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urbanhellfire 02-27-2009 01:10 AM

Catch a six line

Anyone know of a easy way to get a six line out of a 110 gal? Please.... he just does not fit into my plans as the first fish in the tank.

digital-audiophile 02-27-2009 01:24 AM

Sounds like fun!

Allthough I have never tried myself, I've read of guys catching them with fishing line, mysis and a very very small hook.

levi1803 02-27-2009 01:25 AM

Leave the top off and he should just jump right out....kidding but it most likely would.

I caught mine with a trap, seemed to work pretty well as he loved food and couldn't resist. I used the water bottle trap, cut the top off, invert and place food inside. He was in there within about 2 hours.

Carmen 02-27-2009 01:35 AM

Bottle trap as Levi said but put a mirror in the back too. May take a few days but worked for me. Also had to cut the threads off the bottle top to make it less intimidating to go in.

i have crabs 02-27-2009 01:48 AM

ive moved mine into about 5 different tanks over 5 or so years and never once had him in a net, always just appears in the new tank via a rock, good luck your gonna need it

urbanhellfire 02-27-2009 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by Carmen (Post 393514)
Bottle trap as Levi said but put a mirror in the back too. May take a few days but worked for me. Also had to cut the threads off the bottle top to make it less intimidating to go in.

I will give it a try. Every time I open the canopy and move my hand over the tank BOOM he is gone!! I have even left a net around his "home" to get him used to it but nada. hmmmmm. I will have to empty a few bottles, ya think beer bottles would work? :razz:

urbanhellfire 02-27-2009 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by i have crabs (Post 393520)
ive moved mine into about 5 different tanks over 5 or so years and never once had him in a net, always just appears in the new tank via a rock, good luck your gonna need it

ya that would be the easy way to move him but Iam not moving this rock anywhere so thats out.

Chowder 02-27-2009 02:19 AM

I had to wait to start a new tank before I could get mine out. It was the devil. :twised:

Delphinus 02-27-2009 02:33 AM

I've never been able to catch mine without draining to tank to the bottom 1". I swear he just morphs into solid rock when it suits him. Several tank moves have involved crab's method of just magically finding him in the new tank via having hitched inside some rock that gets moved over. I even tried the fishing hook and mysis trick, you can read about that little escapade here, I caught everyone except the wrasse .. and .. when I say "everyone" I include myself in that grouping. :redface:

Hardest fish I've ever had to catch. Good luck, you're going to need it!!

Scavenger 02-27-2009 02:40 AM

I got lucky on my removal. After accepting the fact I'd have to dismantle the reef, the "lil SOB" bully of a six line jumped out of and carpet surfed from the first rock I pulled out. Should have bought a lottery ticket right after.

**note** he only stayed on the floor for seconds before being bagged to go to better home /**end note

Chowder 02-27-2009 02:45 AM

I set traps up for mine and it would never go near them. I caught every other fish in the tank but never that evil evil fish. I did get great pleasure in removing it from my 65 in the tank transfer. It now resides in the tank at work where it can do what it wants without stressing out the other bullies with it.


karazy 02-27-2009 03:22 AM

you could train a mantis shrimp to stun the fish you want it to!

or just try a pop bottle trap. or if it gets really bad, a tiny hook and some mysis

brizzo 02-27-2009 05:46 AM

I built a sweet ass fish trap out of acrylic. phillybean has it, so he better post pics! It worked to catch his angel, and his six line which is now in the tank at my work :biggrin:

phillybean 02-28-2009 02:44 AM

Alrighty, simple enough set up that works quite well.

Trap door which is hooked up to fishing line. Once the fish swims in, drop the line. It also has a hole drilled in the top for food. Basically I put it in the tank, with the trap door held up by my mag float for a day. Then I use a turkey baster to insert some food. Then I wait...and don't leave for any snacks...and then I catch the fish :)

urbanhellfire 02-28-2009 04:57 AM

Very nice! It doesn't get any better than that.
Iam going to get him, it just might take some time :biggrin:

brizzo 02-28-2009 06:39 AM

Scraps can make treasure :)

BC Mosaic 02-28-2009 05:08 PM

Hey Phillybean,
Have you considered renting that contraption out? I have a nasty six line wrasse that I can't wait to get rid of!LOL

phillybean 03-01-2009 01:15 AM

I'd have no issues with it, although I'm not sure if it's mine or nazerines.

I've been thinking about having Nazerine make them and then use the money to help fund our upcoming local club.

I caught a next to impossible Pygmy Angel and a very smart, angry Six Line with it with ease. Nearly caught both at the same time but I had to get some pretzels...the six line learned his lesson but forgot a few weeks later and I got him.

BC Mosaic 03-01-2009 01:45 AM

Sell or lease/rent I'm in. The sooner the better. This 6 line stress machine is leading me to drink or hand grenades! LOL

barefootjimmy 03-01-2009 02:27 AM

Wrasse wrangler - Queasy non-fishermen do not read
Ha! Sadistically, I'm glad to hear there is more of us out there! I was so bloody angry trying to nab my 6-line I almost drained my tank! I tried netting him, which didn't even get me close. Then I tried trapping him with a bottle similar to the cool plexiglass contraption posted. I tried for days and I kept thinking "How does one catch a fish?" Then it hit me...all those times going out with my Grandfather on the lake. Get some fishing line and a hook! I found a tiny hook and pinched down the barb as to not damage the fish when I pull it out(however I was so angry I was going to cook him up with some chips), and put just a tiny bit of his favourite shrimp on the end. I had the piglet out within 5 minutes after a quick jerk on the line and into the sump. The hook came out easily and didn't even phase him. He went to a nice home soon after (no I didn't eat him, and he lives in a nice aquarium).

Not the ideal way to catch a pet, but it was way less stress on his tank mates, and you dont need to tear down your system.

urbanhellfire 03-02-2009 02:57 AM

Well I finally caught him. :mrgreen:

No bait no hook no trap Just my brain power........ well ok shi* house luck.
When I had him in my 60gal I had a large power head that I would see him swim out to every once and awhile looking for pods on the behind the powerhead.

I took a powerhead and just placed it in the corner of tank and I sat in my computer chair and watched and waited, well after about 5 mins or so I see him come out of the rockwork and scoots over behind the powerhead well I jump out of the chair and grab the net I had sitting on the edge of the tank and pin the powerhead against the glass, then I just slid the net up and out of the tank powerhead and my 666-line in the bottom of the net.

The fish gods were smiling upon me today :wink:

BC Mosaic 03-02-2009 03:04 AM

Well ! you lucky :twised: !!

I love your ID of that fish: "666-line". As of now mine is called: "666-line junior" :lol::lol::lol:

ILIKECOUGARS 03-02-2009 04:00 AM

Why did you wanted him out, I just added one to my tank.

urbanhellfire 03-02-2009 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by ILIKECOUGARS (Post 394597)
Why did you wanted him out, I just added one to my tank.

He was very aggresive towards my new Clarkis and Iam wanting to add a Mandarin so I want to keep the " fight for the pods" to a min. :mrgreen:

If he was the last fish I added to the tank then I dont think I would have had the problem but he was the first.

*note to self last fish not first fish:fencing:

BC Mosaic 03-03-2009 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by ILIKECOUGARS (Post 394597)
Why did you wanted him out, I just added one to my tank.

Mine was the last in an he/she is a tyrant!

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