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Key Equine 03-31-2009 11:08 PM

How about some horse photos!!
Probably not quite so many horse owners, but there must be a few!

I'll start it off with my pride and joy, Zodiac...

langdon reefer 03-31-2009 11:11 PM

lol well i want a horse but i need place to board it i would love to resque a baby from auction then i can also have a place in this since im in all the


Originally Posted by Key Equine (Post 406382)

marie 03-31-2009 11:47 PM

I can't let this thread go by with only pics of one horse.
I've had lots of horses when I was young but this is the only pic I have on my computer.
Belgium mare (June) with a mule baby (his name was Sydney and he grew up to be a holy terror with a really bad sense of humour)

Chaloupa 03-31-2009 11:54 PM

key equine- STUNNING horse!!! HOLY! Would LOVE to have one again...had an Appaloosa for her as a baby...sold her at 4 years old and NEVER rode her...had her trained and just never did. It's weird...and sad. But she's in a good home now!

Key Equine 04-01-2009 01:21 AM

Thank you! He is my baby...

Marie, I love the photo! Never could trust a mule... ;)

marie 04-01-2009 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Key Equine (Post 406439)
Thank you! He is my baby...

Marie, I love the photo! Never could trust a mule... ;)

And this one ended up taller then his mama :lol:

when he was 2 weeks old he used to practice his aim by lining up with the fence post and hitting it with both back feet. It could take a good 5 mins of positioning before he was happy enough to let fly. Our fence posts were all at crazy angles by the time he was a year old :lol:

sphelps 04-01-2009 01:33 AM

I'm a horse owner to..

:lol: Well this is a fish forum

Myka 04-01-2009 01:51 AM

Oooo, I can join this one too!!! :D These are all with me riding. I mostly do some training rides on green horses or polishing up rides on horses that are for sale. In no particular order:

My Reg Morgan mare 15.1 hh:

Reg. Trakehner gelding (mistreated, and difficult to handle) 15.3 hh:

Training level eventing, Paint/TB 16.3 hh:

Reg Canadian WB mare 16.1 hh:

Green level eventing. Reg POA Pony mare 13.1 hh:

Reg Arabian gelding 15.1hh. Trained him up for endurance racing (only 4 yo in photo):

Morgan/TB gelding 16.1hh

Bashkir Curly stallion 14.3 hh. (Not me riding in the photo, but I did train him for a year):

StirCrazy 04-01-2009 02:14 AM

ok, nice horses, especially the Canadian, just what I am looking for if we find a place with enough land, as I am a little portly and they are a good strong horse.. I grew up on a farm in Alberta and want to get horses again now that I am retiring. Oh by the way whats with the funny looking saddles?


my2rotties 04-01-2009 02:17 AM

My life long dream is to have a horse. Claire you have beautiful dogs and the horse is amazing. Is it a Tennessee walker? I know they come as paints at times.

I wish I could afford a Fresian or a Gypsy Vanner, love those horses...if I had more land I would have a couple of horses and a guard donkey. The ones at Banded Peak are a hoot.

Myka 04-01-2009 02:19 AM

Steve: :lol: Those are English saddles as compared to Western saddles. Funny looking? Check out Australian saddles! :D Oh, and the Canadian I posted is a Canadian Warmblood, much different than the Canadian that I think you're referring to. :) Personally, I don't like Canadians much, I would much prefer a Bashkir Curly for a good sturdy horse. Bashkirs are also hypoallergenic.

Key Equine 04-01-2009 01:25 PM

Great photos everyone!

My pinto is actually a Spotted Draft/Thoroughbred/Warmblood cross. I just refer to him as a Warmblood cross. He's a bit of a mutt but he turned out pretty good!

Myka, that is cool that you do some training! I train horses for a living, mostly youngsters just getting started...

Myka 04-01-2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Key Equine (Post 406630)
Myka, that is cool that you do some training! I train horses for a living, mostly youngsters just getting started...

Ya me too. Once they are ready for the show ring I make my exit. I used to show a lot up to the National level and did dressage up to Medium I back in the day when it was still called that (haha!), but I'm just not into showing anymore. I really enjoy working with green horses or ones that people have hit a wall with and need some help to move ahead. I also enjoy coaching advanced beginner pre-teens in hunters, jumpers, eventing, and dressage. I have done a lot of "polish training" and presenting of horses and ponies that are for sale. However, my REAL passion lies in endurance racing. :D

Very cool to see another horsie person on here!! :)

Diana 04-01-2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Key Equine (Post 406630)
My pinto is actually a Spotted Draft/Thoroughbred/Warmblood cross. I just refer to him as a Warmblood cross. He's a bit of a mutt but he turned out pretty good!

Uh oh. I have fallen for your horse. Where do you live again? :P I absolutely have always wanted horses, and that color pattern just gets me.

These are not mine, they are my aunt and uncle's Arabians, photos taken on Christmas Day 2008. :)


traco 04-01-2009 08:39 PM

Okay, I have about 27 horses (not really but the barn I work at does). lol

Anyways, just had a birth 2 days ago, here are a few pics of the little guy (no name yet).

Finaddict 04-01-2009 08:50 PM

I have a AQHA- I just bought him 7weeks ago. he is my first horse.

he is 17, 15.3 HH
I am doing natural horsemanship with him- no saddle/ no bit

just a halter and lead line is all i use.
I bought him from a rescue place.

Her is STEEL DUST WHIZ- whiz is him name i call him.

Key Equine 04-01-2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Finaddict (Post 406784)
I have a AQHA- I just bought him 7weeks ago. he is my first horse.

he is 17, 15.3 HH
I am doing natural horsemanship with him- no saddle/ no bit

just a halter and lead line is all i use.
I bought him from a rescue place.

Hey, you ride at Eagle Feather?? I train at Moose Hill Ranch, just down the road!! Very cool...

StirCrazy 04-01-2009 11:15 PM

Hmmm don't remember seeing anything saying they are warmbloods. funny thing is I grew up on a farm, showed and road horses in compititions and never heard the tearm warmblood till about 4 months ago LOL

anyways these are the ones I am talking about
Very strong, and well tempered horse, also just off the endangered list but still a long way to go. If I don't get one of these it will probably be a large 1/4 horse.

thoes curlys are neet but a little light for my liking, but who knows. My sister does the jumpping thing and I tease the heck out of her about thoes saddles also, not for me.. I'll take a good westren saddle and a long ride over going in circles with some jumps in the way :mrgreen:



Originally Posted by Myka (Post 406468)
Steve: :lol: Those are English saddles as compared to Western saddles. Funny looking? Check out Australian saddles! :D Oh, and the Canadian I posted is a Canadian Warmblood, much different than the Canadian that I think you're referring to. :) Personally, I don't like Canadians much, I would much prefer a Bashkir Curly for a good sturdy horse. Bashkirs are also hypoallergenic.

Myka 04-02-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 406852)
Hmmm don't remember seeing anything saying they are warmbloods. funny thing is I grew up on a farm, showed and road horses in compititions and never heard the tearm warmblood till about 4 months ago LOL

anyways these are the ones I am talking about
Very strong, and well tempered horse, also just off the endangered list but still a long way to go. If I don't get one of these it will probably be a large 1/4 horse.

thoes curlys are neet but a little light for my liking, but who knows. My sister does the jumpping thing and I tease the heck out of her about thoes saddles also, not for me.. I'll take a good westren saddle and a long ride over going in circles with some jumps in the way :mrgreen:


Yes, the Canadians you're talking about are very different from the Canadian Warmblood I posted. "Canadian Warmblood" is a breed registry that registers different warmblood breeds (Trakehner, Dutch, Oldenburg, etc) often crossed with Thoroughbreds. Really what it is is a mutt breed registry that allows a horse to enter based on a scoring system done on their parents. But, shhh! Don't tell the CWB owners that!!! :lol:

The Canadians you're talking about are definitely biiiig horses. Very stocky. Most of the Canadians I have been around have been on the stubborn side, and not a comfortable ride. A friend of mine fell in love with Canadians and bought one for herself...he is really unpersonable, and she didn't enjoy him much. They aren't for everyone, but seem to be rather straight forward horses.

I'm definitely a fan of the long rides as I said my true passion is endurance racing!! But, I would take an English saddle for sure as most western saddles give me sore hips.

Sushiman 04-02-2009 12:43 AM

Fantastic! Who's got more pic's????

Finaddict 04-02-2009 01:30 AM

Key equine,

Yes I ride/board him at eagle feather. not to bad 31km from my house

where is moose hill? e\

Key Equine 04-02-2009 02:01 AM

It is just on the other side of the traffic circle from Eagle Feather, hidden away in the trees on the right side...

Crazy to meet someone who's so close by! Are you familiar with Josh Nichol, I know he was supposed to do a clinic there last fall but the arena didn't get built in time...

StirCrazy 04-02-2009 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 406877)
The Canadians you're talking about are definitely biiiig horses. Very stocky. Most of the Canadians I have been around have been on the stubborn side, and not a comfortable ride. A friend of mine fell in love with Canadians and bought one for herself...he is really unpersonable, and she didn't enjoy him much. They aren't for everyone, but seem to be rather straight forward horses.

realy, that is different from what the breed is suposed to be. they are suposed to be very personable, inquisitive, and hard working. there was some mention of an awquard gait in some at a hmm can't remember the name now.. between a trot and a gallop (canter?). but that is a training issue. Also any that are not brought up properly can be a pain, realy important to find a good breeder who spends the time on them.


Myka 04-02-2009 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 406927)
realy, that is different from what the breed is suposed to be. they are suposed to be very personable, inquisitive, and hard working. there was some mention of an awquard gait in some at a hmm can't remember the name now.. between a trot and a gallop (canter?). but that is a training issue. Also any that are not brought up properly can be a pain, realy important to find a good breeder who spends the time on them.


It's really just because there are a lot of "low grade" Canadians out there because they became popular real quick, so there were lots of people breeding crap to crap, and the market flooded with these poor animals. They really have done the breed an injustice.

Some Canadians are "gaited" which is a peculiar pattern to the way they move their feet and is VERY comfortable to ride, but I can't remember the name of their gait. It's not a training issue, it's a natural ability, and if they are really good at it that is a good trait that they are often bred for. If one plans to show the horse in non-gaited disciplines then the gait would be a pain in the butt. :lol:

That same can be said about many other breeds...none are safe, but the ones that became really popular really fast had the breeders all out there trying to make a quick buck. It seems like almost every breed has had that happen at one time or another. There are still some breeds that the "average" of their breed is still rather high quality. Fresians would be an example there. Of course, not everyone needs a high quality horse...just a safe one that will do the job. :)

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