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Powertec 11-09-2008 04:55 PM

RO membranes in Calgary?Starting to panic:(
Okay we'll i am starting to panic a tad. My sps are gonna start all dieing if i don't figure out what to do..I need a ro membrane asap. And i have ordered one but i am thinking its not going to make it in time and i am gonna lose it all.Does anyone know of a store in Calgary that sells them? We were in Edmonton yesterday and no one carries one. I need a filmtec or the likes.DI i am thinking i can find but its the membrane that is the challenge.
I will make the trip up if i have a clue if they are in a store somewhere. I tried homedepot last night in hopes just maybe but nope no luck.

Any suggestions

balistidae 11-09-2008 04:57 PM

You could probably get one shipped overnight from one of the BC stores

RonPeter 11-09-2008 05:08 PM

In an emergency you could also go to a water store and buy 5 gallons for a water change while you are waiting for your membrane to show up.

michika 11-09-2008 05:15 PM

Why is everything going to die?

Powertec 11-09-2008 05:16 PM

I'm going to look into overnighting it today.
And i could do the water change with store water but i think on a 180 gallon tank that has god knows what leeching into it that it will take way to much bottled water.:)
I just thought if a store has one there then it would be easier for me to drive up this afternoon and just grab one from there.

I don\t know why the membrane is shot anyways although the water where i am is brutal so that really explains it...

mark 11-09-2008 05:28 PM

people (private and LFS) do use tap water and have successful tanks so wouldn't panic.

Check Chemmaster, know he has di and thought membranes.

Powertec 11-09-2008 05:34 PM

All my params are perfect. Dkh-7,Calcium-420,mag 1300,nitrates 10.
Everything has been kept like this since i can remember. But now in the last couple days some of the sps are losing the flesh from the tips down. And it is getting proggressivly worse. I just attributed it all to the ro as nothing else has changed.No chemicals in the air nothing has litterally changed.
And these are large established colonys that are going.

Pescador 11-09-2008 06:58 PM

Do you have DI as well? If your membrane is going I think the DI will still keep your TDS down it will just shorten it's life.
Did you check TDS from the membrane?

Powertec 11-09-2008 09:05 PM

No i was out of di but managed to find some of that so it is back down to 0 again. Problem is i think its to late as all the tips of all the sps are now losing flesh. And the montis are losing flesh as we'll.

whatever i guess if they go im done. I can't continue to sink this much money into it and lose them all.I am going to fill up my wifes tank today now that the tds is at 0 and see if i get them out of that water if they will stop stn'ing. Clip the tips of and hope that all is we'll"(

hillbillyreefer 11-09-2008 09:06 PM

Get out the yellow pages and look up water filtration or treatment. You should come up with something. I've heard Trail Appliances advertise some sort of water treatment system. My old ro system was a Culligan, there should be a dealer up there somewhere. I've got filters from the Reef Shoppe, not sure if he keeps membranes, but if he does the bus would have it to you by tomorrow morning. Don't panic!!

Darksky 11-09-2008 11:15 PM

RO Membranes
I bought mine at a store called Alberta Fresh Springs Water Co. Ltd. Unit F3, 8330 McLeods Tr. S.E. Ph: 403-278-0003

It is a small strip mall on the corner of McLeod Trail and Heritage Drive. It as a London Drugs in it. It is half way up the hill on the south side if you are heading east on Heritage drive.

Mine is a 50 GPD membrane and it cost me $60. They had lots to choose from. I brought mine along to match it up.

Good Luck.

michika 11-10-2008 03:39 PM

Your problem doesn't sound like it stems at all from TDS. Why don't you tell us more about what your seeing, or post some photos, and maybe we can help you fix it.

RonPeter 11-10-2008 04:47 PM

10 nitrates would that do harm to the corals?

michika 11-10-2008 04:54 PM

Not likely. It might impact colour, and growth, but I doubt it would cause the symptoms mentioned.

How do you supplement for Ca, dKH, Mg, etc.?

littlesilvermax 11-10-2008 08:18 PM

I could overnight something if really needed.

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