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1st Crash!!!
WTF!!! woke up this morning to find every single fish in my tank belly up !!!!I love this hobby but things like that really urk me! Had to do a tear down sooner or later to swith over to a new 90g setup , but this is ridiculous. Well, back to page one!:bad-word:
Oh we will be fixing it...not getting out that easy, gotta find out why now, too early to do a accurate test??? lots of death...like i said getting into a much better setup this weekend, guess i get a head start on cleaning **** up!!
Really, where to start first, bin in the hobby since 06' and never seen this before...what tests should a person run first...???
Crashes don't happen to everyone. How old is your tank, livestock, something crashed it....if you want to try to find out what, look for obvious things....ie power shut off to tank overnight or longer and they got cold....etc and then start testing the water.
Tank is about 2 years old...added a new tang a week ago but he was doing fine, heat, salt...all good. Going to test everything after work. Such a **** off, but what can ya do.
If the tank was running that long and the only change you did was add a new fish then there is a pretty good chance that the fish was carrying something. Did you QT the tang before adding it to the system? After adding the tang did it seem like bit by bit the other fish were acting a little less lively. How often do you do a water change, and did you increase feedings in order to get the new tang eating? I once did a water change with a new sponge that was supposed to have no chemicals in it and the next day all my fishes were floating. I ended up getting a hold of the company that made the sponges and they said it is possible that the batch before may have had anti bacterial applied to it and that traces of the substance could have got on to my sponge, but of course they were not responsible. Good luck solving the mystery, and sorry to hear about your loss.
Taken with all the posts here, on balance you have a pretty good response. Not everybody is going to be sensitive to your feelings, so don't take it wrong. The idea is to get you thinking and acting, and that was done. Now you have some great advice. |
My comment wasn't suppose to be helpful or criticism. Simply a question asking if you're looking for help or just wanting to vent. |
Could be that Sphelps is feeling a bit touchy these days after getting jumped on about his filefish!
There is therapy in sharing your misery when something goes wrong. Nobody but us appreciates the loss. Try telling your boss that you are going to take a day off to deal with something urgently wrong with your fish tank... |
Sorry guys, I wasn't trying to offend anyone. Just wanted more info so we could all help this guy out. I'll try and be a little more conservative next time :wink:
I think everyone needs to lighten up a little. But seriously I don't see what was so bad about it, I mean if I just post "WTF! my fish are dead" how is that useful?? |
Well I am a pretty cruel person so that might have something to do with it :lol: |
It doesn't work. :wink: At least not for me.. haha |
Ya ok...all **** aside...i was venting at the time, now real interested in finding out what happened. I guess all i gotta break it all down to figure out where to start first...all seemed normal before lights out. All fish are dead ...is the water dead so to speak, do i start from very bottom or can i save the water and developed sandbed??? I have some zoas, about 30 or so different mushrooms...pumping xenia and some sps...hope to save them at least!
I would start by testing temperature and salinity although temperature at this point may not be accurate. So all fish dead? Coral still alive? Could be oxygen. What we need is details regarding your setup:
Tank size Equipment livestock what you know so far for parameters All that fun stuff. Equipment failure or negligence is usually the cause if such an incident. The key here would be to figure out what happened, fix it and learn from it so it doesn't happen again not just starting over. |
maybe check with your neighbors if the power went out for a couple hrs during the night....
I agree with sphelps.
If you had a sudden total fish loss after simply adding a fish it is likely that for some reason the temperature got too high or too low. If your tank is small and the oxygen level borderline, adding a tang, other than a small one would do it. What was the water temperature when you discovered the loss? Do you have critters in your tank that would set off toxins? Boxfish, sea apple etc. |
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