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-   -   !!! SOLD !!!! 215 Gallon Oceanic Starphire System all gone. Sold to single buyer.. (

johncody 02-23-2009 01:03 AM

!!! SOLD !!!! 215 Gallon Oceanic Starphire System all gone. Sold to single buyer..
Well this is gonna hurt big time. im selling off my entire system and would like to see it go as a whole package. Im not gonna let any lowballers affect this post,so please dont even try. This is all top notch gear and im gonna need to recoup some of my money spent on it. I have a 72" x 30" x 24" Oceanic Starphire (front) duel overflow with return pumps and overflow kits and pvc plumbing.(its sitting in the back of my truck at the moment so plz excuse the poor pictures.)But i can also post a picture of my old Tank so show what the Starphire looks like.or doesn't look like if yah get my meaning....:)

and a couple of my old tank

will be back to post more with price's dinner time sorry for the break...

christyf5 02-23-2009 01:05 AM

Pardon my ignorance, but didn't your tank break?

Just wondering :biggrin:

marie 02-23-2009 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 391569)
Pardon my ignorance, but didn't your tank break?

Just wondering :biggrin:

Warranty, thats why the new tank is sitting in the back of his truck :mrgreen:

christyf5 02-23-2009 01:09 AM

hehe I was just looking at that tank sticker photo thinking "hmm..". Unfortunately the light bulb didn't come on before I posted :razz:

plutoniumJoe 02-23-2009 01:58 AM

How did the old tank break?

atcguy 02-23-2009 02:00 AM

how much and what is included????

johncody 02-23-2009 02:25 AM

Ok guys i will complie a list of everything that will be forsale and all price's will be inclued and photo's of everything that will vbe forsale , cause lets face it we are all photo junkie's. so i will need a nights grace to set this all up and plead with the Moderators not to close this thread. I know that i do need a price to post so lets say 1 million dollars they that should keep the thread active and if anyone wants to pay that much .... lol
ill post asap guys sorry for delay..

LeeR 02-23-2009 02:27 AM

nice truck... oh and tank

christyf5 02-23-2009 02:42 AM

LOL, no worries..we won't close you down :wink:

johncody 02-23-2009 06:03 AM

Ok so I'll redo the post with pictures of everything and price's set to those pictures. (All price's are firm)

(1) a 72" x 24" x 30" Oceanic Starphire(front) Duel overflow reef ready tank complete with overflow kit $1500.00

(2) a 75 Gallon Hagen glass sump complete with baffles installed $100.00

(3) A Vertex IN250 Protein Skimmer (with new ceramic impeller shaft) works great. $200.00 (2 months old)

(4) Two Rio+ 2500 return pumps $100.00

(5) ATO (auto top off system) Ultra Float Switch with a Maxi-jet 400 pump and hose $100.00

(6) Pinpoint Wireless Thermometer (3 weeks old ) $40

(7) Two Hydor Koralia - 4 Water Pump (1200 GPH) $80.00

(8) Lighting System 3 Metal Halide 250 Watts SE 14k bulbs(2 months old )and 3 Ice Cap Ballast's and 3 Lumerax Mini3 Reflectors and 2 LED moon lights $700.00

(9) Aqua Clear 110 power Head $50.00

(10) Nova Extreme 18" 36 Watt T5 high Output light $75.00

(11) Three digital timers $50.00

(12) Custom Made Stand extra height to accommodate skimmer Cup removal.Very strong $250.00

(13) 3 Stage RO unit with all brand new filters rated for 100GPD $120.00

Ok so i think that covers most of everything. Please keep in mind im going to try and sell this as a package sell for the first while . So "NO" part out sales yet. so out with the Calculator and the Grand total is $ 3365.00

I will see what kind of package offers i get so please be patient with me for your reply's i have a feeling that i will get flooded abit. I do hope if someone buys the whole thing they will post picture's for me to reminisce. this is such a trying thing to do,i just hate it.
Well i hope to hear from you all soon.

Cheers JohnCody

johncody 02-23-2009 06:08 AM

Couldn't fit all the pictures in so here is some more at random to match with prices above.

there yah go guys..

cheers JC

Newtoreef 02-23-2009 08:10 AM

Thx. for the rock John it was a pleasure meeting you. And everybody here loves the clam. blennie and everything made the move ok. Sorry about your demise. Hopefully you get a chance the try again in the future.

johncody 02-23-2009 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Newtoreef (Post 391738)
Thx. for the rock John it was a pleasure meeting you. And everybody here loves the clam. blennie and everything made the move ok. Sorry about your demise. Hopefully you get a chance the try again in the future.

Thanks , thats great to hear. I have been so happy with all the great people that i have meet on Canreef. Hope to see some pictures with my little buddies in there new homes one day.

I have added up all the bills for my Hardware and it really scared the you know what out of me over $7000.00 and asking $3400.00 dollars for it now. Man makes my tummy turn. I could only imagine a year later would have had a in wall 225 with all the fixings and the 50k mark lol oh well i learned alot and meet some great People.
(Covers mouth with hand ) "maybe one day when the wife isn't looking ill get a 10gal nano cube and ease her into it again".......

Cheers everyone JC

oh and i want to give it a bit before i part out ok cept for those that i have promised things to..

johncody 02-23-2009 05:53 PM

daily bump

Whatigot 02-23-2009 06:02 PM

including delivery?

johncody 02-23-2009 06:14 PM

If you take it all ill include delivery too :) with in reason , I'm not driving to Timbuktu he he.


GreenSpottedPuffer 02-23-2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by johncody (Post 391793)
Thanks , thats great to hear. I have been so happy with all the great people that i have meet on Canreef. Hope to see some pictures with my little buddies in there new homes one day.

I have added up all the bills for my Hardware and it really scared the you know what out of me over $7000.00 and asking $3400.00 dollars for it now. Man makes my tummy turn. I could only imagine a year later would have had a in wall 225 with all the fixings and the 50k mark lol oh well i learned alot and meet some great People.
(Covers mouth with hand ) "maybe one day when the wife isn't looking ill get a 10gal nano cube and ease her into it again".......

Cheers everyone JC

oh and i want to give it a bit before i part out ok cept for those that i have promised things to..

Man that is a good deal since everything is basically new and the tank itself IS new!

It sure was a pretty tank :)

johncody 02-23-2009 08:59 PM

yeah prices are set to be fair for buyer and seller, but buyer must understand that the tank and lighting system are in the upper class items. not cheap to buy so not too cheap to sell but you as the buyer will be getting top quality items.
Cheers JohnCody

johncody 02-24-2009 04:30 AM

OK so tomorrow i might be doing a parting out sale. just waiting on word from a fellow that wanted whole system. i have written names down that wanted single items and will be getting back to you when i hear from him . Thanks again to those that got my fish and other live stock,house is empty of fish tonight :( been staring at 80 lbs of rock in my sump. Worst part about it ..... I enjoyed it, lol i need help.

Cheers JohnCody

Chowder 02-24-2009 05:28 AM

Hey, In the first picture of the tank on this page there is a in tank digital thermometer. The little blue one on the left side of the tank. Where did you get it.

Thanks, Chris

johncody 02-24-2009 06:01 AM

wow talk about CSI skill's lol i got that from Ocean Aquatics in Tilbury , i ran 3 different thermometers.

Chowder 02-24-2009 03:48 PM

Thanks for the info.


johncody 02-25-2009 12:07 AM

Sold the whole system to a nice fellow in surrey thanks for all the hellp everyone. Take care
Cheers....... JohnCody

PhillyzPhish 03-03-2009 11:27 AM

Wouldnt ya know
Hey Everyone I just bought this system and just got it all in order it was day 3 of the fill up process I had put the salt in last night since the temp was warm and wouldnt you know it started leaking out of the bottom trim I was hoping it was just a bit of spillover from me just finishing adding the LS but to my dismay the tanks trim was leaking faster and faster needless to say I have 4 rubbermaids 2 styrofoam coolers, 4 salt buckets and any other container I could find full of SW. What should I do? I hadnt even got a rock inside it what a PAIN

Leah 03-03-2009 11:45 AM

Wow, I think I would be on the phone asap. That bites. Just talking about what you
would do if you had a leaky tank yesterday. Tank should have a warranty on it. I
would talk to Johncody he may have to go to bat for you. I am sure he is a good guy
and would not stick you with a leaky tank, pretty sure the tank was new was it not????
What a disapointment. I feel for you on this one. Good-luck keep us posted.

Whatigot 03-03-2009 02:53 PM

oh MAN....
sorry to hear this.
A beautiful brand new tank like that would have a warranty.
If not, I would imagine you could find someone (on this board or at one of the local lfs) to reseal it for you for not a whole lot of money.
Resealing a tank is not too bad a jopb for someone with the know-how.
Hopefully this works out for you.

Black Phantom 03-03-2009 03:02 PM

I wouldn't even want to think about my big tank leaking. :neutral: Can you see where it's coming from. You might be able to resilicone that area.
The down side would be to drain it and return for warranty. BTW - don't strap the tank down when you are transporting it. This will put a lot of pressure in one specific spot on the aquarium and they are not designed for that. This may be why it's leaking. Pad the sides so it wont slide and have a very level base under it. Then drive carefully.

24storm 03-03-2009 04:23 PM

What happened to the first tank that John had i understand it broke but where? Was it a seam or a crack or the same thing that is occuring now with this one?


Mrfish55 03-03-2009 07:28 PM

Are you using the same stand? 2 leaky tanks on the same stand sounds like the stand may be the guilty party, hope it is not much of a hassle to straighten out, leaks in any tank are a PITA (x10 in a large tank) hope all works out for you.

TheRealBigAL 03-03-2009 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by PhillyzPhish (Post 395039)
Hey Everyone I just bought this system and just got it all in order it was day 3 of the fill up process I had put the salt in last night since the temp was warm and wouldnt you know it started leaking out of the bottom trim I was hoping it was just a bit of spillover from me just finishing adding the LS but to my dismay the tanks trim was leaking faster and faster needless to say I have 4 rubbermaids 2 styrofoam coolers, 4 salt buckets and any other container I could find full of SW. What should I do? I hadnt even got a rock inside it what a PAIN

wow sorry to hear. hope everything works out for you :smile:

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