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dsaundry 12-20-2008 07:55 PM

Brrrrrrr!! Time for temps??
So; with the current deep freeze thats hitting us about everybody put down the temps at their location and has it affected them in any adverse way...
Here in the "Wack" with the wind chill we are at about -20c..-11 without.
Windy and we had some power failures..tank at work dropped down to 68F
but everybody survived the drop...
So post your temps and lets see what cold really is.....:lol:

Patrice 12-20-2008 08:46 PM

It's damn cold up here. Everymoning, I hope my truck will start. I also lost my gloves and hope to get some for christmas (I hope my wife will read this :mrgreen: )

Otherwise, the real down side of winter here is not the temperature, it's the sun. With only 5h of sunlight, I don't go fishing too much and I'll wait a month of two before to go winter camping.

At this time of the year, the weather outside goes from -30C to -40C without wind chill. With some wind, it can easily get bellow -50C.

fdiddy 12-20-2008 09:30 PM

Saskatoon's been -30 to -40 lately.

fishoholic 12-20-2008 10:20 PM

-23 right now and it's supposed to drop to -32 tonight.

banditpowdercoat 12-20-2008 10:30 PM

-35 in 100 mile hse this morning....

Trigger Man 12-20-2008 10:39 PM

Minus 20s here and with wind chill we have been in the minus 30s. Can't wait for a chinook.

dsaundry 12-20-2008 11:22 PM

Dang...there are some chilly temps there...where are all the Tobins?I remember Portage and Main area as being chilly too....Oh and The Peg is my home town so although its been 30+ years I remember it getting a little on the frosty side....:biggrin:

Lance 12-20-2008 11:46 PM

Global Warming, my ass!

Patrice 12-20-2008 11:49 PM

:lol: Yeah, it's quite cold every where

saltynuts 12-20-2008 11:56 PM

-30 in stony plain now
wind chill -40 tonight

robzilla 12-21-2008 12:17 AM

-17 currently in castlegar

StirCrazy 12-21-2008 01:01 AM

-8, but thats not the scarry part, we are about 16 degrees C below our normal temps for this time of the year, and it is only the 5th time in 141 years we are going to have snow for christmas day :mrgreen:


Delphinus 12-21-2008 01:12 AM

-37 last night. But today it was a pretty balmy -20. :lol:

Mik_101 12-21-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 370473)
Global Warming, my ass!

Haaa true. But over all loving the temps.

StirCrazy 12-21-2008 04:07 PM

hmm.. I just woke up to another 8 to 12" of snow and it is still snowing like crazy. oh well time to go shovel walks.... again... Should have bought a snow blower.


sphelps 12-21-2008 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 370473)
Global Warming, my ass!

Your ass is right, there are many theory's and studies that support the affect of colder winters due to global warming. The melting ice up north results in cooler water drifting south which will affect the "meridional overturning circulation" which is basically the exchange of cold and warm currents in the ocean which is believed to be a major driving force on climate.

Myka 12-21-2008 06:13 PM

Right now it's a balmy -16 up in the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range just north of cold Lake, AB. Lastnight and the night before it dipped to -34 without wind chill. I was working 15 mins NE of Maidstone, SK last week and it went as low as -41 without wind chill. I never knew -15 could feel warm!!!

Oscar 12-21-2008 06:32 PM

UPS Batteries Work
Currently -15 in "Summerland".
It was -19 Friday morning and -21 Saturday morning.

On Friday, while we were both at work, the power went out at 8:30am and did not come on until 4:30. Although we use wood heat without electrical fans to move the warm air around our pipes froze. Got them thawed by midnight.
`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``

But...On Wednesday I took the precaution of adding my backup UPS to power the heater and circulation pump. A previous test told me that it would last at least 6 hours and maybe longer. So everyone survived.

Well worth the $300 I spent at Canadian Tire last summer.

Snaz 12-21-2008 07:14 PM

Well one good thing about the lower temps in Western Canada is possibly the slowing down of the Mountain Pine Beetle's march East. BC has lost millions of trees to this tiny pest and it is quickly on the move into Alberta and beyond.

awa1979 12-22-2008 05:18 AM

I'm in Chilliwack, BC and according to my thermometer outside its currently -4C but I am sure there is a wind chill. Seems to be warming up a bit.

I was lucky and never lost any power during recent storms.

Lance 12-22-2008 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Snaz (Post 370644)
Well one good thing about the lower temps in Western Canada is possibly the slowing down of the Mountain Pine Beetle's march East. BC has lost millions of trees to this tiny pest and it is quickly on the move into Alberta and beyond.

Yeah, that is a good thing. I recently drove from Vancouver to Calgary for the first time in about 5 years and couldn't believe how much the devastation has spread in that short of a time. In some places as far as the eye could see and up to 90% loss. Terrible!

Lance 12-22-2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 370592)
Your ass is right, there are many theory's and studies that support the affect of colder winters due to global warming. The melting ice up north results in cooler water drifting south which will affect the "meridional overturning circulation" which is basically the exchange of cold and warm currents in the ocean which is believed to be a major driving force on climate.

Oh great! Sandy beaches and palm trees in the Arctic, while we get icebergs in the Georgia Strait:lol:

BMW Rider 12-22-2008 08:08 PM

Just got back last night from sunny Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. We spent last week in balmy Caribbean tempratures of 68-80 F while enjoying the pool deck of our cruise ship, Celebrity Solstice. Stops in San Juan, St Kitts and St Maarten. Sorry no snorkeling pictures since I couldn't swim very well with my wounded shoulder. Had to stick to the lounging on the beaches while drinking rum concoctions and beer. :drinking::mrgreen: Tried to pack a bunch of the warm air to bring home with us, but I think the airlines lost it. :sad:

-18 is a bit of a shock :eek:

banditpowdercoat 12-23-2008 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by BMW Rider (Post 370885)
Just got back last night from sunny Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. We spent last week in balmy Caribbean tempratures of 68-80 F while enjoying the pool deck of our cruise ship, Celebrity Solstice. Stops in San Juan, St Kitts and St Maarten. Sorry no snorkeling pictures since I couldn't swim very well with my wounded shoulder. Had to stick to the lounging on the beaches while drinking rum concoctions and beer. :drinking::mrgreen: Tried to pack a bunch of the warm air to bring home with us, but I think the airlines lost it. :sad:

-18 is a bit of a shock :eek:

Ahh Ft Lauderdale. Home LOL

workn2hard2day 12-23-2008 04:28 PM

Maui is warm @ 21 :biggrin:, which is where I will be in 20 days yipeee!

lorenz0 12-25-2008 04:11 AM

omg it is gorgous here in Van. 0 degree's but a bit slushy. i honestly don't want to head back home

but why aren't your streets clean?

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