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michika 10-13-2008 07:59 PM

Emergency! Please come take my stuff!
We came home today to a destroyed tank. We had a catastrophic pump failure and now everything is baking to death and we have 180g+ on our basement floor.

PLEASE call me if you can come take anything, <la la la la la la la la content removed la la la la la la>.

Even if you just have some spare SW you can share, anything please.

christyf5 10-13-2008 08:05 PM

OMG Catherine, I wish I was there to help.

Bump to keep this one up the top

fencer 10-13-2008 08:20 PM

Oh No...I wish I was closer

motokorth 10-13-2008 08:39 PM

Oh hell no!!!! Thats soo bad to hear, I wish I was closer to give you a hand.

Aquattro 10-13-2008 08:42 PM

Post is now stickied....

JDigital 10-13-2008 08:52 PM

Ohh catherine! Rotten luck.. I'm sorry to hear this... If my 20 wasnt already stuffed full, I would help... Hell, even if I had the plumbing on my 75 done i could try and hold something for you for abit, but Im just not ready yet.. :sad:

AndyL 10-13-2008 09:12 PM

As pm'd - We're about to sit down to gobble gobble dinner... But I've got a mostly empty 65g in the basement (~100g total volume)rabbitfish + mandarin & a long spine urchin cw/ 2 x 175w @ 12k. And I just happened to make the final adjustments on 35g of w/c water - that's available if needed

Of course can't leave from family dinner; but I can arrange to get ya water and babysit...

finny 10-13-2008 10:14 PM

I can come over right now if you like and see what I can help with

fishoholic 10-13-2008 10:14 PM

OMG! Sorry to hear that, wish I was closer and could help :sad:

Der_Iron_Chef 10-13-2008 10:18 PM

Just called and left a message. Call me!

brizzo 10-13-2008 11:27 PM

omg yikes!!! Now I feel real bad for searching videos of tanks breaking on youtube earlier :(

*goes and knocks on wood*

Ephraim 10-13-2008 11:44 PM

ohhhh noooooooooooooooooooo! my heart goes out to you

Doo 10-14-2008 12:15 AM

Wish I was closer - sorry to hear about this :(

Lance 10-14-2008 12:19 AM

OMG!!! I really feel for you guys.

Delphinus 10-14-2008 12:35 AM

Update (since I think Catherine and Kevin are away at their family T-day dinner now) - I came and got what can be saved. 5 fish, 9 clams, a couple SPS. I think the SPS is a stretch for any to make it (most already gone), the clams might do OK - some are looking a little haggard (many were already toast in the tank :( ), and the fish seem to me to be doing OK. In fact, Catherine's scopas is picking briopsis off my maxima. :)

.. the carnage was some of the worst I've ever seen. :( Good luck sorting through it all Cath and Kevin.

Delphinus 10-14-2008 01:20 AM

Correction, 6 fish.

Delphinus 10-14-2008 01:23 AM

Does anyone have a Sedra 5000 needlewheel impeller I could borrow? My ASM G3 crapped out a couple weeks ago. I had sold my ritteri and had a mostly empty tank and was going to tear down this tank so I hadn't replaced the impeller figuring I was going to offer up the skimmer for sale in as-is condition when the tank was empty.

Seeing as that plan just sorta flew out the window, does anyone have an impeller could borrow for a bit? Or a skimmer? Sedra's are used on ASM's and Euroreefs, if anyone has one of these unused that I could borrow for a few weeks can you please get in touch with me?

michika 10-14-2008 02:13 AM

Thank you so much everyone for your calls and messages. A huge thank you especially to Tony for running over and taking care of our livestock for a second time. Tony took care of my precious clams in December of 2007 when we had a huge disaster upon our move from Edmonton here to Calgary.

So what happened was a tube came out and spewed almost 180g of water onto our basement floor. There was approximately 3 inches of water in the bottom of our tank when we got home this afternoon at 2pm. Thankfully the floor drain works in our basement, and it looks like the only "water" damage is the fact that I sacrificed a few of my good towels to help soak up the mess.

Our house smells disgusting, our basement even worse. The MHs basically cooked everything that became exposed to air as the water was drained out. We figure none of our rock is live anymore and are expecting to have to start over from scratch.

Thank you again to everyone, and to Tony for the help.

levi1803 10-14-2008 02:39 AM

OMG, that's horrible Catherine. I think that is everyones biggest nightmare come true. :sad:

Der_Iron_Chef 10-14-2008 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 352030)
Does anyone have a Sedra 5000 needlewheel impeller I could borrow? My ASM G3 crapped out a couple weeks ago. I had sold my ritteri and had a mostly empty tank and was going to tear down this tank so I hadn't replaced the impeller figuring I was going to offer up the skimmer for sale in as-is condition when the tank was empty.

Seeing as that plan just sorta flew out the window, does anyone have an impeller could borrow for a bit? Or a skimmer? Sedra's are used on ASM's and Euroreefs, if anyone has one of these unused that I could borrow for a few weeks can you please get in touch with me?

Tony, you can borrow my Deltec MCE600 if needs be. Let me know.

Der_Iron_Chef 10-14-2008 02:44 AM

That really really sucks, Catherine. Ugh. I feel a little sick...for you...

Let me know if there's anything I can do.

Red Coral Aquariums 10-14-2008 03:44 AM

Tony, Catherine, Kevin what ever you need my shop is at your disposal. LMK

Carmen 10-14-2008 04:23 AM

I am truly sorry to hear this news!:cry:

Snappy 10-14-2008 04:27 AM

I guess I'm a little late but I just saw this now. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

Chowder 10-14-2008 04:32 AM

Catherine and Kevin I am really sorry to hear about your losses. I hope you can recover from this. It is one of my nightmares.


Pier Pressure 10-14-2008 04:52 PM

Oh, that sucks. I was offline this weekend and did not see this post until now. I can commiserate - we had a 150 gallon release its silicone seams in our basement twice - eleven months apart. We just about got rid of everything after that nightmare - hence I am now down to one little 28 gallon tank. The big ones are simply AWFUL when they blow up. I offer assistance if we can help!

andestang 10-14-2008 07:00 PM

A move is bad enough, but to have something like this happen OMG. I have room for anything if need be or any other kind of help. LMK

andestang 10-14-2008 07:02 PM

I'm sure I have one laying around if you need one Tony LMK


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 352030)
Does anyone have a Sedra 5000 needlewheel impeller I could borrow? My ASM G3 crapped out a couple weeks ago. I had sold my ritteri and had a mostly empty tank and was going to tear down this tank so I hadn't replaced the impeller figuring I was going to offer up the skimmer for sale in as-is condition when the tank was empty.

Seeing as that plan just sorta flew out the window, does anyone have an impeller could borrow for a bit? Or a skimmer? Sedra's are used on ASM's and Euroreefs, if anyone has one of these unused that I could borrow for a few weeks can you please get in touch with me?

Dale 10-15-2008 12:39 AM

Sorry to hear about your loss C and K. I lost 100% of my 140G. reef in August when a power surge tripped my breaker while on vacation. It sucks but it happens. The mark of a true "hobbyist" is that we can work through these down times and soldier on.
Good luck.

Jason McK 10-15-2008 02:13 AM

Oh my God Catherine, I'm sorry to hear of your disaster!!! Hang in there and when your ready I'd be happy to help you get some SPS back in your tank.


michika 10-15-2008 02:55 AM

I'll just be happy when my basement doesn't smell like dead clam....

Again, thank you everyone for your well wishes, and offers to help.

The tank has water in it again, we've completely changed the return plumbing and how we are going to generate additional flow in the tank in the future. We are going to have to re-cycle the tank, and that is the part I dread. There is still the smell of die-off in our basement, and its not leaving quick enough for me.

I've been researching on adding vodka as a carbon source to help the cycle along. I am still unsure of where I sit on this.

So right now its just a matter of tweaking the flow in the tank, and just letting it be. We've shut off the MHs and are reducing the T5 lighting period significantly. It sucks, but its the way it has to be if I, and we, want to continue in this hobby.

MikeP 10-15-2008 04:58 AM

Sorry to hear about all of this. Glad to hear you're not giving up.

Trigger Man 10-15-2008 05:15 AM

It's great to hear that you guys are back at it.

marie 10-15-2008 05:33 AM

Out loud I'm saying "Oh good, she's not giving up" But inside I'm saying "what, is she nuts? :razz:"
The number of setbacks you've had over the last year has made me afraid to open your threads but from here on out it can only get better :biggrin:

my2rotties 10-17-2008 03:45 AM

I am so sorry
I just saw your thread now, and it breaks my heart to hear this happened to you. I don't even know what to say. If you need anything let me know.


marie 10-20-2008 06:36 AM

Did I just enter the twilight zone? :confused:
I got an email message saying delphinus has just replied to this thread at 11:23. I've waited 10min and still there's nothing, where did it go? :drinking:

ElGuappo 10-20-2008 06:39 AM

it was there a second ago.........

cprowler 10-20-2008 06:59 AM

yeah...I just read it and now it's gone.....:grab:

Delphinus 10-20-2008 04:35 PM

Delphinus had a "senior" moment at 12:30, that's all... and then went to bed instead of fixing it. Sorry!!

Here's my attempt after having some more coffee:

Just wanted to say thank you to Kevin and Doug at Red Coral for going above and beyond expectations to help out Michika's livestock. It's not often I can claim to have had my expectations exceeded, but it happened here, and I'm grateful for it, and wanted everyone to know that Red Coral is a shop run by some very cool reefers and I give them two thumbs up, way way up.

michika 10-20-2008 06:09 PM

Very much so agreed. Both Doug and Kevin are doing an amazing job with the store, and this last crash aside have always exceeded my expectations in everything they've done. We all know how much I *LOVE* clams, and I am really happy to have a place to go that will feed that addiction.

Also definitely Tony, you yourself deserve a huge thumbs up (and lots of double doubles) for coming out on Thanksgiving Monday, bearing the smell (bleh!), and taking home my remaining livestock.

Thank you everyone!

On a side note, the funny thing is that I just got VM notification on 2 messages from people who called on that crappy day and the following Tuesday. Go Telus *eyeroll*

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