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scub steve 10-26-2008 01:23 AM

90 gal cylinder trying again
1 Attachment(s)
ok this will be the second time I set this tank up and jump back into the salt water game. My coralife super skimmer kept screwing up and drove me to the point of insanity so I switched to freshwater well in short I find freshwater too be boaring compared to salt water so im back.

so for the skimmer i still have the coralife 220 but i cringe everytime i even look at it so im getting a euro reef 135 and hope that it does not make me want to kill someone.
I also have a 250 mh hqi on its way here

my question too you guys is should i go reef or fowlr?? i am trying too load pics off photobucket but i cant seem to get it too work can someone shoot me a pm telling me how

trilinearmipmap 10-26-2008 01:31 AM

My question is how do you clean coralline off the inside of the tank?

karazy 10-26-2008 01:34 AM

i'm pretty sure they make a magfloat like device for biorbs that would work

baker_jeff 10-26-2008 01:38 AM

That is a very cool tank.

scub steve 10-26-2008 01:44 AM

ya im cleaning the sand out right now i pretty much have to get into the tank too reach the bottom.. I just give it a quick brushdown with the old magnet scrubber every second day or so

JDigital 10-26-2008 02:56 AM

That's a cool looking tank.... What are the stocking "rules" for a cylander... You can put a tang in a 90-100G tank (4-5 foot).. but I'm guessing that "rule" kinda goes out the window with a cylinder eh?

Look forward to this tank!

scub steve 10-26-2008 03:09 AM

your guess would be good as mine I dont know I have never put anything really big in there im interested to hear other people opinions on this

xtreme 10-26-2008 03:13 AM

Just curious, what is the diameter?

scub steve 10-26-2008 03:36 AM

ok i cant seem to find my tape measure ill try too post the info when i can find it

scub steve 10-26-2008 05:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
some of the equipment i could use even though ill probably go on to newer stuff and this will be put back in the basement lol

scub steve 11-08-2008 12:26 AM

the tank is 31 tall and 30 around

Telford 11-08-2008 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 354659)
That's a cool looking tank.... What are the stocking "rules" for a cylander... You can put a tang in a 90-100G tank (4-5 foot).. but I'm guessing that "rule" kinda goes out the window with a cylinder eh?

Look forward to this tank!

I have a 80g cylinder tank. The dimensions on mine are 28" diameter and 28" tall. I have tangs in mine. In a way it might be better than a standard tank because they can swim around and around in circles and never have to turn around!! :biggrin:

Removing algae from the glass is a bit of a pain in the *ss. You have to keep up with it. If you get lazy and leave it a few days+ then you're in there up to your armpit with a scrubber.

tang daddy 11-08-2008 02:50 AM

looks good ^

I like your 90 g cylinder and could picture it set up pretty nice with corals going 360 deg. kinda like a christmas tree structure, I say go reef for sure and maybe use acrilic rods and putty to build a structure around the overflow also you could drill holes in the lr before putting in so that when you buy corals on plugs or lr you can stick them in the holes works great for me!!

trilinearmipmap 11-08-2008 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Telford (Post 358146)
Removing algae from the glass is a bit of a pain in the *ss. You have to keep up with it. If you get lazy and leave it a few days+ then you're in there up to your armpit with a scrubber.

I wonder if you could mod a hammerhead algae magnet to have a curvature to match the curvature of the cylinder tank.

Telford 11-08-2008 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap (Post 358155)
I wonder if you could mod a hammerhead algae magnet to have a curvature to match the curvature of the cylinder tank.

I use a regular hammerhead currently. It undoubtedly doesn't work as well as it would on a flat surface but the curvature isn't so tight that it prevents it from doing the trick.

Marlin65 11-08-2008 05:13 AM

Nice tank you could take a piece of UHMW and shape it then bond the magnets that would give you what you need to take care of the algae.

scub steve 11-08-2008 05:23 AM

i just have a regular magnet and it works good for me but this tank is a real pain if you do have to get too the bottom its really deep

scub steve 11-08-2008 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Telford (Post 358158)
I use a regular hammerhead currently. It undoubtedly doesn't work as well as it would on a flat surface but the curvature isn't so tight that it prevents it from doing the trick.

is your tank acrylic or is it glass?? mine is glass so im not too worried about scratching it

Telford 11-08-2008 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by scub steve (Post 358211)
is your tank acrylic or is it glass?? mine is glass so im not too worried about scratching it

Acrylic. Scratching is definitely an issue, especially close to the sand bottom.

mike31154 11-08-2008 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by scub steve (Post 358207)
i just have a regular magnet and it works good for me but this tank is a real pain if you do have to get too the bottom its really deep

I forget the brand name, but I have one of those long handled cleaning kits you find at most any LFS. It comes with various attachments including a metal scraper, sand claw and a scrubbing pad that has a nice curvature and a swivel head. Only downside is I broke the original handle cleaning my skimmer body. Seems the handle is made of a thin metal tube sealed in plastic. A little too much pressure sideways and 'kink' that was it. I was set to chuck the thing in the trash but was hesitant since I found the attachment so useful. The kits aren't that costly, but I didn't want to buy another since the handle is so crappy. Anyhow, I decided to repair it by cutting off the broken handle and replacing it with wood. Bought a nice long piece of dowel at the home improvement store and epoxied it into the hole I cleaned out on the plastic piece which accepts the cleaning attachments. Made the handle longer than the original, a coat of varnish, now I have a real fancy long handled cleaning thingy...

Anyhow, the curved cleaning pad may be useful to you if you're willing to chance the handle breakage issue. I'm thinking the ones with the longer handles would be worse since the diameter is the same as the shorter ones and it would take less force to kink them if you're trying to scrub a little harder.

scub steve 11-09-2008 05:58 PM

after i seen telfords tank I have decided to paint my stand black im just wondering what kind or paint i can use to paint my overflowand stand ? oh and my lights showed up today skimmer should be here wed

StirCrazy 11-10-2008 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 354659)
You can put a tang in a 90-100G tank (4-5 foot)..

that size whent out the window also.. where did you ever get that you need a 4 or 5 foot tank for a tang?

I had a yellow in my 3 foot tank and it was fine. If you look it up the min size for an adult yellow is 45 gal. every tang has different requirments, I did have a yellow and a sailfin in my 90 gal (3 foot long) and sold the sailfin as I found it was a little small for both, but it was fine for the yellow, was over 6 years old when I took down the tank and gave him to the LFS. might still be alive in some one elses tank for all I know.



saltynuts 11-10-2008 02:20 AM

paint stand
prime the stand! it will help in the long run

JDigital 11-10-2008 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 358631)
that size whent out the window also.. where did you ever get that you need a 4 or 5 foot tank for a tang?

I had a yellow in my 3 foot tank and it was fine. If you look it up the min size for an adult yellow is 45 gal. every tang has different requirments, I did have a yellow and a sailfin in my 90 gal (3 foot long) and sold the sailfin as I found it was a little small for both, but it was fine for the yellow, was over 6 years old when I took down the tank and gave him to the LFS. might still be alive in some one elses tank for all I know.



No need to jump down my throat man.... It's the general rule of thumb for the average tang.

StirCrazy 11-11-2008 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 358661)
No need to jump down my throat man.... It's the general rule of thumb for the average tang.

not jumping down your throat, we go through this every couple years, where the size of a tank for a tang gets over inflated. the general rule of thumb is the average you see in books, which is 40 gal for most tangs. I personally don't think this is enough for a mature tang, but lots have had success with it for a long time.

there was discussion on the board about 5 years ago on how long the tank should be but this also was a mute point as if you have a tone of flow it can make the same effect as a longer tank.

the only thing I wanted to do here is stop an over inflated rule of thumb before it gets over inflated again and we'll have people telling us you need a 150 for a tang.


JDigital 11-12-2008 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 358912)
the general rule of thumb is the average you see in books, which is 40 gal for most tangs.

I don't know what books your reading.. :drinking:

Either way, this convo doesn't below in this persons tank thread.

scub steve 01-21-2009 02:32 AM

hopefully i can figure out posting pics so i can show everyone my progress

scub steve 01-21-2009 02:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)
still testing ill get this beat yet

scub steve 01-21-2009 03:06 AM

ok going nuts going too throw the computer im pasting the links from photo bucket but im not getting any pics showing up someone help before i drownd myself in my aquarium

Rbacchiega 01-21-2009 03:30 AM

after you've loaded to photobucket you there should be a list of different options under each will say something like [IMG] ...copy that and just paste it into the reply box

scub steve 01-21-2009 03:35 AM

The euro reef 135

this is the overflow with the return running threw it

this is the complete overflow its a monster lol but its quiet

half full woop woop


Rbacchiega 01-21-2009 03:47 AM

ta da!

Pan 01-21-2009 03:47 AM

I've seen silicone wiper blades mounted to a rod and used for cleaning cylinder tanks.

scub steve 01-21-2009 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 379248)
ta da!

thank you i was just getting my shorts on and ready to jump into the tank

scub steve 01-21-2009 03:58 AM

I have tons of these were pretty sure there elephant ear mushrooms there all going too find new homes as im thinking of going sps and ricordia

We had to break this up cause it would not fit in the bucket

There is like 12 heads of ricorida my favorite coral I hope they make it

there are purple tips on some of this hope it will be my first sps too make it

scub steve 01-21-2009 04:00 AM

ok in the first pic with the big mushroom what are those little polyps just above it there every were on the rock im sure there a pest

saltynuts 01-21-2009 04:01 AM

look at you go all grown up and taken pics! lol

scub steve 01-21-2009 05:02 AM

Well after a few hours of running I was getting tons of micro bubbles so I drained the sump and am putting in another baffel and going too put the sump on styrafoam to try and eleminate more noise

scub steve 01-28-2009 12:43 AM

ok I got the micro bubbles all taken care of getting the diatom stage right now i hope my corals make it threw but im not optomistic.
my plate coral
my frogger
sps turning blue on the tips but white everywere else so I think its dieying

scub steve 01-28-2009 02:00 AM

no comments or anything well thats no fun ill bet if i said i was going too put 6 tangs in there you guys would say something.... im not going too but at leased i would get some posts lol

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