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Troy F 11-13-2008 06:06 PM

Items for sale

I have the following items for sale:

1 Euroreef skimmer RS 180 - $300

1 Aquatic Solutions Calcium Reactor with tank, Milwaukee regulator, bubble counter and solenoid for $400 and includes some media and all the 1/8" line you'll need.

1 36" coralife pro used 1wk $250

1 36" 55gal Oceanic RR never used all the fixings $200 whoever takes this off my hands gets a Kent RO/DI water filtration set up that should still be good (I never used it with the new deionization cartridge put in) and has been stored wet.

Oceanmotion squirt - $100

Offers considered.

fkshiu 11-13-2008 06:16 PM

Even if you don't know model names, posting measurements and some pictures would help potential buyers.

reefy 11-13-2008 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by fkshiu (Post 359659)
Even if you don't know model names, posting measurements and some pictures would help potential buyers.


Troy F 11-13-2008 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by fkshiu (Post 359659)
Even if you don't know model names, posting measurements and some pictures would help potential buyers.


I'll post pics when I get home.

Keri 11-13-2008 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Troy F (Post 359685)

I'll post pics when I get home.


...and how much does she cost? ;)

EmilyB 11-13-2008 08:26 PM

Still up to your old tricks I see.....:lol: :razz:

Troy F 11-13-2008 09:08 PM

Depends if she's in Surrey or West Vancouver.

Hi ya Deb, how's things?

reeferious 11-14-2008 12:28 AM

Skimmer and reactor
am gambling on these but willing to go 400 for both since i don't know anything on what you have.

Marlin65 11-14-2008 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Troy F (Post 359685)

I'll post pics when I get home.

:lol::lol::lol: I will take three.:wink:

Troy F 11-14-2008 01:05 AM

Here's a picture or three. I'll post one of the pump return ocillating thingy in a bit.

Canadian 11-14-2008 01:48 AM

I was wondering if you were still around!

How's it going?

Troy F 11-14-2008 02:13 AM

I'm doing really well and you? You must be done with school I'm thinking. I've been trying to get the time to set up another tank and finally just gave in to the fact that I have no time.

Canadian 11-14-2008 02:51 AM

Yeah I've been practicing for the last year. I was at a clinic in Burnaby last year after I finished up my masters in physiotherapy and then moved back to practice in Victoria last January.

So you're stepping out again? Not much of the old guard is around anymore.

Hope things are going well for you and your family. And hopefully you end up setting up a tank again.

Aquattro 11-14-2008 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by Troy F (Post 359685)

I'll post pics when I get home.

Hey there Troy, you sound pretty hot!

Hey bud, how's things? Didn't you sell these last time around?

Troy F 11-14-2008 02:39 PM

Hey Brad...I think. Last time I was selling it against my will and the wife stepped in and "allowed" me to keep it but its been gathering dust for a few years now and I can't seem to find the time to do much outside of work and dogs. I took on a new job and my free time has been altered drastically.

To one of the people that sent me a PM, for whatever reason I couldn't reply to you and I didn't understand what you were asking so...try again or change your settings.

Doug 11-14-2008 05:19 PM


Troy F 11-14-2008 07:43 PM

Hi Doug! My brother is out in Winnepeg now so you may just see me one of these days.


Kalifornia (good movie) ie. Chad, I can't respond to you via PM because your settings won't allow. I'm not parting out the Ca Reactor and the price is firm.

Doug 11-14-2008 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Troy F (Post 359953)
Hi Doug! My brother is out in Winnepeg now so you may just see me one of these days.


Kalifornia (good movie) ie. Chad, I can't respond to you via PM because your settings won't allow. I'm not parting out the Ca Reactor and the price is firm.

I look forward to that. :smile: Seeing as how I never seem to make it there for the barbie.

Troy F 11-17-2008 04:08 AM


EmilyB 11-17-2008 04:57 AM

I'll bump you. :wink:

Troy F 11-19-2008 08:35 PM


Whatigot 11-19-2008 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Troy F (Post 359685)

I'll post pics when I get home.

Still waiting for those pics...
I look every day but no go...

Troy F 11-20-2008 07:39 PM

They're on page one near the bottom.

Troy F 11-25-2008 02:43 PM


Whatigot 11-25-2008 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Troy F (Post 361647)
They're on page one near the bottom.

I don't see any 36c/24/34 bro, just some aquarium equipment.

Troy F 11-28-2008 02:45 PM

Kennedy, it says you can't except private messages so I'll respond to your question here;

make me an offer and I'll let you know.

You really don't want a picture I think, there's an extra measurement in there that might make you feel inadequate.

Troy F 12-02-2008 07:20 PM

things that go BUMP in the night.

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