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justinl 12-05-2008 07:23 AM

sun coral and pellet food
I realize tubastrea needs feeding almost every day to do well, but what do you guys feed them? Can they survive and do well with a staple of NLS pellet and occasional feedings of chopped silverside or mysis? Dunno if it matters, but they will go in a small divided section of the tank that gets zero fish traffic so they won't be subject to getting any food stolen out of their mouths (which is a real annoyance when I feed my other LPS).

martym 12-05-2008 01:02 PM

Personally I wouldn't use pellets, I would think it is too hard for them to digest. Not sure it corals drink water to rehydrate them.
Silver sides, mysis, chopped shrimp..... any of those are good.


mseepman 12-05-2008 03:26 PM

I agree that I wouldn't target pellets at them, but I can say that when I put pellets in the tank, if one falls to the Sun Coral, it gobbles it up like you wouldn't believe.

brizzo 12-05-2008 03:36 PM

Mysis, mysis, and more mysis! I spot feed mine every other day. Feed it, wait about 15 minutes, and it will most likely be ready for some more. Easy path to nice fat sun corals

Diana 12-05-2008 04:04 PM

Thats interesting to hear that your sun coral eats pellets... when I had mine I would throw the occasional pellet on it, the mouth would eat it, and then proceed to spit it out no less than 10 minutes later. Maybe mine was a picky eater!

Black Phantom 12-05-2008 06:38 PM

My candy cane loves pellets. It just hard to make sure they chew properly before swallowing. :lol:

tang daddy 12-05-2008 06:57 PM

It's not a suprize to hear that corals are eating pellets I know a few people that feed their corals pellets Personally I've never tried myself but soon I will try with my candycane and then also the elegance and duncan although a mix of dry and mysis can't hurt.

workn2hard2day 12-05-2008 09:08 PM

I feed mine every other day, lots of mysis. It amazes me how much they will eat. I am not sure if you can over feed them or not.

justinl 12-05-2008 11:22 PM

lol for the record, I do NOT have any sun coral at the moment... I just really really want them :D

I had thought about the water balance ting too but cnidarians generally are osmoconformers... that is, they are osmotically balanced with the surrounding water via their outer skin; I had figured that if this was true, it wouldn't matter if I fed them a dry food since they would just shrink a little and suck up more water through their skin to compensate... but maybe you're right. Maybe a few pellets once in a while is okay, but not as a staple food.

anyone else want to throw into the pot?

hillbillyreefer 12-06-2008 12:09 AM

Last time I ran out of mysis mine were fed pellets and really seemed to like them. Candy canes like them too. I've never seen any bad side effects from pellets.

slakker 12-06-2008 04:34 AM

I've had my 3 sun colonies for a while and for months I fed nothing but pellets... I think in nature, they survive mostly on marine snow, so whatever falls on them. So pellets shouldn't be too hard to digest, it is in water. :)

reeferious 12-06-2008 06:57 AM

i feed my 2 yellow and orange suncorals only mysis. they must be contented since i'm finding couple small sun polyps dotted about the tank.

hillbillyreefer 12-06-2008 04:53 PM

Seems to be unanimous. They'll eat anything that falls on them. Feed them a variety of things and they should do well.

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