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JOEL 02-07-2009 07:14 PM

sps help
My sps don't seem to color up what am I
doing wrong?

About my tank

It is a 90gal tank with a 30gal sump
2 lumanarc reflectors
bulbs se xm 250 watt 20000k m58 balast 8hr per day
was using xm 10000k just changed one month ago to
xm 20000k
2 t5 atinics 12hr per day
skimmer euro reef rs 135
Tank has been up and running for 1 year
I am using IO salt and add calcium and magnesium to bring the levels up should I be adding anything else to IO salt

I added some Knife Caulerpa (Caulerpa prolifera to my sump.
Is this statement true about knife caulerpa
Excercise caution when using this iron supplements. They can also encourage the growth of nuisance hair algae and less desirable macroalgae.
should i take it out of the sump?

1 yellow tang
1 copperband
1 flame angle
hermits crabs
1 fire shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp


all small frags

At first I was not adding anything to my water till one month
ago I started to add zeovit.

5 drops of coral vitalizer per day
5 drops of amino acid per day
5 drops of zeofood two times per week
5 drops of zeobak two times per week
last three days been adding coral snow

Water parameters

nitrate 0 salifert test kit
phosphate 0 salifert test kit
ph 8.0 neptune controler
temp 80 neptune controler
calcium 450 salifert test kit
magnesium 1300 marine aquarium test kit
salinity 1.025 refractometer
alk 7.6kh
flow is 4800gph
Any help would be appreciated

mark 02-07-2009 07:52 PM

I've got some corals shades of brown/tan but then the original colonies weren't that colourful to start with (just wanted something cheap to first try SPS). What were the mother colonies like?

JOEL 02-07-2009 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by mark (Post 385528)
I've got some corals shades of brown/tan but then the original colonies weren't that colourful to start with (just wanted something cheap to first try SPS). What were the mother colonies like?

I am not sure what the mother colonies like but I have 11 differant frags that
I got from two differant people

Snappy 02-07-2009 09:39 PM

There must be something you're not aware of. Sounds like high nitrates or something. How high are they in the tank? How is your flow?

JOEL 02-07-2009 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 385560)
There must be something you're not aware of. Sounds like high nitrates or something. How high are they in the tank? How is your flow?

Hi snappy

My nitrate are at 0 salifert test kit
My flow is 4800 gph

Any other suggestions

christyf5 02-07-2009 10:44 PM

Hi Joel,

you and I have almost the same systems :biggrin:

Have you always had problems with SPS coloration or are you thinking that they should be coloring up with the use of zeovit?? I have been using zeovit for about 6 months now and my corals are nice but not like the photos of other zeovit tanks.

Anyways here is what I dose for zeovit for comparison sakes:

zeobak 4 drops 2x week
zeofood7 4 drops 2x week
coral vitalizer 4 drops 3x week
zeostart2 0.3ml 2x day
coral snow 2-3mls 3x week

If I were you I'd cut back a bit on your coral vitalizer, sometimes too much can darken tissue as well as the amino acids (as per If you've just started with zeovit I'd stop the amino acids altogether and wait until you have run the system for awhile before adding that (thats what I was told on

I'd also think about maybe increasing your halide photoperiod to 10 hours a day? The XM 20K aren't really providing a ton of light but thats just my opinion.

As for the iron supplements, you haven't indicated that you are using any?? I doubt the caulerpa will cause you any problems. I think the taxifolia is one of the safer caulerpas to use for nutrient export.

JOEL 02-07-2009 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 385572)
Hi Joel,

you and I have almost the same systems :biggrin:

Have you always had problems with SPS coloration or are you thinking that they should be coloring up with the use of zeovit?? I have been using zeovit for about 6 months now and my corals are nice but not like the photos of other zeovit tanks.

Anyways here is what I dose for zeovit for comparison sakes:

zeobak 4 drops 2x week
zeofood7 4 drops 2x week
coral vitalizer 4 drops 3x week
zeostart2 0.3ml 2x day
coral snow 2-3mls 3x week

If I were you I'd cut back a bit on your coral vitalizer, sometimes too much can darken tissue as well as the amino acids (as per If you've just started with zeovit I'd stop the amino acids altogether and wait until you have run the system for awhile before adding that (thats what I was told on

I'd also think about maybe increasing your halide photoperiod to 10 hours a day? The XM 20K aren't really providing a ton of light but thats just my opinion.

As for the iron supplements, you haven't indicated that you are using any?? I doubt the caulerpa will cause you any problems. I think the taxifolia is one of the safer caulerpas to use for nutrient export.

Yes I have always had problems with SPS coloration since I got them
back in July and they don't seem to grow much.

wickedfrags 02-08-2009 12:35 AM

How are you maintaining your alkalinity and calcium? I did not see a calcium reactor mentioned below.

That choice of macro is not the best, but it should not present any immediate problems, get your hands on some chaeto. No need to dose iron.

fencer 02-08-2009 12:39 AM

What rate do you water change? and add carbon

Rbacchiega 02-08-2009 12:40 AM

I don't run carbon...and I have zoas in with my sps. But I do do a 10-15% water change every week...

JOEL 02-08-2009 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 385600)
How are you maintaining your alkalinity and calcium? I did not see a calcium reactor mentioned below.

That choice of macro is not the best, but it should not present any immediate problems, get your hands on some chaeto. No need to dose iron.

At the moment I just add calcium to my make up water. My calcium demands are low
It does not seem to fluctuate between water changes it stays constant 430 to 450

untamed 02-08-2009 12:59 AM

Stop measuring Ca and spend your time measuring Alk. I am willing to bet that you can see a measurable decline in Alk daily.

Get on a balanced Ca/Alk delivery plan like Kalk, Ca Reactor or Balling.

Aquattro 02-08-2009 01:19 AM

I know I got better results with Zeo when I cut the dosages. The 5 drops 2x week is probably more for a fully stocked tank, I have 150g total, and use about 3 drops 3x every two weeks. My colors are great!

Aquattro 02-08-2009 01:21 AM

also, with 11 small frags, Ca and alk consumption should be very little. For now a 2 part solution would be fine, or kalk in the top off water.

JOEL 02-08-2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 385615)
also, with 11 small frags, Ca and alk consumption should be very little. For now a 2 part solution would be fine, or kalk in the top off water.

Yes that is the reason I don't have a reactor yet.

wickedfrags 02-08-2009 02:38 PM

Agreed, corals use calcium not gallons do not. That being said you maintain your DKH on the low side so downward fluctations can result in stress and lightening of your SPS corals.

How about some pictures?


Originally Posted by JOEL (Post 385605)
At the moment I just add calcium to my make up water. My calcium demands are low
It does not seem to fluctuate between water changes it stays constant 430 to 450


Originally Posted by JOEL (Post 385605)
At the moment I just add calcium to my make up water. My calcium demands are low
It does not seem to fluctuate between water changes it stays constant 430 to 450

Skimmerking 02-08-2009 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by untamed (Post 385609)
Stop measuring Ca and spend your time measuring Alk. I am willing to bet that you can see a measurable decline in Alk daily.

Get on a balanced Ca/Alk delivery plan like Kalk, Ca Reactor or Balling.

Very GOOD point that is all i do is the ALK most important.....

JOEL 02-08-2009 03:56 PM

Can anyone tell me how to post pictures

Doug 02-08-2009 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by JOEL (Post 385732)
Can anyone tell me how to post pictures

JOEL 02-08-2009 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 385733)

Thx Doug
I will post some pic today some time

Jason McK 02-08-2009 04:17 PM

XM 20K Bulbs have netoriously low PAR ratings as compared to the 10K. I would, along with all the above help change you bulbs back to the 10K


JOEL 02-08-2009 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jason McK (Post 385737)
XM 20K Bulbs have netoriously low PAR ratings as compared to the 10K. I would, along with all the above help change you bulbs back to the 10K


I had the same problem with my 10k

Aquattro 02-08-2009 04:50 PM

You see, this is the problem, or challenge, with SPS. You can do everything right, and exactly what someone else does, and just not get the expected results. My current incarnation of SPS tank is pretty much the same as every other tank I've had, however this time my colors are awesome. My growth is, however, nowhere near what I've had for my previous 8 years. Go figure.
Essentially you need to tweak and twist until you get it right. Then, next month when things start browning up again, you need to figure out exactly what you tweaked last month :) Yes, frustrating sometimes, but when you get it right, it's all worth it.
Basically, IMO, it's all about nutrients. Nutrients make corals brown. Whether it's NO3, PO4, TDO, etc, who knows. It's different for each tank. Make sure you clean your skimmer twice a week. If it doesn't need it, it might not be enough skimmer. Use good carbon, change it once a month. Do you use a phosban reactor? If not, start. Review your feeding regime. Too much food can be detrimental. Use filter socks, keep them clean. It's all about clean. Too much crap in the DSB? Maybe time to remove sand.
These are all the tweaks I've done this time around, and it's working for me. Lighting isn't important, it's what you like to look at. More PAR can give you more growth, but don't worry about growth, it will come. People have been chasing colored SPS with K ratings for years, it's not the secret ingredient. Worry more about flow, it's all too often overlooked.
And clean. Keep all your export mechanisms clean. And pray to the reef gods, it can't hurt!

JOEL 02-08-2009 06:36 PM

Well here we go not sure if my pics will work.

JOEL 02-08-2009 06:38 PM


JOEL 02-08-2009 06:39 PM

How can I make my pictures bigger?

christyf5 02-08-2009 07:15 PM

Hi Joel,

You're posting the thumbnail photos, you need to post the larger version. Also make sure you use the img tags, its the little yellow photo icon.

I'll fix it for ya :biggrin:

JOEL 02-08-2009 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 385806)
Hi Joel,

You're posting the thumbnail photos, you need to post the larger version. Also make sure you use the img tags, its the little yellow photo icon.

I'll fix it for ya :biggrin:

Thx Christy

Snappy 02-08-2009 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by JOEL (Post 385794)

Looking at the algae growing on this s.hystrix I think you may have more disolved nutrients in your system than you think you do.

Aquattro 02-08-2009 08:41 PM

I agree, Greg. Also, there is no encrusting on the base, so depending on how long you've had them, could be an indicator of a problem (high PO*)

JOEL 02-08-2009 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 385839)
I agree, Greg. Also, there is no encrusting on the base, so depending on how long you've had them, could be an indicator of a problem (high PO*)

I just added phos-zorb to remove the phosphate if there is any.
I should not trust my test kit.
I do have a bit of algae so from what I can tell I must
have a bit of phosphate. Is that the only thing that
algae need to grow?

Aquattro 02-08-2009 09:41 PM

Well, algae will use the nitrates too. But not all are measureable, dissolved organics may be breaking down at the same rate as the nutrients are getting used, so even though you measure no NO3 or PO4, doesn't mean it isn't there.

JOEL 02-08-2009 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 385860)
Well, algae will use the nitrates too. But not all are measureable, dissolved organics may be breaking down at the same rate as the nutrients are getting used, so even though you measure no NO3 or PO4, doesn't mean it isn't there.

You have a very good point thx

JOEL 02-09-2009 03:24 PM

Can anyone suggest a good phosphate removers and where is a good place
to buy it at a reasonable price you should pm me your suggestions.


Aquattro 02-09-2009 03:33 PM

The Two Little Fishies reactor and media is a good system, can be found at most shops for a decent price. I don't think there is a big price difference among stores, so it's probably best to support your local shop!

BlueAbyss 02-09-2009 08:37 PM

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I have a quick question... do you think it is a good idea to run a phosphate absorber when starting a new tank so it's phosphate free from the beginning?

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