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Lance 04-01-2009 11:58 PM

Powell River "Hardcore" Reef Meeting May 10: see page 4 for date change!
OK then, May 3rd it is.

Come one-come-all to the first ever "Hardcore Reef Geeks Get Together".

I'll volunteer being the organizer at this end and Christy can take care of things from the Island side. Those coming from the Lower Mainland or the Peninsula can be picked up at Saltery Bay as well. Anybody needing a pick up at the ferry, PM me for my phone #. ( You can save yourself $40.00 by leaving your car at the ferry and walking on.) Can fit 7 passengers in the van. Anybody who cares to stay overnight is welcome to a room at our Hotel (if there are any available). Cost per room per night: 1 frag or a Sleeman's Honey Brown. I can also take 2 overnighters at home. (spare bedroom & couch).

christyf5 04-02-2009 12:18 AM

copied this over so we don't have to sift through the pages.

Woohoo, I'm in!! :razz:

marie 04-02-2009 12:43 AM

So is that the official name for the new powell river reef club?.... "hardcore reef geeks" :razz:

Mrfish55 04-02-2009 12:54 AM

I'm more an addict than a geek, perhaps we can have an intervention while were at it!:lol: I call to order the first meeting of the Reefoholics.

marie 04-02-2009 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Mrfish55 (Post 406888)
I'm more an addict than a geek, perhaps we can have an intervention while were at it!:lol: I call to order the first meeting of the Reefoholics.

Doesn't an intervention mean you have to stop doing whatever it is your addicted to? Cause if so I'll have to pass :lol:

Lance 04-02-2009 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 406890)
Doesn't an intervention mean you have to stop doing whatever it is your addicted to? Cause if so I'll have to pass :lol:

No Interventions allowed. We're all happy addicts! We can invite Bruce the shark to speak: "Fish are our friends, ... NOT food."

Mrfish55 04-02-2009 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 406890)
Doesn't an intervention mean you have to stop doing whatever it is your addicted to? Cause if so I'll have to pass :lol:

Kind of, but it is a 12 step process and I'm still at step 1 after nearly 20 years. You know step 1 "Spend obscene amounts of money repeatedly on little glass box full of water"

Skimmerking 04-02-2009 01:13 AM

wow ok count me in who is paying for my flight... that will make 4 of us then

christyf5 04-02-2009 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 406890)
Doesn't an intervention mean you have to stop doing whatever it is your addicted to? Cause if so I'll have to pass :lol:

naw, thats the part where you say you can stop whenever you want to and then carry on :razz:

besides, I don't think many of us are that addicted that we need to have an intervention

Lance 04-02-2009 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by asmodeus (Post 406897)
wow ok count me in who is paying for my flight... that will make 4 of us then

Mike, I hear our local chapter of Army Cadets require additional training. Have the Army fly you out. :wink:

Tom R 04-02-2009 02:58 AM

I would love to come however I am not sure if the ferry connection would work. If anyone knows the ferry times that are need can they let me know?

Tom R

Mrfish55 04-02-2009 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Tom R (Post 406939)
I would love to come however I am not sure if the ferry connection would work. If anyone knows the ferry times that are need can they let me know?

Tom R

Tom, would be good to have ya. You would have to catch the 9:20 from Horseshoe bay, It would connect with the 12:30 from earls cove and get you here around 1:30ish If someone from the peninsula is comming up perhaps you could carpool and save ferry fare on the return, you might want to plan an overnighter as the last conector back to the city is the 5:45

marie 04-02-2009 03:45 AM

You could catch the 7:20 out of horseshoe bay if you can get up early enough and then it would be 10:25 at earls cove getting you here by noon

Lance 04-02-2009 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 406969)
You could catch the 7:20 out of horseshoe bay if you can get up early enough and then it would be 10:25 at earls cove getting you here by noon

That would give you about 5 hours for the visit. Would love to have you come up.

Tom R 04-02-2009 04:28 AM

Thanks for the info. I am really going to try and make this event. Overnighting and come back on the Monday is probably in order.

Tom R

Lance 04-02-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Tom R (Post 406992)
Thanks for the info. I am really going to try and make this event. Overnighting and come back on the Monday is probably in order.

Tom R

Great! Looking forward to seeing you.

PoonTang 04-02-2009 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 406980)
That would give you about 5 hours for the visit. Would love to have you come up.

Hey I thought we were all going to arrive at Marie's on Friday night and then go home Sunday night???? :twised:

marie 04-03-2009 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by PoonTang (Post 407239)
Hey I thought we were all going to arrive at Marie's on Friday night and then go home Sunday night???? :twised:

Sure go ahead, just make sure you bring enough wine and beer to last... I prefer red wine and sleemans beer thanks :razz:

ColinD 04-04-2009 04:13 PM

Hmm, might just coincide with a trip planned to visit the In-laws in PR, will know closer to the date.


Lance 04-04-2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by ColinD (Post 407746)
Hmm, might just coincide with a trip planned to visit the In-laws in PR, will know closer to the date.


Great! let us know.

Lance 04-06-2009 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by ColinD (Post 407746)
Hmm, might just coincide with a trip planned to visit the In-laws in PR, will know closer to the date.


Maybe I know them. I have family in Calgary too. Maybe you know them.

Lance 04-19-2009 12:59 AM

Only 2 weeks away!
Come visit us, we're lonely and very friendly :hug:

christyf5 04-19-2009 03:18 AM

holey crap, I totally forgot about this. Sweet!!!

christyf5 04-19-2009 03:22 AM

oh !@#$%^&*(!!!!! I just realized I have school that weekend. OH FFS! I can't believe this. I'm totally disgusted. How depressing. I have to do a practicum for school and I'm stuck. Son of a ... I'm totally ****ed off right now I NEVER work weekends so I thought I was in the clear.


in other news, I find it interesting that anything with an @ sign in it is recognized as an email address :razz:

christyf5 04-19-2009 03:24 AM

Anyone wanna change the date? :razz:

marie 04-19-2009 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 412400)
Anyone wanna change the date? :razz:

With all the interest generated so far it looks like you could change the date to what ever you want :lol:

Leah 04-19-2009 03:52 AM

I am shocked at that up above I thought you were such a nice girl.
I am so, so upset I looked up to you.......The peace maker, good girl,
You were everything good on the forum. The calm the rational. And
now this. All I can say is OH DEAR!

christyf5 04-19-2009 04:04 AM

Well normally I'm all sugar and spice but when you mess with my reef time, then things get ugly :razz:

Besides, I didn't actually swear I put in the little character thingys and all :wink:

Skimmerking 04-19-2009 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 412415)
I am shocked at that up above I thought you were such a nice girl.
I am so, so upset I looked up to you.......The peace maker, good girl,
You were everything good on the forum. The calm the rational. And
now this. All I can say is OH DEAR!

Leah she is a potty mouth:mrgreen:

Lance 04-19-2009 04:09 AM

A date change is no problem by me. I'm easy!

RobynR 04-19-2009 05:03 PM

We (ReefJunkie and I) really want to come, we have pretty flexable schedules and can be available whenever as long as it is a weekend. Long weekends might not be so pretty with the ferries though. Christy what other weekend works for you?

christyf5 04-19-2009 05:55 PM

Well really any weekend except for that one. We could do it earlier, on Apr 26 later or May 10th if we want to stay around that time :biggrin:

RobynR 04-19-2009 06:35 PM

We are unavailble on the weekend of the 26, but I'm pretty sure we could do the 10th.

Leah 04-19-2009 06:51 PM

:redface:Christyf5 I get it!
Asmodeus :wink: yupper's!!!

Lance 04-19-2009 06:56 PM

May 10th is fine by me.

marie 04-19-2009 07:30 PM

May 10th is fine by me too :biggrin: but just so everyone knows that's also mothers day

christyf5 04-19-2009 10:44 PM

May 10 it is then? :biggrin:

Lance 04-19-2009 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 412611)
May 10 it is then? :biggrin:


christyf5 04-19-2009 10:55 PM

Yay!! Thanks guys I really appreciate this! :biggrin:

Lance 04-20-2009 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 412611)
May 10 it is then? :biggrin:

May 10th it is. Come-one-come-all. Those who are coming pm Lance for ferry pick-up or directions. Bonus: All the fish will be out of QT by then and back in their tank. Whoot!

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