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Marlin65 10-28-2008 05:23 PM

Clam Question
I have 3 small clams and I had 3 big ones.
One of my big ones died it had a large hole in the foot like it was eaten.
Now I am having the same problem with another of my big ones (About 3")
The small ones are in a different tank and they seem to be OK.
The larger ones were in a different tank on the same same system. I have taken them out now and moved them to another tank.
I have been having some problem with those pyrite snails, and have been trying to eradicate them. They show up on them about ones every two week and I have to clean them off the shell about 4-5 at a time.
Neither ones with the hole in the foot had any snails on them though.
So I am wondering if this was caused by snails or if I have a different problem. There seem to be some white pinheads on them that I am not sure what that is. Not sure if that might be a problem.
My parameters are all good so thats not a problem.

christyf5 10-28-2008 05:39 PM

Can you get a photo? And by hole in the foot do you mean that you can see through the incurrent siphon through the bottom of the clam?

sphelps 10-28-2008 05:41 PM

Are you talking about pyramid snails?

These guys are pretty small it's possible you didn't see them on your other clams, also maybe they moved on after a certain amount of damage was done.

From what I know natural predators of pyramid snails are wrasses within the genus of Halichoeres and Pseudocheilinus. Other types if wrasses are also suppose to help.

TheRealBigAL 10-28-2008 05:45 PM

I keep my clams on plastic sandwich containers that I have buried(not visible) in the sand. It allows the clam to get a nice suction on the plastic and it prevents bristle worms from going in the bottom and having a very expensive meal. Clams are very susceptible to bacteria entering through the foot. I have had my one large clam for 5 months now he loves being suctioned on the smooth plastic. It makes it easy when you want to move them. Another thing you can try is getting your clam to attach itself to a the inside of a empty shell. This will also help prevent unwanted visitors in your calms foot.

Not sure if this helps......... But its something you could try :smile:

Aquattro 10-28-2008 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheRealBigAL (Post 355438)
It allows the clam to get a nice suction on the plastic and it prevents bristle worms from going in the bottom and having a very expensive meal.

Some worms will prey on clams, but bristle worms aren't one of them. The only time a BW will eat a clam is if the clam is dead or well into dying.

Jaws 10-28-2008 06:18 PM

Maybe an obvious question but are you feeding your clams too?

Aquattro 10-28-2008 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 355449)
Maybe an obvious question but are you feeding your clams too?

I've never fed a clam, so not sure that would contibute..

a4twenty 10-28-2008 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 355435)
Can you get a photo? And by hole in the foot do you mean that you can see through the incurrent siphon through the bottom of the clam?

good question, do you actually mean a hole in the the foot, byssal thread or shell and a pic will help greatly.

Marlin65 10-28-2008 06:46 PM

Its a hole in his foot. I got these two but neither would attach to rocks. One came out of someone else's tank and was not attached when I got him. I thought that when they get older they don't attach anymore.
The four that are in good shape are all attached. These two with the holes were on a flat rock but never attached.
Yes those are the snails I have so that could be my problem.
I do feed some phyto and some other clam food. Don't think thats the problem though the others are great.
It could be a worm of some sort thats why I moved them to another tank.
I can post a picture later, but it is basically a hole in the foot about the size of a nickel.

Marlin65 10-28-2008 06:49 PM

PS I have a Yellow in my main with the 3 small clams and a fat 6 line in the tank they are in now so am hoping they will eat the bad snails.

a4twenty 10-28-2008 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Marlin65 (Post 355458)
Its a hole in his foot...........I can post a picture later, but it is basically a hole in the foot about the size of a nickel.

a picture would be best, the foot of most clams is not large enough to have a hole that big.


Originally Posted by Marlin65 (Post 355458)
Yes those are the snails I have so that could be my problem.

if you do have pyramid snails, they are going to be a problem if they are not already the problem.


Originally Posted by Marlin65 (Post 355461)
PS I have a Yellow in my main with the 3 small clams and a fat 6 line in the tank they are in now so am hoping they will eat the bad snails.

these wrasses are diurnal and pyramid snails are nocturnal, so they may get a few but will not solve your problem. there is only one way to get rid of these pest and that is to manually remove the snails and their egg sacs from the clams. you need to do this an hour or so after lights out as the snails live down under the clam or in its scutes during the day and come out at night to feast under the mantle of clam. you will have to do this every day or two at the beginning and can gradually reduce the frequency as you begin to see progress.


Marlin65 10-28-2008 07:37 PM

All three have a foot of about loonie size.
I will post some pictures later.
I have been trying to rid them by doing as prescribed, but they are hard to eradicate completely.:twised:
I cleaned them and moved them to another tank so hopefully that will take care of them.
looks like these are what my problem is.

Marlin65 10-28-2008 07:40 PM

Is it possible for the snails to be inside the clam through the foot?
Thanks every one for your help in this.

a4twenty 10-28-2008 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Marlin65 (Post 355479)
I have been trying to rid them by doing as prescribed, but they are hard to eradicate completely.:twised:
I cleaned them and moved them to another tank so hopefully that will take care of them.
looks like these are what my problem is.

make sure you look for tiny egg sacs too and just keep at it, good luck:wink:

Marlin65 10-28-2008 08:09 PM

Will do thanks all.:biggrin:

Marlin65 10-28-2008 10:32 PM

Do you have nassarius snails? If your clams aren't firmly attached to a piece of rock a hungry snail can eat a foot in a single night. Since they are burrowing snails they don't even have to come up out of the sand bed for a feast. This will happen if your snails aren't well fed. Little bits and pieces aren't enough. Give them a hunk of shrimp or fish once a week to keep them satisfied and away from your clams.

Found this on reef central wondering if this could be my problem I have lots of these in the tank they came from and have not been feeding them much lately.

a4twenty 10-28-2008 11:48 PM

IME nassarius snails wont attack a healthy clam but they will finish one off that is in distress. you may need to stake out the tank and see what goes on at night.

do your nassarius usually stay submerged in the sand??

Marlin65 10-29-2008 05:07 AM

Just finished hunting killed two snails on my small clams, and had another look at the two big ones. They are clean but the hole has gotten bigger. I am just downloading them now will post them shortly.

Marlin65 10-29-2008 06:30 AM

OK here is a picture looks a bit worse than actual but the hole got bigger.
I don;t think this one will make it.:sad:
On a positive note the sps that came on the rock of the last clam I bought went from brown to purple with a green rim.:biggrin:
And my Candy cane is doing real well.

a4twenty 10-29-2008 10:08 AM

that hole is in the shell and called the byssal opening, the foot and byssal organ are usually located inside there. you can actual see the growth lines on the shell conforming to the shape. judging by the size and shape of that opening i would guess that is a crocea. the byssal opening varies depending on species and changes as the clam grows.

my best suggestion is keep on the snail patrol and possibly post a top down pic of the clams, there are many other tell tale signs that may help find any other problems.


Marlin65 10-30-2008 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by a4twenty (Post 355541)

do your nassarius usually stay submerged in the sand??

My snails sleep in the sand but they come out lots especially when I put in food. I love these guys.

Here is a shot of the clam today at 6.00 PM
I took out a few more snails this morning on my small clams.
No snails on this clam though. It does not look like it has a big hole in the byssal but it is not open as much as it was.

a4twenty 10-30-2008 10:48 AM

he does look a little retracted, which could be from the pyramids but also possibly an ALK issue , coral proximity issue or a fish / invert issue.

how is your ALK and CA? how do you maintain it?? any spikes recently or have you started dosing something new??

what fish and invert are in that tank??

is he near any corals that have sweepers or use chemical warfare?? are you running carbon?

Marlin65 10-30-2008 07:03 PM

It is now in my other tank, but before that he was in the refugium of my SPS tank no fish just some shrooms and zoos. CA MG are at great levels I use IO salt and add CA and MG to bring it up then maintain that with kalk.
I did have both on the high side for a few days 480 on my CA and 1450 on my MG.
Now he is in a different tank so will see what happens.
He seems OK still about the same this morning.
Make me wonder if I should of kept the other one longer It was really retracted though and I did not want it dieing in my SPS tank.
No snails this morning.

a4twenty 10-31-2008 12:48 PM

try to give as much paramater stability as possible and keep checking for the snails, a new batch of eggs could be hatching as we speak..... :question::question:

Marlin65 11-07-2008 01:17 AM

Well I don't think it is going to make it. It is still alive but me thinks it's time to pull the plug.
Any thoughts?
No snails for a few days now and I pulled a big crab yesterday.

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