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Canreef Nano Contest Voting Thread: "Most Innovative"
To make it simple for this category I am just gonna copy/paste the other intro.. haha!
After 6 months..... The goals were simple, to make the best reef tank you could on a specific budget using either a standard 5.5g tank or a standard 10g tank. The tank could be modified any way you wanted, as long as you started out with a 5.5 or a 10g and the budget was adhered to. The budget for a contest was $395. Each person who entered the contest had to pay an entry fee, and all of the entry fees are what the final prizes are taken from. The total prize pot is $264 and there are 2 categories, so the winner of each category will receive a $132 gift certificate to the Canreef Sponsor of their choice. The tank categories are: - Best Tank - Most Innovative Tank (can be any tank in the contest) We began the contest with several contestants, but only 5 have made it through to the end. The final contestants are: sphelps, noirsphynx, Chaloupa, Rocketlily, superduperwesman. The contestants have all done a wonderful job on their tanks. Now it's time for the Canreef public to cast their vote. Please look over the following entries and cast your vote for which tank you think claims "Best Tank". Best Tank is pretty straightforward, just vote for the tank you think is the best one in the contest. The Most Innovative Category is a little different. Wikipedia defines innovative/innovation this way: "The term innovation means a new way of doing something. A distinction is typically made between invention, an idea made manifest, and innovation, ideas applied successfully. The goal of innovation is positive change, to make someone or something better." I think that the winner of the "Most Innovative" category should be someone who has found a new and creative way of approaching a particular aspect of reefkeeping. Even more importantly, they need to have applied their idea successfully in their tank. We have one category in addition to the original 2 categories, "Best Theme". This category is sponsored by Kevin & Doug @ Red Coral Aquarium. The winner of this category will receive a $100 gift certificate to Red Coral Aquarium. Red Coral has picked silent judges for this category and is not open to the Canreef Public. The Winner will be announced as soon as I find out. A lot of work was put into these tanks, so please take the voting seriously! And the contestants are....... |
Chaloupa's 5.5G Primary Colors Nano
Full Tank Thread Here Well, after much debate with a 10g we had or finding a 5.5...we ended up going with a 5.5g as in the long run that is soooo much fun! Picture with Space Alien; http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...otankbuild.jpg Picture with Nano Reef Survival Kit; http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...tankbuild2.jpg COSTING TO DATE; (updated with each purchase) FREEBIES per the rules; Tank; free Stand; free (but did cost $41.33 for wood just as an FYI) Mag Float; free Live sand; free (but did cost me $40.00 as I couldn't steal any from my other tanks....) Rock; free ITEMS FOR THE BUDGET Light; $59.95 from Dragon's Lair Pet Store in town...can produce receipt Maxijet 1200; $26.95 x .75= $20.21 (I already had it...and that's the J&L price at 75%) Sump; custom built by Jim (whiteice669) $20.00 as it's all used glass To date; $100.16 ADDED TO BUDGET OCTOBER 27/08 Zoa frag (bluish); $10.00 Yellow polyp frag; $10.00 (going on the GSP pricing?) 2 red and blue mushrooms; $10.00 1 red leg hermit; $1.45 1 blue leg hermit; $1.29 1 Astrea snail; 1.69 TOTAL FOR THESE; $34.43 Total to date; $100.16 + $34.43 = $134.59 ADDED TO BUDGET NOVEMBER 6/08 Zoa frag (RPE); $5.00 Zoa frag (yellow); $10.00 Blue/Yellow Damsel; $4.95 Blue Porcelain Crab; $9.95 TOTAL FOR THESE; $29.90 Total to date; $134.59 + $29.90 = $164.49 ADDED TO BUDGET NOVEMBER 14/08 Zoa frag (bluish2); $10.00 Zoa frag (blue); $5.00 Zoa frag (redish); $5.00 Zoa frag (blue/yellow); $5.00 added more Yellow polyps; $10.00 (was a small piece that I chopped into 3 tiny ones) 2 Red and Blue Mushrooms; $10.00 1 Red Mushroom; $5.00 1 Blue Cloves (very sparse on disk); $10.00? TOTAL FOR THESE; $60.00 Total to date; $164.49 + $60.00 + $224.49 Full tank shot November 15, 2008 (budget is up to date for today also!) http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...nobuildFTS.jpg ADDED TO BUDGET DECEMBER 1/08 WF Wicked Blue Zoa; $45.00 WF Double Red Zoa; $40.00 WF Aussie Zoa; $35.00 Blue Clove; $10.00 TOTAL FOR THESE; $130.00 Total to date; $224.49 + $130.00 = $354.49 Just an FYI...I have been bumped into the 10g category so have their budget now which originally was $300.00 then with the added on budget of $95.00 my budget total is $395.00...I am cutting it sooooo close. I really wanted to keep it low...but then I saw these few Zoa frags and well...bit the bullet as I had room in budget. Soooo there you have it. My update! FTS for December 15, 2008 (budget has not changed since last entry)....I think I may have found one of the red and blue shrooms that survived...but not 100% yet...fingers crossed!!! http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...d/DSC_0018.jpg FTS for January 15/09 No budget change as nothing has been purchased (I will be replacing this picture...battery was dying, and I just realized the date...OOPS) I've had several rock falls at the "bridge" area....so tank is a bit sad looking today...but next month will be back to looking good. The red mushrooms have taken off...I have 3 now....2 bigger and 1 small....everything else is growing well..... http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ld/NanoJan.jpg FTS for February 15/09 No budget change as nothing has been purchased http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...nobuildJan.jpg FTS for March 15/09 No budget change as nothing has been purchased http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2.../MarchNano.jpg March 19/08 WOOOT, turns out I can't add!!!! Thanks to Josh for pointing out I still have $ in my budget to buy something with!!! YAYAYAYAYAY ADDED TO BUDGET April 6/09 Yellow and Red Gorgonian $15.00 TOTAL FOR THIS; $15.00 Total to date; $354.49 + $15.00 = $369.54 under budget!!!! YAYAYAYAY FTS for April 15/09 Budget updated for Gorgonian http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...nanobuild9.jpg |
superduperwesmans 10G Plate coral Nano
Full Tank Thread Here! Guess who's in the game... look out people Oh baby... oh baby it's fun already Plate Coral Tank with a modern stand concept and a super easy water change system Water change video on page 26 Budget = $395 Budget Exhausted = $390.00 Budget Remaining = $5.00 Details of Expenditure: Equipment: Heater = $24.99 x 0.75 = $18.75 - Used Via Aqua 100 watt - Originally bought at Bayside Corals Lighting = $75 x 0.75 = $56.25 - Basically 75% of a Sunlight supply 24" New Wave T5 Fixture - Used from Saskreef c/w 4 bulbs (PM me for proof of purchase) Pump = $52.50 x 0.75 = $39.50 -Used Rio 1400 - Originally Bought at Big Als Sump = $17.00 - Engineered Aquariums (actually = 1 Lunch) Total - $131.50 Livestock: Bumblebee Snails = $2 x 2 = $4.00 - Red Coral Hermit Crabs = 3 for $10 = $10.00 - Red Coral Clown Fish = $10.45 - Big Als (Actually Paid $22 ahah I had a GC) Dragonet Scooter Blenny = $8.45 - JL Price (Actually Paid $19.99 at Ocean City)- Dead Yellow Box Fish = $25.45 - JL Price (Actually Paid $29.99 at Ocean City)- Dead Finger Leather = $10.00 - Bayside Corals - Dead Toadstool = $5.00 - Originally Bought at Bayside Corals Candy Cane = $2.50 - Actually Free from sphelps but Almost Dead from Sitting in a Sump with No Lights (Almost all skeleton) Orange Plate Coral = $5.00 - Originally Bought at Bayside Corals but is almost all Skeleton from being in a 2.5 Gallon Pico (hope it makes it) - Dead Brown Plate Coral = $15.00 - Bayside Corals (Actually Paid $53.00)... hoping it might just be browned out and that it might get pretty Pink and White Plate Coral = $20.00 - Actually Free from sphelps Orange Plate Coral = $15.00 - Ocean City (Traded it for a Green Tongue Coral I bought 1 day prior $53.99) Green Plate Coral = $15.00 - ElGuappo (Actually paid $25.00) - Dead Green Plate Coral = $15.00 - De Iron Chef (Actually paid $20.00) - Dead Pink Plate Coral = $20.00 - Ocean City (Actually Paid $45.00) - Dead Brown Mushroom = Hitch Hiker so Included in Rock Prices = Free Anthelia Frag = $2.50 - sphelps (Actually Free) - Dead Crocea Clam 2" Shell = $20.00 - Ocean City (Actually Paid $35.00) Frogspawn 3" Skeleton = $15.00 - Red Coral (Actually Paid $30.00) Yellow Clown Goby = $0.25 - ColinD (Actually Free) Green Plate Coral = $15 - Ocean City (Actually $42.99) Orange Plate Coral = $15 - Ocean City (Actually $42.99) Zoa Colony = $10 - Ocean City (Actually $60.00) I fragged it up Total - $258.50 OK so some stuff died but in my defense I was planning a wedding through out the contest and then I was gone for 2 weeks for the wedding and honeymoon... just for a little back ground... I know I still let stuff die but I couldn't commit my full attention to the tank. That's just life sometimes... as I'm sure most of you know... anyway... I guess that's enough excuses for now "Free" Entry Fee = $26.50 - I entered late Tank = $20.00 - Engineered Aquariums ( Actually = Lunch... same lunch as above ) MDF = $58.50 - Home Depot Screws/Misc Hardware = $10.00 - Home Depot Hinges = $10.50 - Home Depot Wood Filler = $5.00 - Home Depot Fan Speed Control = $2.50 - Ebay (not wired in yet) Two 3.5" Fans = $2.00 ea. - Princess Auto 12 Volt Adapter = $5.00 - Princess Auto 3 Cans of Flat/Gloss Black Paint = $5.00 ea. - Canadian Tire? I had them lying around but I know I had to pay for them at some point Sand = $11.00 - Had around, originally bought at Wai's 5.5 lbs of Live Rock = $40.00 - Ocean City/ Bayside Corals 5ish lbs of Base Rock = $10.00 - Had but, originally bought at Bayside Corals Tank Shipping = $30.00 Plumbing Parts ~ $65 - Rona / Bayside Corals / Engineered Aquariums Magnafloat = $13.50 - Ocean City Eggcrate = $10.00 - Home Depot Fuge Light = $10.00 - Walmart Glass Lid = $15.00 - Big Als Coralife Battery Operated Digital Thermometer = $14.00 - Had around, but originally bought at Big Als (If I had the receipt I'd return it b/c it's out by 3 degrees) Handful of Cheato = Free - From Jay180reef Epoxy = $20 - Bayside Corals "Free" Total - $365.50 Actual Total Spent ~ $1064 **Note: Some prices above have tax included... at first most did but then it got hard Pictures Standard 10 gallon http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...s/DSC_1495.jpg Standard 10 Gallon w/ Overflow and sump http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...ankandsump.jpg FTS November 15 http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...IMG_1275-1.jpg FTS December 15 With Stand http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...G_1344-1-1.jpg Front http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...IMG_1340-1.jpg Left Side http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...IMG_1342-1.jpg FTS January 15 http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...n/DSC_0035.jpg Front http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...n/DSC_0312.jpg Front Including Stand http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...n/DSC_0297.jpg Front Showing Storage http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...n/DSC01067.jpg Side Including Stand http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...n/DSC_0298.jpg FTS March 15 http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...n/DSC_0309.jpg FTS April 15 Front with Stand http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...n/DSC_0548.jpg Front Close up http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...n/DSC_0555.jpg Side http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m...n/DSC_0561.jpg More pictures and water change video on page 26 |
sphelps' 10G Intelligent Reef
Full Tank Thread Here The Intelligent Reef $395 Budget: Equipment: 2 24W T5 bulbs and reflectors: $25 (purchased used off Scythanith) Workhorse 5 Ballast - $21.75 (Used, originally purchased from "Natural Full Spectrum Lighting" for $28.99) Maxi-Jet 600: $16.47 (used, priced from J&L) Visitherm Heater (50 Watt) - $16.47 (used, priced from J&L) Total - $79.69 Livestock: Large Brain - $20 Small Wellsophyllia - removed Large Wellsophyllia - $20 2.75" Rainbow Lobo - $17 Small Orange Lobo - $15 Large Green Closed Brain - $20 Small Burgundy Closed Brain - $15 Small Green Moon Brain - Removed Small, Small Polyp Red & Green Acan - $15 Large Green & Red Open Brain - Removed Single Acan Polyp - $5 Small Red Monti Cap frag - $10 Deceased Med Purple Acro Tort Frag - $15 Deceased 4 Small Zoo Frags - $20 Small Squamosa Clam - $20 Very Small Chalice Coral Frag - $5 Small Clove Polyp Frag - $5 Large Bright Green Closed Brain: $20 Small Red Chalice Coral: $15 3 Hermits @ $1 - $3 1 Urchin - $15 Deceased Red Octopus - $60 Total - $315.00 Free Budget: Tank - $20 Scrap glass, plastic and building supplies for tank mod - $0 Old Terrarium Canopy used for Light Fixture - $0 Rock - $40 Sand - $0 Mag Float - $15 Acrylic for lighting canopy - $40 Total - $115 SUMMARY: 10 gallon tank: http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...8/DSC_1379.jpg Modified: http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...8/DSC_1398.jpg October 19th 2008 http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...s/DSC_1435.jpg Theme change November 1st 2008 http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...8/DSC_1491.jpg Full View November 9th 2008 http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...8/DSC_1706.jpg November 15th 2008 FTS http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...8/DSC_1724.jpg December 15th 2008 FTS (yeah yeah bad pic, I know) http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...8/DSC_1856.jpg January 15th 2009 FTS http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...uary09/FTS.jpg February 15th 2009 FTS http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...9/DSC_2648.jpg March 15th 2009 FTS http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...9/2357513e.jpg April 15th 2009 FTS http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...9/DSC_2994.jpg Random Photos http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...t/d9fa5d1d.jpg http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a1...t/a1c149e8.jpg Octopus Video: Einstein |
Rocketlilys Damsel in Zoanthidland
Full Tank Thread Here Budget update: $300.00 Budget Items Equipment: 4 Coralife Mini Compact 50/50 lamps 20 watt each @ $15.99 each Total $63.96 (Wiring supplies from shop) Aqueon 50w Heater $25.99 Aquatech 20-40 HOB filter $ 2.00 ("scored" a good deal - receipt can be provided) Used Nano Powerhead $26.21 Total Equipment: $ 118.16 Livestock: 3 small zoanthids (under 15 heads) @ $5.00 each $ 15.00 (transferred from 50 gal tank) 9 med zoanthids (15 - 25 heads) @ $10.00 each $ 90.00 (transferred from 50 gal tank) 1 small (7 head) flourescant zoanthid $ 5.00 (purchased from a local reefer) 1 small Blue Clove $ 5.00 (fragged from 50 gal tank) 1 green mushroom rock $ 20.00 (transferred from 50 gal tank) 5 blue mushroom $ 25.00 (transferred from 50 gal tank) 1 Yellowtail Damselfish (Live Aquaria price) $ 4.99 (transferred from 50 gal tank) 1 Stocky Cerith Snail (Big Al's) $ 2.99 2 Narssarius Snails (Big Al's $1.99 each) $ 3.98 1 Cerith Snail (Big Al's) $ 1.99 1 Blue Legged Hermit Crab $ 1.99 1 Red Banded Turbo Crab $ 4.99 Total Livestock: $ 180.93 Total spent on budget items (equipment and livestock): $ 299.09 "Free" Items 10 gal display tank - $0.00 (Had it at home already) Maple for stand and canopy - $55.86 Sand - Left over from 20 gal - free Rocks - 2 large cooking in basement - free Rocks - 2 small $10.00 Thermometer - $1.49 Mag Cleaner - Left over from 20 gal - free Total spent on free items: $67.35 Empty Tank http://www.canreef.com/photopost/dat..._gal_empty.jpg October 15-2008 http://www.canreef.com/photopost/dat..._Oct_15-08.jpg November 15-2008 http://www.canreef.com/photopost/dat...Nov_15_FTS.jpg December 15-2008 http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/p...o/IMG_0157.jpg Jan 15-09 http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/p...y/IMG_0243.jpg Fb 15-09 http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/p...TSFeb15-08.jpg March 15-09 http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/p...Mar14-0925.jpg April 15-09 http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/p...o/FinalFTS.jpg A few favorites: http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/p...ntZoanthid.jpg http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/p...anZoanthid.jpg http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/p...erZoanthid.jpg http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/p...nkZoanthid.jpg |
noirsphynx's 10G Nano Reef
Full Tank Thread Here! This tank is going to remain very basic as I'm fairly new to the hobby. This is more about the fun of it. I'm going to try a mushroom themed tank. Oct 15/08 FTS http://canreef.com/vbulletin/picture...2&pictureid=11 Nov. 15/08 FTS http://canreef.com/vbulletin/picture...&pictureid=122 Dec. 15/08 FTS http://canreef.com/vbulletin/picture...&pictureid=240 Jan. 15/09 http://canreef.com/vbulletin/picture...&pictureid=409 Feb. 15/09 http://canreef.com/vbulletin/picture...&pictureid=572 Mar. 15/09 http://canreef.com/vbulletin/picture...&pictureid=808 Apr. 15/09 http://canreef.com/vbulletin/picture...pictureid=1025 Budget $395.45 Used $383.73 Remaining $11.72 Free Items: Tank, 10g LR LS Stand Themometer Supplies: Subcurrent Filter(new) $38.99 Light, Nova Extreme 18" T5(new) $79.99 Elite 50w heater(used) $16.49(75% of Petsmart price, have reciept) Koralia 1(used) $25.46(75% as per J&L) Moonlights $7.80 total $168.73 Livestock: Gumdrop Coral Croucher $31.99 Anenome Shrimp x 2 (one was $7.49 other was $14.54) = $22.03 Nassarius Snails $1.34 x 2 = $2.68(already had so 75% of J&L) Turbo Snail $1.46 (already had so 75% of J&L) Feather Duster x2 = $36.84 Orange Spotted Mushroom $5 Green Stripe Mushroom $5 Orange Yuma $5 Pink Yuma $10 Died =( Blue Mushroom $5 Red Mushroom $10 Red Spotted Mushroom $5 Purple Mushroom $5 Bullseye Mushroom $5 Florida Ricordia 5 x $5ea = $25 Florida Ricordia $10 Orange (argent orange?) zoa's $5 Purple zoa's $5 Green/Blue/Peach (earth, wind & fire?) zoa's $5 Pink w/ green center (candy apple pink?) zoa's $5 Orange (armour of god?) Paly $5 Green Palys $5 total $215 |
Oh I see how it is... this is the not so cool category so 10 less people decided to vote :P ahah but I've been told that no matter how well the voting goes I'm not allowed to participate in the next contested.
I actually found the most innovative tank wasn't actually the tank itself. So I didn't vote.
I also found that a little strange, why would ten people choose to vote in the one pole but not the other. I don't want to say it but something smells fishy :razz:
Well considering the budget was for the tank itself, then the most innovative tank would be the tank. Spending an extra grand on a neat stand and water system is kind of out of the realm of the competition IMO.
I'm not starting anything here, I'm just sayin..your system is totally innovative, its that I thought this was supposed to be a nano tank contest, so I was looking at the tanks themselves. It wasn't that I didn't think anyone was innovative, I just couldn't decide so I didn't vote. |
And at the end of the day I just wanted something to hide all my nano tank's junk in because part of the budget or not I didn't want to make my house look like a mess for the contest, which tanks have a tendency to do ahah |
yep I totally hear what you're saying. I went through the threads again with exactly that in mind. And voted :wink:
Yes!! I only need 29 more votes. You're going down waterchange boy!
Haha, you could never steal my tank cause you're scared of the octopus, not to mention my cat :lol:
And it's not that I'm scared of the cat... it's just weird and I don't like the idea of a hairless little weirdo jumping all over me... next time I'll just have to introduce the cat to the octopus and hopefully they can keep each other in line. |
sure, sure, big talk now when you're 600 K away.
Currently 209 active users but only 49 votes???
The gap has shrunk to a difference of 7 from the best tank votes
62 votes total... not bad not bad
Only 7 more days
Really....? 36 extra people have voted for the best tank category? I'm confused how that poll increases by 10ish over night but the most innovative only gets 1-2ish extra votes and the threads are side by side?? I get that less people might be interested in that category but that many less? Seems a tad bit weird if you ask me ahah... ok so nobody asked me but I like to think out loud.:question::question:
I guess it does have more views....
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