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iansfishy 12-20-2008 10:49 PM

help catching a fish in a Nano!
so my wife trying to be real nice buys a arabian bluelined dottyback and puts it in my Nano. Better then in the big tank i guess, but nonetheless it is evil and i want it out. I have alot of rock work and corals so taking everything out is the last thing i want to do. anyone have any ideas on how to catch this guy? hes quick and there are alot of places to hide so is thre any diy fish traps anyone knows of? Thanks

Skimmerking 12-20-2008 11:32 PM

Come on man its a nano , take the stuff out and catch the fish ,..:biggrin:

Patrice 12-21-2008 12:10 AM

Set a trap. I made one with plastic bottle and it worked quite well. At first the fish did not want to get in so I have stop feeding and put some food in the trap.

chandigz 12-21-2008 12:21 AM

Small barbless hook, bait, fishing line.

Carmen 12-21-2008 12:32 AM

My dottyback is VERY inquisitive and food driven so I am sure it could easily be cought with the inverted pop bottle method or any trap you can buy. Do a search for cathing a fish and you will find it. Bait it with some "meaty food" and I am sure you will have your fish if it's anything like mine!

fdiddy 12-21-2008 01:18 AM

I put food in a larger diameter tube.. if it's too small he wont go in.. when he goes in.. trap him on with your hands on both sides..

marie 12-21-2008 01:59 AM

If it's real cagey you could always drain the water into buckets, leaving all the rocks and corals in place, catch the fish and then pump all the water back in .Corals will be fine out of the water for a few hours.
I did that with my 175g when I had to catch all my fish it only took me an hour and a half from start to finish

iansfishy 12-21-2008 03:23 AM

thats a great idea! corals are really fine for a few hours?

marie 12-21-2008 03:28 AM

Corals are out of the water for hours at a time when the tide goes out but if you plan everything ahead of time then they probably won't be out of the water more then half an hour. I drained and pumped back in over 160g of water in an hour and a half.
The only thing you might want to do if you have sand in the tank is to make a little well at the front of the tank for the fish to go into so they don't hide at the back. I managed to catch 5 fish that way without moving a single rock

Patrice 12-21-2008 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by chandigz (Post 370484)
Small barbless hook, bait, fishing line.

Are you serious? :eek:

StirCrazy 12-21-2008 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Patrice (Post 370704)
Are you serious? :eek:

heck why not, some entertainment value at the same time :mrgreen:


Patrice 12-22-2008 12:22 AM

I am sure it's entertaining! :biggrin:
Some fish don't do well after they have been caught even with a barbless hook. I am thinking at the trout here.

Anyway, I thought doing this for my yellow watchman goby. I just did not want to talk about the idea on a forum. I might reconsider the idea now.

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