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jaydsl 03-08-2009 09:13 AM

jaydsl's 150g tank
hi all just thought i would start a journal also :)

well this may take a bit due to my overtime money pays for my toys ,
i had a 55g tank running for about 2 years but always wanted a bigger one . so i came across this tank for 150$ had to do it .
so i got it going cycled then swapped contents

so far :
a bunch of base/live rock about 100lbs
sand bed coming
and i'm building the sump some time next month
skimmer is a weipro sa-2016

here are some pics so far

jaydsl 03-08-2009 09:25 AM

ok i started to change things on friday , had an idea to move and raise the tank , and created some pipe work to hold the rock ,
i see every one drilles holes in the pipes so you dont get any standing water ,
what i did : i drilled just live every one else but i'm going to run a power head on it , so for the caves i want to do will always get a blast of water :) and no standing water in pipes ,

some more pics :

and it works :)

jaydsl 03-08-2009 09:30 AM

rock work
ok now time to add rock :)

i had some caves in mind , and overhangs

i think i got it with my pipe work

jaydsl 03-08-2009 09:45 AM

fill up
now to put all the water back , it has been in garbage cans with heat and power heads for 2 days

it was nice to get it filled again and drain my old 55g

jaydsl 03-08-2009 09:50 AM

last one for today :)
here are the last of the pics , and ounce the tank clears i will get some more shots,

my cucumber

nice piece of rock , i will get a better shot in normal lite tomorrow

rocketlily 03-08-2009 03:02 PM

Very interesting pictures. I really like the aquascaping and what you're doing with the extra flow. Looks good.

fishytime 03-08-2009 03:47 PM

i had someone suggest that to me after seeing my pvc substructure. I thought it was a really cool idea. You may want to think about the placement of the power head that feeds the pvc. I cant tell from the pics if you can get it out easily to clean it? Cool idea and the tank looks good.

wisesam 03-08-2009 03:52 PM

Very cool looking tank.
I like the idea of running wather through the pipes to create flow under the rocks.
What is the dimension of the tank?

jaydsl 03-08-2009 05:42 PM

Bad news :(
well every thing was going well , every one was happy but woke up this morning and after a year with the cucumber and no probs , this morning i found the cucumber sucked into a temp powerhead and then notices
pepermint shrimp
b/w angel
yellow golby


yellow stripe clown
black blenny
still missing :(

wow after 2 years now i have to start again :(
now i have to get the mushrooms
frog spawn
out and fix this

fishytime 03-09-2009 02:55 PM

Sorry to hear about your losses. Cucumbers are cool critters but not worth the risk IMO

Myka 03-09-2009 03:06 PM

How old has the tank been setup? I would imagine the cucumber would starve to death in a bb tank. Tank looks great though! I like the idea of the pipework waterflow too, albeit I've never liked bb.

jaydsl 03-10-2009 05:05 AM

the cucumber was in my 55g that has been running for 2 years , cucumber was 4 month in the other tank and crush is coming for bottom , i don't like BB aswell , not natual looking , at least thats what i think . , now that i have some time i will be finishing the stand and lights if my ideas come true , it will be cool i'm thinking polyester piano polished finish , as i work in a finishing shop sky's the limit with ideas we use high end italian products for some jobs ,

here are a couple things i have done :

jaydsl 03-10-2009 05:18 AM

and just the other day i picked up a new toy for the tank , all in original box was used for a few months then tank shut down , i got it for 60$ :wof:

Myka 03-10-2009 07:24 AM

Holy awesome score!!! Next time you find one like that let me know eh? I should add one to my tank too. Light upgrade first though. Awesome woodworking projects!

You're going to put crushed coral in there? I would seriously reconsider that idea for a reef!!

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