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Why does "IT" always happen at night
Why do fish get sick, die, jump out and anything that can go wrong happen while we sleep? I've been fairly lucky with this system but my last one was awful. I would get up in the morning to tanks crashes, sick r dying fish r equipment failure. With this system my jumpers always did while I slept, or my Majectic angel fell ill and I found her in the morning. Then the day after that she was dead when I woke up but looked promising when I went to bed.
SO why does bad stuff always seem to happen while we sleep. I am awake much longer during the day so what is it abut the slumbering hours? |
You must be at home during the day. Sorry, not trying to be rude. It's just that for ME, stuff always happens when I'm away at work. Secondly, yeah, it's at night I guess. Murphy's Law. :(
I've been home more during the day these days due to slow down at work for sure. I have not had anything bad happen while I am gone, but now I probably condemned myself for saying anything.
I was sick with the flu at the start of the week and finally got out of bed Tuesday afternoon. I walked down to my tank and noticed everything was looking unhappy, so I opened my cabinet doors and was hit with a heat wave. I noticed the temp was 87. This was confusing as I do not run heaters. Thinking about it I called my wife at work and asked her if the halides where on when she left in the morning. She said as a mater of fact they where. So had I not been sick in bed and actually got up for work I would have noticed my timer malfunctioned and my lights would not have been on for 28 hours. Funny how when you let your guard down around your tank it bites you in the arse.
I find that anytime I have had Ich show up it always happens through the night and when the lights go on... presto there it is.
If it makes you feel better, Murphy's Law all ways gets me aswell when I'm not looking, If I only knew where Murphy lived he'd be dead ! :mrgreen:
It's the same with kids who are sick, always worse at night :puke:
for the ich thing, thats just part of its life cycle, it usually drops off the fish during the day and reattaches at night
Hi, sorry to hear of losses, but this questionit is something that is not new to every hobbyist, I'm sure it happens to many hobbyist, just before we turn in for the night, one last look in the aquarium in hopes for better things in the morning when we wake up that the fish fairy will be here to save the day, but in this case the night. Many things can happen between day and night and how the dynamics of the aquarium is functioning and its inhabitant. I not saying this is the case for your aquarium but your question does raise many valid points on why things happen when we are away on holiday or asleep at night or not at home, why the main pump decides to die today and not yetesday when we're at home etc...... When fish are already weak, at night when nocturnal inhabitant comes out to prey or in search of food, this is oportunity to take advantage of weaker sicker fish. At night when the lights are off, we have a low pH due to co2, less o2 level, sick fish ends up near suction line of powerheads etc. These raises more stress to the fish. Take alook at night when the lights are off at 3;00 am in the morning, I see night owl fish swimming around invading other fish territory, sometime in effect to cause fights, I've seen fish dart about when this happens, sometimes they all sleep through the night without any problems. There's lot to wonder about. Regards Ken
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