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tang daddy 01-12-2009 02:51 AM

Anyone try feeding their trigger or puffer red meat?
I have a large clown and he's a piglet, A guy on here had to sell him as he was getting too big for his reef so I took him into my fowler he ate nori like it was going out of style like half a sheet all to himself. Eats half a tiger prawn like a champ lucky fish. So I thought I would try other meat to mix it up. We were cooking a braised pork dish and while cutting the pork I tried to feed it a half thumb size fatty meat piece to my amazement he ate the whole thing in one shot.

Meat is meat so I thought there was no diff and like a trigger or puffer fish was going to be picky anyhow. I'm going to the local fish stores and seeing if there any leftovers salmon stomach that I could feed it and my puffer to get some natural fat in them, please share if anyone has done this.

AngryTriGGer 01-12-2009 03:20 AM

I have tried this with different pieces of salmon in my old roomates tank. Had a niger and picasso trigger and lunar wrasse. None of them bothered with it. After it was bbq'd I sure enjoyed the salmon though.

johncody 01-26-2009 02:36 AM

Moose Meat
As a Hunter and the son of a hunter i have eattan Moose meat all my life. i also use to feed it to my triggers and they loved it. Pure Organic meat.

GreenSpottedPuffer 01-26-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 376724)
I have a large clown and he's a piglet, A guy on here had to sell him as he was getting too big for his reef so I took him into my fowler he ate nori like it was going out of style like half a sheet all to himself. Eats half a tiger prawn like a champ lucky fish. So I thought I would try other meat to mix it up. We were cooking a braised pork dish and while cutting the pork I tried to feed it a half thumb size fatty meat piece to my amazement he ate the whole thing in one shot.

Meat is meat so I thought there was no diff and like a trigger or puffer fish was going to be picky anyhow. I'm going to the local fish stores and seeing if there any leftovers salmon stomach that I could feed it and my puffer to get some natural fat in them, please share if anyone has done this.

Salmon is the wrong kind of fish to be feeding triggers. You should only be feeding "white" fish meat. You can grab some pretty cheap fish from T&T market or even Save on that will last months in the freezer. I used to feed a lot of different fish meats to my triggers/puffers.

GreenSpottedPuffer 01-26-2009 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by johncody (Post 380895)
As a Hunter and the son of a hunter i have eattan Moose meat all my life. i also use to feed it to my triggers and they loved it. Pure Organic meat.

Not good for them. Why would you feed something to a fish that is not even close to part of their natural diet or at least a product made to mimic it?

SeaHorse_Fanatic 01-26-2009 09:10 PM

Go to a Korean grocery store and buy the dried shrimp they sell for human consumption. My wife's two porcupine puffers & the niger trigger I got from GreenSpottedPuffer all love it and its very economical.


trilinearmipmap 01-27-2009 12:52 AM

A couple of thoughts about this. If Triggers don't eat red meat in the wild, their metabolism may not be suited to digest red meat which contains different sorts of fat than seafood does. This could lead to metabolic problems/illness which could shorten the life of the Trigger.

The other thought is that if they get used to the taste of red meat, watch out next time your hands are in the tank.

tang daddy 01-27-2009 02:34 AM

red meat may not be that good for their digestive system and I havent tried it since. I bought some silverfish and mackeral and have been feeding them this instead they love it so does my wallet!

Diana 01-27-2009 04:28 AM

Stick to the general rule:

Feed freshwater foods to freshwater fish, marine-based foods to marine fish. There are some exceptions to the rule and sometimes a "snack" of blood worms or something alike to marine fish is acceptable, but you can't go wrong attempting to feed your fishies things that they would eat in the wild.

So I probably would stay away from meats.


GreenSpottedPuffer 01-27-2009 04:42 AM

The Moose meat still just baffles me :lol:

The last time I checked, Moose were not migrating down to Indonesia or Australia and falling into the ocean for triggers to eat.

my2rotties 01-27-2009 04:44 AM

I feed my porcupine puffer a "puffer chow" meal I make in the blender. Its squid, clams, mussels, cuttlefish, prawns and other types of mollusks and shellfish. I blend it with garlic, freeze it, and cut it into cubes. Puffers are so messy when they eat that the frozen cubes don't make as much mess. My Picasso trigger loves it too.

The only red meat my puffer got was my finger tip... I was teasong him at the top of the tank and thought it was food.:wink:

Megs 03-20-2009 05:44 PM

i would have to agree with the posts that if it is not something the fish would encounter and eat in the wild, dont feed it. they arent set-up to digest red meat.

Gee 03-26-2009 10:26 AM

I've read somewhere (probably the internet so treat it as such) that fish's livers can't process red meat.

Adam NS. 04-08-2009 04:42 PM

Yeah, it is some thing that they would not ussually get in the wild but that goes both ways. We don't live in the ocean but we eat sea food. People drink milk and that is almost morbid to me. As long as you feed your fish a variety of things I dont see a problem. I've even heard of people keeping bat fish alive for years on banana chips.


bv_reefer 04-26-2009 11:53 PM

Just got my puffer last week and he accepted little pieces of silverside, but thats about as far as i got, i doubt he'll take red meat. Now my eel on my other hand...well different

Zoaelite 04-27-2009 12:22 AM

Green to play Devils advocite (as much as I agree with you moose is not something I would feed to my fish) is any of the food we really feed to our reefs natural? Yes Brine shrimp and krill do come from the ocean but is it born frozen or freeze dried? Each individual organism in our tank I'm sure has a VASTLY different diet than what we provide for them but they still seem to survive in our systems. Red meat does have a vast amount of different protiens and enzymes in it though, so introducing it to a reef system could cause some problems.

Funky_Fish14 04-27-2009 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 414820)
Green to play Devils advocite (as much as I agree with you moose is not something I would feed to my fish) is any of the food we really feed to our reefs natural? Yes Brine shrimp and krill do come from the ocean but is it born frozen or freeze dried? Each individual organism in our tank I'm sure has a VASTLY different diet than what we provide for them but they still seem to survive in our systems. Red meat does have a vast amount of different protiens and enzymes in it though, so introducing it to a reef system could cause some problems.

Changing the state of the foods doesnt change the nutrient combinations found in the food. yes, through heating/freezing some of the amino acids which make up the proteins in the meats will break down/change, but they dont turn into entirely different molecular chains. If we are feeding bits and pieces of animals from their natural environment, they are still getting a more correct mix of nutrients. Just playing devil's advocate right back :wink:



Madreefer 05-01-2009 07:29 PM

If fish are exposed to any type of red meat I think the only type that they would encounter would be humans that get lost at sea. Have'nt heard of any moose getting sucked out on a boogie board or falling off of a boat:wink:. Don't feed them for a week and dangle a finger in the tank, they might like it. LOL. Why feed them something thats foreign to their environment?

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