say exactly what you wanted to say, but instead thinly veiled it. Its the underlying tone that certainly makes me wonder why I continue here. *sigh* |
You did not post a general inquiry, you posted an attack onthe board's policies. The free board you love so much. We run it, we run it th eway we feel it runs best, and out of the thousands of members, it 4 or 5 of you that constantly complain. Oh, its not fair. too bad. Like I said. go somewhere else. Oh, and remove the 41 frags crap from your sig, for the last time. |
Levi |
No democracy. |
well you know how it is, when one person complains that we're not transparent and obviously we have our own agenda and hide whats REALLY going on from the members of a FREE forum that is provided by a PRIVATE individual, its really hard not to get pi$$ed off about the whole thing. Its people like yourself that in your "lightheartedness" really cause the most damage. Personally I think its interesting that in one breath you're accusing us of having said agenda and in the next its all sunshine and happiness. I don't have a problem with people who are bothered that the mods aren't more open etc. We have our reasons for what we do. Perhaps you should try being a moderator some time and see just what kind of BS goes on. I mean 95% of the time its really fun but that 5% of the time really makes me want to just quit altogether. |
Levi |
never mind! i can,t belive this @@@@.
group hug. come here big guy!
ok close this one too. this is getting crazy.
we are all here for a good time and too learn!. |
Levi |
Oh, Dave, sorry about the hijack :) |
OH just great. I work just 1 day in the last 22 and OFCOURSE its the day when all the fun stuff happens and now I cant even read it. :(
Levi (Sorry Dave about the Hi-jack too!) |
Satisfaction brought it back!
Levi |
Levi |
I have to agree with the other two staff members here.
Sorry but your post here Levi and earlier in the store for sale thread, both took pot shots at the staff here, so yes it insulted me. As I said before, others need to understand more goes on behind the scene. Perhaps we need to explain why sometimes, I dont know. But when we do we are usually crapped on anyways, as the free speech crap always is thrown at us, no matter what. Why could those having a problem not pm one or all of us, rather than posting these comments in this forum. Anyone would know its going to cause problems. Same as the threads everyones complaining about, including the Big Al thread. Now cmon. Those would be shut down on most all reefing boards I post on. Like was said, those discussions may be fine when sitting around together. As for Titus the boards owner, well I,m sure he can speak for himself but he lives and works overseas, does put in considerable time behind the scenes. Remember we just volenteer. Sometimes staff just cant jump on things, such as the for sale thread you wondered why was still there. The other was moved for now as Jason mentioned. That was because were sent lots of reports about the thread going south, at least in somes opinions. We try do whats best for the board under the guidelines set down. Thats about all we can do. For sure everyone will not always be in agreement but you may be surprised at how many are. |
OMG spitting milk all over! |
Levi |
OMG I go and watch Hellboy II and I miss everything! I need to have less of a social life so I can pay more attention to Canreef :lol:
Sorry, but I'm with the other staff members here. When there are posts that are prefaced with "The staff here are arbitrary", it IS insulting to us. I feel this way too everytime the issue of censorship comes up. And it makes me wonder why I continue to do this.
Yes, some things get removed from public view sometimes. And that's never going to change. If there are problems with a post, it will get pulled and not always will the reasoning be publicly posted. Think of this example, if a student is suspended or expelled from a school, the principal, the teachers, the school board do not come out and publicly invade that student's (or others) privacy by announcing the reason. Sometimes the reasons just plain aren't for public knowledge. We the staff run the board. In my opinion, we do a pretty good job of keeping it open and friendly. Other boards put up with far less than we do, but if you really feel that more transparency is required on the part of the staff, well, we beg to differ. Sorry but that is the reality. |
J |
I can certainly appreciate that alot goes in in the background and I'm not sitting here all day reading each and every post to a thread as they go up to see if something rally offensive happens. But maybe just a note to the originator of the thread telling them it's being pulled and why would be nice. I still have no idea why my other thread disappeared other than maybe some Big Al's supporters were offended.
Sorry to Hijack this a bit Dave, it's slightly related but I'll return the programming to you now :) |
Then I remembered that I needed a new spark plug for the lawnmower and priorities shifted. Turns out I have a life and stuff. Quote:
When you ask the mods to open these things up to further discussion what you are really asking them is to start a never ending pile of shat. Some sort of flamewar race to the bottom that they have to devote more time to day after day. It's not a reasonable request, go buy a spark plug. |
Wow, you go clean the skimmer, check the tanks and go to bed without checking the thread…and there are 36 replies!
First let me say I think the mods and admin team do a good job here on Canreef. This thread was not closed immediately, and honestly, I think they are part of the reason this board is the most active in Canada and has had the number of active members increase more than 50% during the time I have been here (obviously the members contribute significantly also!). Other forums, well we have watched the number of active members steadily decrease. Would I like to have seen the other thread edited instead of closed, yes. Do I agree with EVERY reefkeeping recommendation and/or statement the mod and admin team make, no. Should we respect the fact their job is not an easy one being mindful they have the best interests of the board in mind, yes. Now that being said, as I mentioned in the first post the topic of LE/Tyree/ORA and other brand name corals being marketed and sold in Canada warrants further discussion as it could affect many members, reefkeepers (at all levels), including sponsors. There are many many reasons to discuss this further – some of which could be considered significant. I would be happy to host the discussion in a new thread in the wickedfrags forum. Discussion would not mention specific vendors (unless of course they chose to participate just like the last thread). Thread would remain civil, professional and as courteous as possible at all times, while still expressing your thoughts whatever they may be (however if they are deemed over the top or inappropriate they would be edited). This topic could very well represent a new and exciting opportunity for both reefkeepers and sponsors. Being mindful of the board's interests, I would invite the moderators to assist in the thread moderation as I am on the east coast and not online nearly as much as they are. I sincerely hope this important topic is not overlooked and further discussion is allowed. It would be disappointing and perhaps considered irresponsible by some to turn a blind eye to this discussion and pretend the topic never arose on the board. Look forward to your continued replies. and while the chat above is all serious……..ya I thought the teenage wood comment was funny :) ) |
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