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-   -   16" Fiji/tonga yellow leather, 10" Squamosa adult black tang FS and more (

DJ88 10-16-2008 04:58 PM

16" Fiji/tonga yellow leather, 10" Squamosa adult black tang FS and more
I have what used to be a fully stocked 100 gal reef tank for sale. I live near Lougheed Mall in Coquitlam.

I would prefer to sell it all in one shot so I can take the system down and sell remaining components. Keep in mind that I will NOT be able to catch/trap any of the fish due to the amount of live rock and layout of everything so if anyone wants a specific fish they will have to coordinate with others who are buying the remainder.

If I get a buyer for all of it that will be my primary sale. I don't have the time to be making lots of water to part out for separate sales. Just want to be honest here.

Main inhabitants are as follows

full grown black tang (Zebrasoma rostratum). Very bossy (it's a tang) will NOT sell to anyone with a tank I do note feel is suitable to this fish. I have had this fish for quite a few years now and it is very healthy and very active. Have had it since it was about the size of a loonie. Probably 25cm nose to tail.

16-18" diameter Fiji/tonga yellow leather. Attached to a large chunk of live rock. Have grown this from about 4" across since about '03/'04. Very healty and a great propogation possibility. Have to see it to get an appreciation for the size of it.

10-12" Squamosa. very healthy. Very large. You will need space for this clam.

5" crocea. Have had this clam for about 5 years.

small/med sized toadstool leather. Captive raised. with a photo synth gorg on it as well.

Gorgonian (photosynthetic) on its own small rock.

Green/yellow finger leather of some sort. brought this back from out east as a 1" frag. now about 10" high. Attached to large piece of LR.

Encrusting green polyp'd gorg of some sort. has completely overgrown my overflow and one return. Peel it off and rest it against what you want to disappear in your tank. Weed. Does have a bit of Bryopsis growing on it for some reason. None anywhere else in the tank. Just on this weed.

Adult multi color angel. Centropyge multicolor. fat n healthy. Bossy. be forewarned.

Spotted mandarin.

Blue assesor.

Anthias, lost one eye due to pop eye but very healthy and active.I think its a bi color or something like that.

Dottyback. about 3" long. very inquisitive. probably my fav fish. Black with electric blue stripes down its face.

probably about 50-60 lbs of LR (could be more could be less). Covered with corraline and in some areas xenia. not the stringy brown stuff but nice flowery white pulsing.

Offers on all or parts will be concidered. Serious ones. I know what the value of some of these inhabitants are. Lowballers will be ignored.

equipment is not for sale at this time. Will not be for sale until tank is empty.

Chaloupa 10-16-2008 05:09 PM

PM sent for Black Tang

GreenSpottedPuffer 10-16-2008 05:36 PM

Pm'd about Figi leather and gorgonian.

Canadian 10-16-2008 08:41 PM


You're back from the dead! Are you dropping out of the hobby all together?

DJ88 10-16-2008 09:48 PM


Ya for the time being I am getting out. I am moving in a short while and really don't feel like moving my tank all over again. Plus it took a nosedive after my salinity tester failed (paper slid in my floating tester and I cranked the level up to something ridiculous and I wiped out most corals several months back. Almost 9 months ago or so I guess. Lost all SPS (dozens), 5 clams and most LPS but all the softies survived and in most cases thrived. So its been a bit disheartening.

Once I have a place of my own (owned not rented) in the next year or so I will set up something small again. See what technology is out there at that time and run with it.

Nice to talk to ya again. How goes the hobby for you now?


To everyone who has PM'd me. If you aren't looking at taking everything at the moment I am not looking at parting out. Sorry. I don't want a tank of stuff no one wants when I tear this down. I'd like it all gone to a good home to be honest.

I was serious that there is NO way I can catch any fish in the tank without stressing them out to the point they will die. And I won't haul the rock out to catch them. With individual corals, with the exception of small items I also don't want to part out at the moment as for some I will have to make up a lot of water to replace what will go into bins or buckets to carry them out. When I say they are large or on large rocks I can guarantee you will not be putting these corals in bags you will need bins or buckets.

so at this time I'd just like to hear from anyone interested in taking the whole shebang. If you make arrangements between yoruselves to take it all and all take it all the same day let me know.

No equipment is for sale at this time.

I'll try to get a pic or two uploaded asap.

Sorry if I am coming across as picky or whatever. Been in the hobby long enough to know what happens when you start parting stuff out hoping it will all sell.

Once I have some pics up let me know some prices and we will start working from there.

Canadian 10-17-2008 02:22 AM

Sorry to hear about the bad luck Darren.

I do think taking some time off to get things settled and stable in your life is a good bet to finding some reward from this hobby rather heart ache down the road. When you're ready to come back you'll revel in the chance to meticulously plan your new set up and stock it exactly with what you want. Another up side to taking time off is that when you come back you get to feel a bit like a newbie again as you catch up on all the technological developments.

Are you staying here on the coast or moving away? I've moved back to Victoria to practice - I miss Vancouver though.

DJ88 10-17-2008 03:08 PM

Staying here in Vancouver. Have been working for BC Hydro for the last few years now. Good stable job. Doubt I could go anywhere else.

I know I will set up another tank at some point in the near future. Probably something much smaller and glass. Acrylic clarity is amazing but keeping the corraline off is a pain.

Is Vic a permanent thing or coming back this way in the future?


All items tentatively sold. thanks for the interest.

DJ88 10-17-2008 10:14 PM



All items tentatively sold. thanks for the interest.


Doug 10-17-2008 10:29 PM

Well I cant speak. :mrgreen:

Hello Darren. :cool:

AJ_77 10-17-2008 11:27 PM

Congrats on the quick sale - I know you have high standards as to a new owner.

And Hi! Talk to you again in a few years. :smile:

Skimmerking 10-17-2008 11:33 PM

Man has it bee nthat long time flys when your having fun

LeeR 10-17-2008 11:36 PM

pmed about crocea

LeeR 10-17-2008 11:40 PM

:sad: nevewr mind.. read the rest of the posts

Canadian 10-18-2008 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by DJ88 (Post 352896)
Staying here in Vancouver. Have been working for BC Hydro for the last few years now. Good stable job. Doubt I could go anywhere else.

I know I will set up another tank at some point in the near future. Probably something much smaller and glass. Acrylic clarity is amazing but keeping the corraline off is a pain.

Is Vic a permanent thing or coming back this way in the future?

I may end up changing my tank next July - probably the same dimensions but plumb it instead of making it an AIO and have it built with starphire glass.

Vic is a relatively permanent thing. We moved back to be closer to family and our wedding is scheduled for next August. But both of us miss Vancouver so there's always a distinct possibility of coming back.

Congrats on the tentative sale!

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