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Dave's 300 Gallon Reef
I guess I should start my own thread to build off. This is my new 300 gal Marineland deep dimension tank (72x36x27) We recently purchased a new home and I seized the opportunity to upgrade, my previous tank was a 180 which was an upgrade from my original 77 gal which I started over 18 years ago (boy have things changed). I allways wanted a tank built into a wall and the new house gave me the opportunity. The tank has now been up and running for four months and all went smooth with the move and there was only a few minor casualties, here are a few pics I will try to get some better ones later.
Tank built into wall, service room behind. http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1468.jpg One of the many patches of pocillipora (grows like a weed in my tank) http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1456.jpg My frogspawn, started as a single polyp from Marie a few years back, now has 20+ heads http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1455.jpg My clam (lost the other one in the move) http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1425.jpg I will try to get better pics of some of the other inhabitants later. |
FTS looks great... What's your lighting? Filtration? etc... Got any pics from the build up?
The purple tip montipora you gave me in trade has been spread all over the lower mainland and the island...pretty much to anyone who comes to visit me actually :lol: |
wow man love the trim did you use 1/4" round around the edge of the trim
Filtration- 55 gal sump, Precision Marine Bullet 2 skimmer Precision Marine calcium reactor/pinpoint controller Medusa temp controller Tunze wavebox Tunze ozmolator for top off Korallia 4 for added circulation Main return pump Iwaki 40wmd Coralife 50gpd RO w/float valve to 20 gal resevoir S.G. 1.025 Temp 77.9 Alk 8-10dkh Calcium 420 Nitrate,Phoshate undetectable (medusa coloromiter used for testing) I think there may be a couple pics as we worked on it but I basically went from nothing to done in 3 days because we had to be out of the old place so there was not time to document the whole process. |
Ok Dave we don't care about what you have in the back, Actually we do, We want pictures of the back side of your tank, Skimmer's lights sumps power bars RO units you name it.
I'm pretty sure Mike doesn't care if they're decent or not :razz: |
equipment doesnt matter I'm bored as heck here ... Get Marie over there to take pictures too.
That pocillopora grows pretty good in my tank too. When you gave it to me it was smaller than a penny. Now it's about 4" across. The pocci Marie gave me is doing real well also. Must be the P.R. air:mrgreen:
Very nice setup ... If you don't mind sharing, where did you purchase the tank from?
Dale |
What wives don't know won't hurt them! |
Couple more pics
As you walk into the back room, you get to really see the depth (36") http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1469.jpg Looking thru the back of the tank (I cover the back of the tank with black fabric) http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1474.jpg Looking thru the front (starfire glass) with the back curtain off you can clearly see the skimmer and reactor that is three feet behind the tank http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1493.jpg Horn coral that has grown from a 1" frag over the past 8 months http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1485.jpg Coral Banded Shrimp "Claws" http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1489.jpg Dime size Pocillipora (note the purple tips, new growth), these grow to the size of golf balls in about 6 months (anybody want some, I gots lots!) http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1490.jpg Green plate corals, I had one and the toadstool shed its mucus that landed on it which killed it, I never removed the skeleton and about three months later noticed tiny little green spots, there is now approx 20 new discs ranging in size from 1/8" to about 1 1/2" http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1496.jpg The center piece of the tank, my 15 year old bubble coral http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...ubblecoral.jpg |
Very nice Dave. Did you have any heat issues with the warm autumn weather we had? Or are the fans in the light fixture enough to keep temp down.
Pic of the bubble coral just after lights out, bubbles starting to shrink and those deadly tenticles comming out.
http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1497.jpg |
Very nice setup!!
Wait til Doug see's the Bubble coral. he had a huge one too, I see that you have your tank in your furance room too. that is were I have mine. mine is only 24 wide your's is 36 that is crazy wide and nice for swimming room.
ya I added a big bathroom fan to exhaust out the camp air, and it works great i dont have it hooked up to a humidstat thou. SInce I dont need it IMO but its very dry in Manitoba. something t ollok into. im going to get a even bigger one tha tis died silent next.
Nice tank, i like the dims of it.
I wanted to ask you about the elegance coral you kept for a long time. I heard that they can be found in murky low flow areas. I was wondering if you fed it weekly and what did it prefer to eat? I had one in the past that didn't last too long maybe a couple months after that I was discouraged to ever get one, a few people here have kept some for no longer than six months..... I spoke to a guy that owns 3 and he has them doing well the longest one for 3 years. When asked what kept them alive he said he fed them pellets I laughed at first then asked him if he was serious and yes he was. I decided to try my luck again this time buying a nice one to put in my new set up I have had it for 2 weeks now. I feed it small pieces of tiger prawns which he took gladly. I will continue to feed it every week but any opinions you have I am all ears thanks. Chris |
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...ll/misc014.jpg |
I will try and find some pics of my elegance (old stills) it was stunning, it was about 12" at the base when it died (8 years ago) if it was still around today it would have easily been double that.
Very nice setup! I'm a big fan of the new marineland deep dimension series and yours is the first one I've seen in action.
I also see that you are running a wavebox in your tank and was wondering how you overcame the constant flushing sound accompanied by the water level rising and falling into your tanks dual overflows. I'm assuming you are using a herbie style system but I'd like to know just how you would do that with 2 overflows at the ends of your aquarium. I'm really considering one of these tanks for when I upgrade but was concerned about the noise my wavebox would generate with overflows at both ends of the tank. I have a hard enough time adjusting my herbie overflow in a AGA megaflow overflow which is located just off center of the tank, let alone 2 overflows that are located where the wave height/water level would fluctuate the most due to the wavebox. |
A really nice tank...these Marineland are in my LFS and they are really impressive to look at. Do you feel that the Starfire makes a big difference?
First new addition to the tank since the big move
http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1520.jpg Just a tiny little fella, about 2", went straight to work picking at the live rock so it should be a nice addition. |
Very nice!! How are you Powell Riverites dealing with getting livestock, equip, and the like? Must be a lot of pre-planning if you're bringing livestock back from the LM. Don't know how many times I've gotten into Saltrey Bay just to see the last ferry pulling away for the night.
Maybe I can set up a tour when I'm out visiting the in-laws in the spring? Colin |
Damn nice tank dave, really like the trim work, and you were'nt kidding when u said the starfire was clear lol!! ur skimmer in the back looks crystal clear.!!
Latest additions, in total I have added 60 new frags in the last two months, hopefully these grow into some nice specimens.
http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/r...5/IMG_1870.jpg |
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