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Seek828 03-24-2009 09:08 AM

Quick Question about Macro-Algae
Hi all,

First time posting here so please excuse me if I am posting in the wrong section.

I run a 90G FOWLR setup and am looking to add some macroaglae in it both for decoration and to use it to compete with bad algae.

My question is:
Do I need to quarantine new incoming macroalgae?
would virus and/or parasites, such as ich, comes attached to it?

ferret 03-24-2009 01:12 PM

Re: Keeping Macroalgae in DT
That's a good idea to keep the new macroalgae quarantined particurlarly those are attached to the live rocks. I've kept many kinds of algae in both the DT and sump ( over 25 types ) and it looks perfectly natural. The drawback is some of the fishes like the rabbit, tang & large angel can not be kept in the DT for eating up the algae in mins particularly the rabbit fish and another disadvantage is keeping various types of marcoalgae will also attract those unwanted species. HTH

mark 03-24-2009 01:57 PM

Ideally should quarantine everything wet that comes into your system, fish, corals, macro, etc but doubt many of us actually do.

Seek828 03-24-2009 08:14 PM

alright, thanks guys!
I think I'll put them in QT for a while just in case then

Keri 03-24-2009 08:44 PM

Do a google search on "Caulerpa going sexual" before you decide on what kind of macroalgae you want. Some species can be very invasive and hard to get out from your rocks.

QTing is a good idea :) (I've see tiny baby aiptasia come in on macroalgae)

SeaHorse_Fanatic 03-25-2009 04:57 AM

If the caulerpa is harvested regularly, it usually doesn't go sexual. I've been growing various types of caulerpa in my sump/refugiums for years with no problem.

Seek828 03-25-2009 05:05 AM

Thanks for the info and heads up for the caulerpa
It is one of the species that I'm interested in.

Since we are talking about macroalgae here, I'll try asking one more question.
I don't know a lot about macroalgaw.
I actually just started reading about them.
So can anyone make some suggestion on a couple species that might be good to keep in the display tank?

Also, just as ferret pointed out, would it be a total waste of time and effort to get macroalgae now since I will very likely keep angel and tangs in the future? Are they certainly going to eat them all right away? Or does it depends too?


Keri 03-25-2009 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 403618)
If the caulerpa is harvested regularly, it usually doesn't go sexual. I've been growing various types of caulerpa in my sump/refugiums for years with no problem.

Yeah, fair enough, I'll just never put it in my DT again lol :lol:

mark 03-25-2009 01:09 PM

I keep Halimeda in my display along with Purple and Regal Tangs and a Foxface. Don't think they're eating it, but if they are can't be very much as I need to prune every once and while.

Seek828 03-29-2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by mark (Post 403670)
I keep Halimeda in my display along with Purple and Regal Tangs and a Foxface. Don't think they're eating it, but if they are can't be very much as I need to prune every once and while.

good to hear!
my LFS ran out on all macroalgae though.
probably need to wait for a while

mike31154 03-29-2009 02:41 PM

Fellow reefers often have plenty to give away since much of it needs pruning from time to time, especially chaetomorpha. Keep an eye on the forums or even post a wanted thread and I'm sure someone in your area will accommodate you.

hillegom 03-29-2009 03:15 PM

I have some feather caulerpa if you want some. I have had it for over a year and has not gone sexual yet, touch wood. I does not hold onto the rocks as bad as some others I have had.
Here is a link to some various types of macro algae, feather is about #9

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