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stupid me
For some reason i figured it would be a ok idea to put a mini carpet nem in with my frogfish. on friday night i came home and found my frogfish on the floor still breathing so i quickly put it back in my fishtank and he started swimming again but i notice his tail and side was all white and peeling and i new right away what happend. anyway hes been acting normal and the peeling white on his side is gone but his tail is mangled. and im not really sure what to do. just wondering if there is any sort of medication i can treat it with... i for sure know its probably goging to get some sort of fungis or infection because its a frogfish.... so should i put him out now(clove oil and alcohol) or try and treat it?
http://i324.photobucket.com/albums/k...f/DSC_0007.jpg http://i324.photobucket.com/albums/k...DSC_0009-1.jpg |
I would try to treat....the damage *may* just be from the carpet surfing, it's worth a shot
I would treat it...by leaving it alone. Soak his food in Selcon and Garlic, and hope for the best. That's my cure-all. :)
They look like tough little buggers, the tail should heal up fine. |
A pet store in Winnipeg had a shark that a large piece of Rock fell on his tail, and broke the bones, leaving a mangeled tail looked aweful, but the little guy kept moving around and eating well, tail never healed, but the fish lived.
alright, i bought some kent Zoe vitamins, minerals and ammino acid.. i wish i would have got that selcon stuff instead.
thanks everyone. |
a quick dip of his injured tail part in diluted iodine solution might help him fight off infection.
how diluted?... im thinkin it might be a bit to much stress for it right now.
if i remember correctly i dipped my mandarin dragonet's damaged tailfin into half the lugol recommended strength for coral dipping. i dipped tailend into solution net and all and it never struggle at all.
I wouldnt add the stress of dipping. Feed him well and hope.
Scott |
To expand on my opinion of leaving it alone, I do this because when fish get a disease or fungus it is because they are stressed and/or in less than optimal health. If your fish is in good health he won't get a disease or fungus as a result of his injury unless he is really stressed by it. Catching a fish stresses them a lot, and 9 times out of 10 you will make the situation worse no matter your intentions. Many medications also permanently damage the fish's immune system and/or kidneys/liver. Only on rare occasions will I treat a fish for a disease once the fish has been introduced into my tank. I do bath all incoming fish during their drip acclimation with a parasite treatment mostly intended for internal parasites. Once they are in my tank they have to fend for themselves. I will provide them a stress-free environment by choosing appropriate tankmates, a vitamin and garlic enriched diet, and they provide me with many years of healthy existence. :)
I have treated many a fish for disease, fungus, and parasites in retail stores (as "protocol"), and usually the fish die. This is in part just because of the stress of shipping, and the further stress of being in a retail space, as well as the toxins of the treatment, but also just because if a fish is in poor enough condition to get a disease he is likely on his way out anyway. Only on one occasion have I treated my own fish. That fish was a 6" Piranha with dropsy. Dropsy is usually fatal, but I chose to try to treat him because Piranha are resilient, and I was interested to see if I could cure one of the diseases that is generally considered fatal and "incurable". Halfway through the dropsy treatment the fish actually picked up a nasty case of ich as well, but after three weeks of diligent careful treatment the fish actually survived, and is still alive today about 6 years later. I don't think your frog fish's condition is very bad at all. With some good food, vitamins/amino acids, and garlic I do think he should snap right back provided he was in good health before the incident. |
myka, thats pretty much they way i see it, i think being stung then carpet surf is probably enough stress i will leave him alone and keep trying to feed. As of last night he wouldnt eat, but i will keep try.
thanks everyone for the help. |
Have you seen your froggy touch your carpet? They move pretty quickly off of it...unless it fell into it....probably touched it and swam away quickly and went in the wrong direction.
i figured he probably touched it then freaked out and swam straight up and on to the floor.
treating injured fish out of tank
look at his tail it's already half rotted away. i heartily agree on not catching and further stressing a very active fish that swim all day long. but a frogfish by nature is extremely sedentary and rarely move away from its favorite perch and by carefully netting and disinfecting its wounded part we are not causing it any additional stress. when i was keeping and breeding discus which i consider to be somewhat sedentary in nature i would net out any injured or fungused one and treated it in the same way out of tank.
do you mind if i ask where you got him?
i got him from Ian at oceanic corals.. hes one of the vendors on the board.
also last time i was at jl aquatics they had 2 little black ones, give them a call they could probably ship one to you. also some good news the frogfish is eating again its tail is look alot better.. i guess its just more badass now with a V tail. thanks again everyone. |
its a magic frogfish... best magic tricks i have seen: lay on the carpet for probably a half hour, dislodge air bubbles in its stomach all on its own (2), and swallow a fish that was the same size as it and not chock to death.
The black frogfish J&L had were pretty wicked! They had a bright red one too. All gone I think though. I had the red one on hold but then couldn't get back to the store to get one. I am going to ask them to hold the next one that comes in for me. Great looking fish! |
:wink: |
Lee, Sorry to hijack your thread! I should have pm'd instead. You are also welcome to come by and take a look at the Froggy's too if you like! Ian |
haha thats alright, as long as its about frogfish i dont care.
i would enjoy that, when will you be around the shop... shed deal? |
Okay! I did receive the Frogfish, one of them is a little red one that is super nice. I will be at the facility on Sunday. Give me a call. Ian |
any updates on how your lil fella is doing?
its doin fine, eating well and its tail looks to be healing :biggrin: i will try to get a picture next time its out and about.
thats great news! do you keep him in his own tank or does he have tank mates? i would love one but we have a twinspot hog and a watchman goby which are both about the same size as the wartskin and i hear they can eat other fish as long as they are.
its in with a peppy shrimp and a sexy there was a blenny that was probably a bit bigger then the froggy that he ate.. it was my falt though i forgot to feed it for a week.. befoer that they lived together fine for a good 2 mounths.
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