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Canreef - the most active Reef Forum in Canada???
Is it just me, or does it seem Canreef is the busiest/most active Reef Forum in Canada these days. Seems that are alot of users online the last little while...
Not only most active but the best in terms of users IMHO.
I browse some of the other global sites but I am always reluctant to post becuase they do not really seem that friendly. |
It IS an active site...I surf some others and there are very few new topics and people active...this site is very very active and tons of awesome people on it!
You mean there are others :)
Is this board doing anyting differently? What can the the recent increase in traffic be attributed to?
definitely the best forum I've ever been banned from.
All I know is I was away off the computer for 2 days and when hit New Posts, seven pages popped up. Lots of reading to catch up on!
Great forum and nice people. I also love the fact you can hit the "Search" button, enter what you want to and off it goes to search, not like Reef Central where I can never do that. |
I was going to get a membership at AquariumPros.ca but they require you to have a 'real' email address. I use hotmail because it's easier, and they don't allow that.
So here I am! :biggrin: Though realistically I belong to a host of sites... this one, NR, RC, Marine Planted Tanks, and Ultimate Reef. |
Yah i definetly find this forum's members to be a whole lot less snotty then the "other" one.
So kudos to canreef and its memebers. |
I belong to a lot of other sites but this is the only one that is on all day on my PC.
I got temporarily banned from AP for not going on for a few weeks...what the heck is that? Plus, their admins seem like there are there for the power, not the info or discussion. NR and RC are great too but they get soooo many posts that every thread I make is off the front page in about 20 - 60 minutes. Then no-one ever replies once you're buried. |
been on every other reef board in this country and a few in the US and can definitely say that canreef has the friendliest people. When you have the friendliest people you also end up with the nest information, because people post for knowledge or to share info rather than just bashing/insulting each other all the time.
I agree. I'll post on RC and my questions will go unanswered. Here I get responses ASAP. I'm not bashing RC in any way...the site is incredible for info and ideas, but not the greatest unless you have giant tanks and ultra expensive corals. At least in my opinion
yeah +1, friendliest board Ive ever come across. Ive been on grimreefers (which i think is gone), NR, Aquariumpros, 3reef, BCaquaria, mantisshrimps.co.uk, RC, canreef. Over time, I have pretty much phased out of all of them except for the latter two. And im only on RC regularly for the sheer volume of knowledge on there and the specialists that frequent the place... I too sometimes regret posting there at all. I don't feel any need to be a lurker around here though. mind, you not all RC members are jerks though; its just the few know-it-all high-and-mighty and the other few dimwits who are completely convinced that they're right about everything in life; im not sure who irks me more. NR also deserves special mention since i enjoyed that one... that one is chock full of a-holes but it can actually be more fun posting there than on RC; the admin there just don't moderate much is all so it can get pretty rough there, but that's fine if you can handle it.
I like it here the best.
I'll still go RC mainly for the DIY and equipment forums as lots of traffic. When I first started with the forums enjoyed reefs.org but it's been rather dead lately. |
I will think of more later. :mrgreen: |
Ya great reefers on here that actually answer the posted questions with great responses. You really feel like everyone on here cares about the hobby and the wellbeing of fellow reefer's tanks.
I am on other forums here and there but this one is by far the best. |
yup and it will only get better as the GVAS board is turning into a privat members only board instead of a public board. to bad, as there was good fresh water stuff there.
Steve |
Anything specific Canreef has done excluding the contributions of the members? Just interested from a "sponsor" perspective.
Well, for one I would say the canreef staff and moderators are great. None of the elitist attitudes you see on other forums.
I really have no idea. There is a wealth of information here, ranging from experienced members who are more than willing to share their knowledge to the rather expansive reference library. I find the the TOTM and POTM attracts a lot of people, even those that aren't very active on the board. I also think the "localness" (is that even a word) of the forum and subforums contributes to "real life meetings" which add to members familiarity and makes them feel a bit more comfortable about who they're talking to.
I like to think we also provide a welcoming forum for those lurkers to come out of the woodwork as well as new members to visit :biggrin: |
I think it's because this board is very localized, we meet face to face or have friends that have met face to face with other members. It tends to make things more civil and honest.
From a sponsers perspective, the sponsers that stay in touch and treat everyone honestly are much more likely to get repeat business because word travels fast "behind" the scenes Oh yeah and the moderators do a great job too :mrgreen: *edit* at least thats the reason this board is the only one I ever visit, I shouldn't really speak for anyone else :razz: |
If post titled "My tangs keep dying in my 10 gallon tank, Help!" appears on some of the other boards the poster gets ripped a new one. Here they would probably get the advice they need to keep a saltwater tank without too much Agro. Well maybe Naesco would weigh in heavy but he is on team "Fish" and that is alright by me. :wink: |
CanReef rocks for the day to day chat. It's also nice there is regular members always posting and keeping things balanced. I like to keep update to try to keep up to date on RC, but its damn near impossible.
Check out www.alexa.com for a site's traffic rank. It's an interesting way to rate how busy a site is. My website gets a nice score of 6,352 (non-fish related) |
not trying to take anything away from the search engine here but i hear a lot of people say the same thing about searching RC and it's so simple. HTH |
ie - dendro domain:reefcentral.com |
I'm a premium member at RC and the search nearly never fails. Very rare.
Regarding the people over there though...it seems to me the really opinionated and elitist posters post much more often than the normal folk. This really inflates that sense that the board is overrun. I think for the massive userbase it's still pretty good. I enjoy browsing canreef a lot more but RC is so massive that it's very useful. Without premium search I doubt I'd go there much though. |
I first started on thsi board with a tonne of questions and the reference libraries put together by Myka and ChristyF5 were pretty much the reason I was on here every day.
so they get you hooked early on. |
Intersting. Generally not my experience here in Toronto, sure you meet a few good people along the way, but generally it is just in and out at the LFS. Perhaps it is just the the Toronto way...
Agree about the moderators, and appreciate your thoughts regarding the word of mouth. Hope it is true! Quote:
In my experience, Canadians are nicer once you travel west of Manitoba and east of Quebec ;) :lol:
yes, thumbs up for the mods, plus Titus for the board itself.
:peace: |
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