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Rbacchiega 05-05-2009 10:33 PM

Rbacchiega's 10 Gallon Yashia Goby House of Love
Woooooooooooo Nano contest!

Alright, so I was going to go in the 10 gallon with a budget list, but frankly, with the stuff I wanted to put in this tank and the $500 budget, it just wasn't going to work. So I guess I'm in the 10 gallon unlimited budget category. I still want to set a sort of budget for myself...otherwise this could suck the life right out of me, but here we go.
I'll be keeping a running total of money spent on the tank anyways, even though I guess it doesn't really matter.

The Basics:

I bought a 10 gallon "Frag Tank" off John (lobsterboy) a while ago. And was using it as such, but have decided to make it into a sort of ghetto cube AIO tank. With where John had divided the tank it works out that the display area is approximately 6.2 gallons with an internal "sump" housing about 3.4 gallons.

The plan is to have this tank be a small SPS oasis that will be home to a pair of Yashia Gobies. So, we all know that for SPS lots of varied flow is required. Which is why I'm throwing a Quietone 4000 High Head on this bad boy. You read right...4000High Head!

It was suggested that I use a Manifold to provide different directions of flow and with the canopy I'm planning, the manifold itself won't be seen. Using the headloss calculator on Reefcentral, the gurus there decided that I would be getting approximately 750GPH worth of flow. Look out!

Because of such a high flow rate, and the fish I'll be housing, I'm going to have to go with a sandbed (initially I wanted this to be bare bottom, but I heart Yashia's and when the opportunity presented itself for me to order them, I had to say yes). Figure Medium Grain should prevent a sandstorm.

Lighting possess a little bit of an issue. When I first started tossing around the idea of a nano (even before the contest came up) I wanted to go with Metal Halides, but frankly, I think with the evaporation and heat issue it wouldn't be worth it on such a small tank. Enter T5s. I was able to grab 2 Hagen Glo 24" 2 bulb fixtures from Doug with lights. He said they were growing SPS in a 20 gallon, so why shouldn't 4 bulbs grow SPS over a 6 gallon display??? right? So, right now I'm thinkig of going a Fiji Purple, An Aquamedic Reef Blue and 2 10,000K. But that could change.

Stand and Canopy plans are in the making, but I like the nice clean lines so I don't imagine it'll be too hard to figure out.

I think that's it for now. Pictures to come!

saltynuts 05-05-2009 10:37 PM

look at you go all wild and stuff. can,t be hurt to bad! lol
lets get it on!

lobsterboy 05-05-2009 10:38 PM

OMG, great name, and i cant wait to see the 4000HH, running on this thing. LOL. i use the same as my return pump on my 125. LOL.

good luck, me i am still on the fence with the contest. I got time right....

Rbacchiega 05-05-2009 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by saltynuts (Post 417948)
lets get it on!

Yeah Big John McArthy! I'm a bit of a UFC fan...

Pazil 05-05-2009 10:47 PM

Sounds cool...... but wheres the pics????????????????????

Rbacchiega 05-05-2009 10:50 PM

Currently cutting and fitting manifold. Pics will be up tonight or else!

(EDIT: Well that was a crappy 1200 should have been something histerically sarcastic or whatever...not "currently cutting and fitting manifold" ...booooooo that post)

karazy 05-05-2009 11:14 PM

sounds exciting! i just looove the yashias (i also love the stock tanks turned into AIO)
and omg that tank is gonna be like a toilet bowl with that much flow

noirsphynx 05-05-2009 11:15 PM

Ooooooo, this one sounds exciting. Can't wait to see the progress.

Rbacchiega 05-05-2009 11:23 PM

so until I can test with water I'll leave the plumbing the way I've designed it, but I won't glue anything in case I need to add a ball valve or something to controll the flow, but I don't think I will...note to self. Measure TWICE, cut ONCE...

fishytime 05-06-2009 12:18 AM gonna be able to drain that much water???

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 12:34 AM

no need to really "drain" anything since it's an AIO. There's a false wall that runs one of the short sides of the tank and should handle the flow. I don't plan on there being much of a drop, just a spot to keep the pump separate from the fish. Just a big way of getting lots of flow without two powerheads. Yeah, there's less display volume, but I'm fine with that. It's more of a challenge I think :D

EDIT: PG 2!!! Yezow!

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 02:38 AM


The "Short" end of the cube. Display measures about 12x12x10

Top Down:

Told Ya' it was a Quiet One 4000 HH:

Manifold and Pump All put together and in the tank:

View of the outputs. I don't imagine it'll be too noticable once they are black:

Pazil 05-06-2009 02:42 AM

Looking good..... Can't wait to see H2o in there:mrgreen:

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 03:01 AM

H20 in T-minus ....26 days :cry:

JDigital 05-06-2009 03:06 AM

Could always paint the tank black from the water level up... then you won't see the jets..

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 03:10 AM

true! Although the eggcrate is a little mis leading. There's some more acrylic behind that so the water level is up there. But I do like your idea......

Myka 05-06-2009 03:32 AM

Holy crap! :eek: You sure the water will actually stay in there? :lol: Looks great! How does the light fit on there? It's 24" isn't it?

I also love Yasha gobies, and believe it or not buying a Yasha was the primary purpose for me to be in the nano contest - good excuse to buy a Yasha!! :lol: I love them, but it would get lost in my 90. Probably eaten too. Still on the fence for the contest, but I won't be using a Yasha now. :p

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 03:36 AM

anyone know how to get what you do on google sketchup and then post it on here? I've got a rough layout of stand/canopy so I can show people how the 24" light will work on a 10 gallon tank...

Lance 05-06-2009 03:38 AM

Whoa! 120x turnover in that little box! Surf`s Up! Should be pretty cool.

JDigital 05-06-2009 03:46 AM

i'm not sure your sandbed will be able to handle that type of flow.. :lol:

Boomboy 05-06-2009 03:46 AM

its funny that your using a QO400HH in your 10Gallon, that is cut in half when i have one on my CL on my 80G. hahahah i think your going to have to go bare bottom, but you should make a video of the water movement then drain it again just so we can see it in action. i think that should be allowed, for entertainment purposes only of course :biggrin:

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 03:57 AM

Maybe it's just the motor or something, this pump has been sitting dry for over a year, but it doesn't seem to be putting out that much. I filled with H20 just to test for plumbing leaks, and it's not moving overly fast....herm...

Myka 05-06-2009 04:03 AM

Didn't Christy just say you couldn't have water in the tank at all? :lol:

Did you try cleaning the pump with pure vinegar? Then let it run in a bucket for a couple hours?

EDIT: Ok, am I halucinating, or did Christy not post saying you couldn't put water in the tank at all on page one, and you replied "Yes boss..."??? Am I going mad? :lol: Did that post get deleted? Did she change her mind?

JDigital 05-06-2009 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 418111)
Didn't Christy just say you couldn't have water in the tank at all? :lol:

Did you try cleaning the pump with pure vinegar? Then let it run in a bucket for a couple hours?

EDIT: Ok, am I halucinating, or did Christy not post saying you couldn't put water in the tank at all on page one, and you replied "Yes boss..."??? Am I going mad? :lol: Did that post get deleted? Did she change her mind?

Nope, your sane..

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 04:09 AM

the water wasn't in the was in the tub... :D either way, wasn't going as fast as it should. I took apart the thing and noticed a broken impeller shaft :bad-word: but it still goes. I'll try the vinegar bath

Myka 05-06-2009 04:38 AM

That sucks...but an easy fix at least.


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 418114)

Oh good!! Wrong thread though, so I am still half mad... lol

Zylumn 05-06-2009 04:57 AM

Rbacchiega's 10 Gallon Yashia Goby House of Love

I feel the love anyone else. LOL


Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 06:08 PM

so, we're on the hunt for an impeller I'll be picking up Krylon Fusion and might work on building the stand. I'm feeling pretty lazy today, so there's a good chance nothing will get done, but hey, at least I'm honest. Not to mention the Oceanic order is coming I'll be busy with that (STOOOOOOOOKED)

Edit. Pump won't go now, so maybe I just buy a different pump? with not QUITE as much UMPH. We're still going SPS, but gotta think about my Yashias! Open to suggestions ladies and gents...

Edit x2: Maybe buying another pump is the way to go. I only need about 50-60X turnover really for an SPS tank (more wouldn't hurt...but whatever) so that works out to 372gph worth of flow. So I need a 500gph pump and that should work....I think.

I hate getting ideas AFTER The fact.

Rbacchiega 05-06-2009 07:18 PM


I don't want to spend oodles of money on another pump, and I happen to have a 500gph pump kicking around. Taking into consideration headloss etc total display gph is up around 30x turnover. So I should still be able to keep a few SPS, but this might be a zoa tank...we'll have to see. The main thing is I want my Yashia's to be happy and out and about. No point in dropping oodles of cash on a fish for it to be unseen...

decisions decisions.

Rbacchiega 05-07-2009 08:49 PM

switched out pumps. Now using the pump that was orriginally purchased with the tank from John (lobsterboy).

noirsphynx 05-07-2009 08:51 PM

WOW, Awesome!!

Midknight 05-07-2009 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 418088)
anyone know how to get what you do on google sketchup and then post it on here? I've got a rough layout of stand/canopy so I can show people how the 24" light will work on a 10 gallon tank...

You should be able to just cut and paste the pic. :biggrin:
Arrange the image to where you want it in Sketch-up and the copy (Ctrl C)
Then open MS paint and then paste (Ctrl V) in to the paint program.
Than you can edit it to what you want save as JPG and you are ready to go.

Easy. :wink:

Rbacchiega 05-07-2009 11:19 PM

right. OR I could try linking to my flickr...which is a stupid thing. Did I mention how much I'm starting to loath computers? Photobucket is being a ...... bad thing.... right now too...:bad-word:

Rbacchiega 05-07-2009 11:22 PM

Rbacchiega 05-08-2009 05:24 AM

How to get nano-sized rockwork out of hunks of dry rock you have laying around the house (we all have piles somewhere, admit it)

Step 1:

Step 2....HULK SMASH!:

Final result:

Delphinus 05-08-2009 05:29 AM

Oh my. With your hands? I bet you used your hands. Don't ruin my fantasy by telling me otherwise.

Rbacchiega 05-08-2009 05:32 AM

well I threw it really hard...with one yeah, I used my hands *flexes*

Rbacchiega 05-08-2009 05:45 AM

I think I've settled on a rock layout. Now just have to buy some sand and build the stand canopy and wait for water!

My picture taking ability leaves much to be desired, can't quite get the pic to show the cool depth I've got going on in there...who knew 'scaping a 6 gallon would be so difficult...took me damn near an hour before I was happy with it....and it still might be changed!

Short side view:

Long Side view:

Top Down:

BlueAbyss 05-08-2009 05:48 AM

Wow almost ready for water! ;)

Rbacchiega 05-08-2009 05:51 AM

pretty much!
The stand/canopy unit will be the most time consuming I think. All that's left is that, and to paint the plumbing if I decide to...we'll see!

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