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Proof that fauna Marin works?
Well i get a lot of questions such as, does Fauna Marin products really work?
Well I think if you have any doubts after seeing this you may just change your mind! These photos are from one the most successful SPS keepers in the UK, Steve has gone onto write published books and i believe now speaks at conferences. Tank is 400 gals 92"x42"x30" run on the Fauna Marin Lith system with closed loops and wave box's and is part of system which totals nearly 800gals The original thread on RC can be supplied by pm Before Picture http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploads/DSC03995.jpg And After http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploader/2009Q1/038a.jpg http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploader/2009Q1/045a.jpg http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploader/2009Q1/010a.jpg http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploader/2009Q1/045a.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/n...Reef/043a1.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/n...Reef/052a1.jpg http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/n...Reef/save1.jpg http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploader/2009Q1/027a.jpg http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploader/2009Q1/021a.jpg http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploader/2009Q1/016a.jpg http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploader/2009Q1/003a1.jpg And if you still ahve doubts, well :question: :lol: |
Wow incredible colour. Nice that although that guy has the 'coral garden' thing going on, that he's let them mature into full colonies where you can see the growth patterns and forms. Very cool :biggrin:
Sorry to be the devils advocate, but all this proves is that Steve in the UK is a damn fine reefer. Not trying to take away from Fauna Marin but a before and after shot would definitely go further in proving it's effectiveness.
Ok look at it another way, if you had a tank like that would you put a product in it that did not work?
Why would anyone put something in there tank that wouldn't work?
Ok I understand you want to see this tank from scratch so here is the full tank build thread,
http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/s...d.php?t=146812 I also should state, I have met Simon, he is highly respected in the UK network and would only use products that worked. |
Lack of growth, poor colour, just to name two.
Tanks of that nature are rarely possible without LNF dosing. He was asked to review the product, Simon is not daft he is not going to put something in his tank he thinks would not benefit a system as dedicated as this |
I just saw a "tank of that nature" last week. Not the huge size/colonies but certainly the color. Spectacular colors without the ULNS. Not to knock your product, I tried it and it worked wonders on my brown wafer algae. I was rid of that plague after 4 months, it was awesome.
I think if your changed the title of this thread to a not so blatant product pump, you might find a better means to your end.
That is one nice tank, but definitive proof of anything other than the reef keepers ability it is not. not the way you have it posted here anyways. just my thought. |
Yep you are 100% right it is a thread to promote the product as it is a fauna marin product thread, and the purpose is to highlight the product works, I can not make people believe that is up to them i can only show genuine results just like the review on here also. People ask for results so I show them plus provide live reviews such as Mikes (link below)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In regards to the other post - Yep using fauna for sure will clear algea problems. And yes you can get results from not using LNS but the benefits of using it which i am trying to show really outway not using it. It all depends what you want to achieve. But even if your sights are not that high look at this review and the positive results the user is getting, just by using some of the range http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/sho...=47670&page=12 |
may be this will help you out Mike
http://vimeo.com/3247428?pg=transcod...ed&sec=3247428 |
Yep really shows the massive polyp extension you got going on using the min-s ultra clam and bak and Bio
Need to get some good close ups of that colour you got going on, see if you can twist the wifes arm to get camera snappy :) |
i have been reading the instruction on how to take pic's going to try some tonight.
email them to me first sales@aqua-digital.com
There are many factors that lead to a reef like that. But still...what a reef! |
Here is the before picture
http://www.ultimatereef.net/uploads/DSC03995.jpg Here is the start of the thread where simon changes over to Fauna Marin Zeo system called Ultra Lith http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/s...146812&page=37 |
Thats sort of the point, the first photo is intended to show the tank at its starting point
people ask "please show us before photos" now I do thats not good enough either Hmmm :cry:. I guess some people you will never convince, or users/retailers of competitors products that dont like competition :mrgreen:. So in that case all I can add is go get a bottle of Min-s nothing else and see for yourself ;) Also I must add the photo was taken 3 years before he even considered using fauna so you cant exactly say he took a crappy picture on purpose to promote the product. if you read the full text of the admittedly long review you will see many positive reference to results obtained by using the product. |
Just look at the support for products like purple up or people who think aragonite is going to dissolve in their tanks... Not saying that the 'ol Lith doesn't work, I use zeovit and i swear when i open the bottles i smell vineger and vodka..i think even if they don't work they provide enough illusion that they work which forces the users to do the most crucial part of a great reef...regular orderly upkeep and maintenance. <--which i think is the key to a great reef...most totm caliber tanks have all this in common. But there are a lot of totm caliber tanks that do lousy maintence (if they are telling the truth) so who knows. I don't think it can hurt a tank...and it probably does help....the degree to which it helps though is honestly only able to be judged if you use said system (zeo, lith whatever) Since using zeo i've noticed changes that were not there before...is this zeovit doing it? I dunno, but i like what is happening so i continue to use it. There are simply too many variables i think in reefkeeping to say 100% yes or no to this type of product. With my own personal experiences in zeovit compared to others...some get bad cyano...i get none of that...etc. I think one needs to experiment on ones tank in order to gauge the effectiveness of any product, the amount of experimenting you are willing to do is...well up to you. To claim that using ultralith your tank will look like the guy in the uk is false advertisement i think....would be better to say it has the potential to look like that (of which i have no real doubt it couldn't...given time) Hope that made sense....I'm bust reading adorno for a paper..and a little zonked. :) |
As i said, try it and see, there are two reviews on fauna going at present on canreef, have a look at them then decide.
Sometimes the only way of actually convincing the doubters is by them using the product. |
Well Mikes tank is exactly that, we just need to get some photos showing the colouration.
Read his review, (ultra clam review) if nothing else look at the polyp extension and what he has to say about the product. Also look at waynes (Fencers) review on canReef, these are live genuine examples exactly what you are asking for. waynes review is still in the early days so follow it along in the coming months |
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Well I have tried many things and said YEs its great or Yes what a waste of money. Now I’m chiming in to tell you what I think yes im trialing this stuff and yes i will tell you what I truly think I don’t kick ass or suck up to people to get free stuff or waste money on products to say hey look at me.
Now everyone here is saying well let’s see why it’s good, let’s see some BEFORE and after pictures. Ok we get that you want to see every pic with ungodly growth when you ask for a certain date then you will get a before and after pic. OH LOOK AT THIS THEN When you buy a bulb for your tank say a mega chrome 13.5K and you put it in and the color is not blue its actually White, wow I can't believe that i spend 120 dollars on this bulb to find out that it doesn’t work. Man this was a waste of money I won’t buy that again right. Ok so people chime on here on this thread to ask well what is great about it? Does it work? Email Mike to ask him how much to get your tank going for just the basic's Mike is a sponsor here to help out with the hobby in getting us top notch stuff for out tanks. Of course he is hoping that everyone is going to buy the Fauna Marin. That would make his day. However everyone has their own decisions on spending their tanks. Just like getting a skimmer I think that I have the most time on every type of skimmer going WHY so that I can explain my opinions and experiences on that skimmer.. so when someone asks me a question I can give them the right answer saying that it’s going to work great. Trust me I don’t kiss Ass nor do I work for free stuff, I believe in word of mouth. trust has a lot to do with it and letting people know that things work for certain reasons. I hope that people do respect me for who I am and what I know. When A moderator comes out and says don’t do this for this reason we want to try to believe him /her for that reason that the mods are the people best trained for the job and have touched base in alot of mistakes so we don’t have to rehash them again. All I can tell you is that i seen the feelers out for some to trial the fauna Marin with clams. So I PM mike and told him about my clams and if he wanted to i wouldn’t mind to try his product. I knew getting into it was a huge risk when if my tank crashed from the stuff. WELL I took a shot at it tried the clam food for about 2-3 weeks and noticed that the SPs were reacting to the food too. Hmmmmmmmmmm that was weird ten I told him about my PO4 and the Nitrates he sent me out the UTLRA Bak and the BIo later on for deal with them. Well it’s been since JAN 16th since I started. and my Nitrates went from 20 to 5 and the PO 4 went from 0.05 to ZERO. So for my tank it worked and it’s making my SPS color up nicely. I don't know what else if you are willing to spend 20-30 on food stop and spend that on some UTLRA CLAM FOOD and some ULTRA MIN S to mix with the clam food. If the So called CLam food and the MIn S doesnt work for you then you can come on here state your opinion and then you have a reason to state on why it’s a waste of money. I ask to get my clams looking good and I got SPS growth and great looking colors and my NITRATES and PHOSPHATES gone. So I’m happy once I get going I’m going to do the balling method. But let me ask you how did Tunze get out to be so good then if no one tried it, hmmmmmmm some one must of used it and then told us about it right, SO I’m here to tell you this stuff its not to bad I like it and I’m only using the basics I haven’t touch the reactor for it and the ultra lith yet or the trace elements . |
Ok I think this is important in this debate, and goes out to any negative camp.
Please read this carefully, and before jumping, have a think for a minute and ask, can I relate to this? even if just once can i relate? Ok - I grew up in the UK, long before being a retailer or distributor, i was a reef hobbyist first, I too spent every Saturday in my LFS looking for a new product that would change my life forever, that golden nugget product. In 5 years of my reef tank I must of spent over $1,000 on additives, not one did i continue to use, why? I never saw a single result from using it. Why? Did the product not work? I dunno there was nobody to ask if I was using it correctly, so i just tried my luck with the next product. I used to ask my retailer what each product did, and 99% of the time they would just read from the back of the label. I now think back and wander, if I was educated on the use of the product would I continued to use it? Education goes a long way in this hobby. So how does that relate here? Well when i was asked by fauna if I would distribute their brand THE most important thing to me was consumer awareness, a one off sale is no good to retailer distributor or manufacturer, and certainly no good to the end user left thinking "well there goes another $20". Therefore I aimed to amend what I had expereinced personally, I knew fauna worked, the evidence is clear, just check out the European boards. So if you try a product from fauna I dont expect you to walk out the store a believer, but I intend to turn you into a believer by supporting you if you are not getting the results you want, without that what are the chances of you buying the product again or anything similar from the range. IF you really want to see if this is all hype, then spend that $20 next time you are feeling frisky and then try it, if it does not do what you hoped or you dont understand, come to us, call us email us, we will take the time to talk you through how to get that $20 to work as you hoped and not become another bottle stuck at the back of the cabinet! Am I doing this right? Well from reports I get from our dealers, repeat sales are highest in this brand, and the feedback is people feel they have a route to turn to, even directly to the manufacturer himself, we are also getting increased reports of people switching to fauna as they feel confident that their money is in hands that they can turn to if they do not get the results they want. How do i judge my business on being a success - The response I get from end users and hearing they are happy to spend another $20 on the same product as they feel they have had monies worth. Does it take a lot to run a company like this? Hell yes, 18 hours a day is not uncommon, but I go right back to where this started, I have been that sole in the LFS with $20 in my hand not knowing if this new fancy labelled product will do what it says. I hope if you buy fauna You will feel a little more confident, if you do then those 18 hours have been worth every minute. There you go pick that apart :sad: |
The only thing that is horrible is the milk in Belgium...bleh :yuck: I think all of these systems work to some degree...i must admit i didn't believe zeovit would do anything for my tank...but seeing the changes it is eaither that and the pristine conditions i keep in in because of fear of zeovit crashing everything :) I'd happily fork over the money to test fauna marin if i wasn't already using zeovit... :) I think ultra low nutrient approach is new...people are told to use aragonite, people are told to use this, that and everything else...most do because it has become accepted...common place...once more people use the ultra low nutrient systems longer they will seem more common place so people will use them. Do you ever ask WHY you put in aragonite as a substrate when many others work just as well? It's because it is THE accepted way to do it. Until you have tested a system i don't think you can truly know if it will indeed work for you. |
and some one just hit it on the nose every one that is asking about this product has or is running ZEO or prolabs. Am I correct
http://vimeo.com/3301959?pg=transcod...ed&sec=3301959 |
But if you have a fear that a system you are using may crash your tank, or not really sure if the results you are getting are attributed to that product why use it?
This is sort of my point about standing in the store with your $20 in your hand not knowing if the product is doing what you hope it does. Our goal is to prove through all means possible that the product does work so people feel confident in spending that cash on it. And that is exactly the whole point of this thread. I fully understand there will be users/dealers on here that wish to protect their own brand, feeling a threat from some positive marketing, we have zero interest in what others do say or how they work, I have no interest of the old one liner "his one is better than your one" I only have one aim and that is Fauna Marin and showing that if you have interest in this brand, we will support you and show that it does what it says on the tub :) |
Again exactly my point.
You clearly state you have no idea if the product is doing what it says it is, I am not being specific here to that brand, it could be any brand you say that about. But it points to exactly my point that you have a lacking confidence in what you use. Our aim is to give consumers the confindence that they do know it is doing what it is supposed to through support, education and awareness. Irrelevant of brand name or product type, if you are not sure if it really is doing anything, why use it. You really have hit the nail on the head as to what we are trying to change in this industry, the constant drip feeding of tanks with products with no real confidence that they are actually doing anything. By us providing regular independant reviews, high support networks for the product and consistant examples of the product in use we hope that will feed through to the client that they are using something they can have confidence in, and then if they ever feel they are not sure if the product is really doing what they hope they have an avenue to turn to for answers. This whole thread has nothing to do with one brand better than the other, but 100% about fauna marin and if you have an inclining as to wanting to use it, you feel confident that you will get the best buyer confidence we can offer. |
hey Pan, no worries man, i was trying to get out a smart ass remark and i couldn't on the board its hard to when your typing lol. i know what you mean, im very specific when it comes to the reefing part. man im anal with all my testing and stuff. fixing this and moving that adjusting this and that. I'm a prefectionist.
I wont lie to you i wonder if the polyps that are coming out and the color that im getting is that not from other things that i do. Well i would think about it. like the red turf algae that i had that was getting bad there for a bit went away when i was using phosban it took awhile but the BIO did take the phosphates away super faster then the Phos ban. i couldnt keep the nitrates down with anything i tried over skimming, water changes, and no joy. but ULtra Bak took them down more then anything. All I wanted was to take the PO 4 down and the rid of NO3 and its done im happy so either try it or dont its goign to be up to you to discover. im done here time to get some pic before mike takes me off the trial :lol: |
2 Attachment(s)
Here's some before and after pics of my old 150g. Might be hard to tell from the pics, but to me, the colors of the sps were better and I was able to keep more fish with FM w/o having the corals brown out.
once i get home tomorrow from shooping i found out how to use my Wife's camera will compare them and up load them .
The negative responses to this are kind of interesting in their own way.
It seems to me like there is a tendency within the aquarium hobby to look upon a lot of vendor's messages as "Oh look another guy selling magic goop". Obviously this is a reaction to a lot of aquarium product companies slinging a lot of magic goop over the years. This has left a lot of us, myself included, seriously jaded. Call it the "Marc W " effect maybe. However if you step back and look more carefully you'll see a shift happening. A lot of vendors are reaching out to hobbyists like we've never seen before and it seems to me like Fauna / Aqua Digital are a pretty good example of this. There are others too like Eco Tech and ATB, all of them have in common an effort to not just engage in marketing messages but actual dialog about their products. I can understand somebody's first reaction to info about UltraLith and similar stuff being "oh look magic goop", I was right next to them at one point. If you take the time to look at what they are saying about the stuff you can see it's definitely not a magic bullet and they're not trying to sell it as one. It is pretty neat stuff though. Anyway, whatever you think about ULN systems or UltraLith in particular you've got to give the guys some respect for being as open to dialog as they are. |
well said , All you can do is tell people abou the product. you can't force them to use it. ,just show the results at the end of the day if some one wants to try it then that is great. If some one doesnt want to try it then that is fine. You will alway get some one that says what the heck and ask many question s before buying it. that is life and that is whe way the people operate they want to see reults before getting involved with it.
Not every tank is going to react to the supplements all the same some will disagree with the Fanua and some will tkae to it. Some tanks will crash when using it now id it from the product due to them totally stopping the product and going to something else? Or is did the people use the product the way he was instructed to use it, and that person got to gung ho and added something that he wasnt supposed to add. SOme people want the perfect system to havePerfect levels on everything and 0 on every reading, May be Fauna will do that for some tanks, then there are tanks that probaby won't accept it that easy. So people can't afford Fauna, some people cnat afford ZEO, some are jsut bull headed to give out negitive thought s on the products, due to hearing it from a another reefer that it didnt work for him its not going to work for me. IMO people are going to have different views on the product some will like it some will love it and some will just don't care to look at. |
I just want to thank everyone for their input even the negative camp, it is rare that such a thread can stay as on track as this and I thank all of you for that.
I think from the recent posts the message I am tying to get across is getting there and I will continue to offer reviews product information and great support, and hope i can help turn this industry round into a more client focussed business. Please feel free to continue to debate and I will enjoy responding :) |
Awsome pictures ATC you can see the difference for sure.
If you need any further info on using the range just give me a shout ;) |
I will be offering a new review very soon on two other products so please watch out for this.
I,m glad to see it staying on track. And agree, its great to see the retailer of a product willing to debate its use on here. Great thread for those of us that are thinking of using a product and those that just wish to check it out.
So, several times I see the reference to polyps extension. Part of the reason I posted the extension pics on my thread. I cant see it better than that. Plus my colors are coming around nice. So I have to wonder how the product will benefit me. I would like to use it on my tank but really need to 1st. Understand how to use it correct. :lol: 2nd. Understand how it will help me. 3rd. Its cost comparison with the other products I use now, that are pretty cheap. When picking up my new cube the other day, I purchased a nitrate & phosphate kit. First time I have owned them in about 10 or 15 yrs. :lol: Again, as seen in my pics, I have the same red turf algae Mike has. As a matter of fact, thats where I got it several years ago. :D. Running normal phosphate remover does not seem to help and the Fauna products Mike are using for that sure do seem to be helping him. {my reference to Mike here, is Asmodeus, not Mike from Fauna}. So keep on posting. Love reading the info. |
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