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wgama 12-26-2008 01:53 AM

120 gallon reef!!!
Yay, my parents bought me a 90 gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump for christmas. It came with everything i need except for a power head.

Ill post pics as soon as we get ater in it!

toxic111 12-26-2008 01:57 AM

That is a nice tank... saw it a couple weeks ago...


wgama 12-26-2008 04:36 PM

Did You know I was getting it too?

toxic111 12-26-2008 06:40 PM

Didn't know it was for you.. till now.. but I did know it was a gift for someone... *G*

wgama 12-28-2008 12:01 AM

my sump with built in refugium on the far right
A shot of the whole tank half filled with sandy water

ReVRiN 01-10-2009 05:44 PM

Wow who makes that setup? It is really nice looking.

wgama 01-11-2009 04:58 PM

The tank and original stand was made by oceanic and the sump was made by Kelly from The Reef Shoppe in lloydminister but the was no room in the stand for a sump so my dad re made the stand to accomodate it.

Snaz 01-11-2009 05:58 PM

Very nice. Sleek and neat. Have fun!

wgama 01-11-2009 06:47 PM

Ya it has doors too we just didn't put them on yet.

wgama 01-11-2009 07:06 PM

New Rock!!
I got some new live rock for my tank yesterday!! I alreday had about 55lbs in there but got 50lbs more. I will be selling 25lbs of it to a local reefer.
FTS The rocks arent where I want them yet but I will be moving them around to see which ones idont want.
They may look purple but they are actually red mushrooms with little blue spots. ( hitchhikers)
2 Neon green mushroom( hitchhiker)
A dozen or so green and brown zoanthids( hitchhikers)

Are these aiptasia?

ILIKECOUGARS 01-11-2009 07:12 PM

Looks like Aiptasia it to me.
By the way, nice score on the other hitchhikers.

wgama 01-11-2009 07:14 PM

Thats kinda what I thought it was but I also thought that it might be a rock anemone becasue this guy had a few of those in his tank. They were kinda cool they had nice patterns on them.

hillbillyreefer 01-11-2009 08:16 PM

Tank looks really good. Your off to a great start. Did you get that red halymenia or whatever that macro algae is from Kelly? If so it came from my tanks.
I leave it in the display too. It kind of adds a nice bit of color.

Snaz 01-11-2009 08:29 PM

+1 Aiptasia but otherwise great hitch hikers!

wgama 01-11-2009 09:48 PM

Actually I got the red algae from the guy who I got the rock from. Kelly didnt have any. Unfortunately there are at least 3 of those anemones and 2 or 3 other anemones that i think are rock anemones they have thicker tentacles and pretty paatterns on them. I was thinking of eventually getting some berghia nudibranches or some other creature who eats the aiptasia.

ILIKECOUGARS 01-13-2009 12:44 AM

You can try peppermint shrimps to control the aiptasia. As for berghia nudibranches thats all they will eat, once all the aiptasia are gone they will die, plus there are poor shippers.

wgama 01-13-2009 02:38 AM

guess I wont get one of them, didn,t realize they would not eat anything else.

wgama 01-23-2009 02:21 AM

Yay!! more pics!!
I have my rocks stacked up now, I will be getting 15 more lbs.
The mushrooms are growing well!
I really like these green shrooms!!
The fuge up and running! Everything is growing well in therer I have a grow lamp over it!!lol!! I even have some frags in there!

I also have a hairy mushroom in the tank but I forgot to take a picture of it! lol!

noirsphynx 01-27-2009 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by wgama (Post 376560)
Are these aiptasia?

Definitely looks like it to me.

EDIT: LOL, Guess I should learn to read the whole thread first, lol. I just noticed all the replies:mrgreen:

hillbillyreefer 01-28-2009 02:44 AM

I like your rock work, tank is off to a good start.

RSM2008 01-28-2009 03:46 AM

yes... aiptasia
The last two are indeed aiptasia.
The rock is awesome! Where is it from? Was it fresh to the store when you got it? great HH mushrooms.

wgama 02-03-2009 01:18 AM

I got the rocks that have the hitchhikers on them from a fellow reefer who lives in cold lake.

wgama 02-03-2009 01:23 AM

I put 2 turbo snails and 2 electric blue hermit crabs in the tank on the 22 of January and they are doing very well so I will be picking up the rest of my clean up crew this weekend at The Reef Shoppe in llyoydminister. I destroyed those nasty little anemones after accidently being stung by one ouch!!! I used a product Kelly at The Reef Shoppe sold to me called Aiptasia destroyer by Tailored aquatics. It works great it didn't hurt anything except for the aiptasia anenomes and it just dissolved into the water after it was done destroying them.

wgama 02-10-2009 02:25 AM

A trip to the store!!
I was in Lloyd yesterday for a bowling tournament so I went to Black Ocean Aquariums, I had never been there before its nice! I got a blue tuxed urchin and some really nice zoanthids that are bright pink, yellow and purple. After that I went to The Reef Shoppe and got 1 egg cowrie, 3 narcissus snails, 2 turban snails, 2 nerites snails, 2 cerith snails, some wite star polyps and a pink spotted goby( he is so cute). All of this went into this tank ( no more room in my 14 gallon :( . Ill posts some pics ASAP!

Rbacchiega 02-10-2009 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by wgama (Post 386249)
I was in Lloyd yesterday for a bowling tournament

!!!! a fellow bowler!!! 5 pin or 10 pin?

Lance 02-10-2009 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 386287)
!!!! a fellow bowler!!! 5 pin or 10 pin?

That makes three of us. I bowl too. 10 pin of course, 5's are for old ladies:mrgreen: In fact our family owns a small bowling alley.

Mrfish55 02-10-2009 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 386289)
That makes three of us. I bowl too. 10 pin of course, 5's are for old ladies:mrgreen: In fact our family owns a small bowling alley.

How can you bowl 10 pin? everytime I go in there they tell me they don't do 10 pin anymore:question:

Rbacchiega 02-10-2009 03:54 AM

I'm a 5 pinner...10 pin...pch. Big balls and the pins are closer together. Not to mention the fact that before I wrecked my shoulder I used to average 200 in 10 pin, and didn't bowl in leagues there. My 5 pin average is 231 currently though...

fyi, this thread has been hijacked

ocean diver 02-10-2009 03:56 AM

Yes those are aiptasia

Lance 02-10-2009 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 386297)
I'm a 5 pinner...10 pin...pch. Big balls and the pins are closer together. Not to mention the fact that before I wrecked my shoulder I used to average 200 in 10 pin, and didn't bowl in leagues there. My 5 pin average is 231 currently though...

fyi, this thread has been hijacked

Very respectable avg.'s Funny, my sister bowls 5pin and her avg. is 233. Sounds like a good match up. Dave, the 10 pin are still there, just not used as much.

Sorry, about hijacking the thread. I'll shut up now.

Rbacchiega 02-10-2009 04:44 AM

I feel a bowling tournament/reef tour coming on....

wgama 02-13-2009 01:03 AM

I league bowl 5 pin on saturdays. I tried 10 pin bowling in Edmonton one time though it was pretty fun( I was like 7 though everthing was fun then)

Rbacchiega 02-13-2009 01:32 AM

So you're still in YBC? Herm, I graduated YBC 5 years ago...LOL

wgama 02-20-2009 02:59 AM

IM thirteen I still got a couple more YBc years to go!! lol!

wgama 02-24-2009 11:36 PM

I was in Edmonton last weekend for the Canspell spelling bee regional finals and I stopped by Aquarium Illusions and got some hermt crabs and a baby cleaner shrimp(hes so cute he is about and inch and a half long). I also went to the orchid show at Grant Mcewan. It was pretty cool! i bouthgt a vanda roberts delight black, a jungle beau mini cattleya and a yellow paph(slipper orchid)!

wgama 03-19-2009 03:16 AM

Update coming!!
I went to a fellow reefers house today that is selling some of his stuff because has to move and bought 1 ginormus corky sea finger, some bluey green zoanthids, some green and orgish zoanthids, a blue maxima clam and a tear drop maxima clam! Pictures are coming soon!!!:biggrin:

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