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Carmen 10-10-2008 07:32 PM

72 G Bowfront BIG TANK MOVE Pics added Sept29 & Finally got my Flame Angel!
Just thought I'd share a few pics of my new 72 G up and running this week! Finally got all the rock and livestock switched over from my overcrowded 27 Gallon.
Equipped with corner overflow, durso standpipe, and sump! My first time with a sump and all the plumbing and so far so good!:redface::smile:
Water still a little cloudy as the Goby friend is a little OCD and has a"sifting addiction"!!:biggrin: Sand is a little "powdery"!
Don't mind the powerhead with floss stuck in there to help remove the "cloud".
Mad a DIY cover lastnight too to keep my fishy friends in, abit of a challenge with the Bow!

levi1803 10-10-2008 07:44 PM

Looks great Carmen, are you running T5's on that or MH? how on earth did you make that screen cover? looks pretty well made, I might have to look into something like that for my 46 gallon Bowfront.

Carmen 10-10-2008 07:59 PM

Just a 4 light T5 Tek for now.
The cover was actually fairly easy to make using plastic bird netting from Home Depot and the materials used from screen doors for the edgeing. It's somewhat bendable - not perfect- but I figured I couldn't be too picky with the BOW shape. It would likely not work for MH because I expect the plastic would melt - good enough for me though.

AJ_77 10-10-2008 08:05 PM

good job!
That looks great - is there any putty holding those rocks together?

I think you have a knack for rock-stacking. :biggrin:
Not too full, good swimming room, great pass-throughs.

Phanman 10-10-2008 08:12 PM

love the rockscaping

rocketlily 10-10-2008 08:16 PM

Looks great, really like the aquascaping.

Carmen 10-10-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by AJ_77 (Post 351298)
That looks great - is there any putty holding those rocks together?

I think you have a knack for rock-stacking. :biggrin:
Not too full, good swimming room, great pass-throughs.

Thanks!:mrgreen: That's exactly what I was going for! No putty yet, but pretty stable as is. I am slowly adding putty in a few spots every so often just to stabilize a few spots. Still have to place the corals, just kinda stuck them in there for now.

Whatigot 10-10-2008 08:22 PM

very nice 72 bow...
I am impressed by your top, I run open top and had a pinkspot prawn goby jump out, but thats it out of all the basses, basslets and other known jumpers that I have...

I like how open your scape is as well, nice work all around.

bowfronts are tough to photograph but I think you did a good job there too.

JDigital 10-10-2008 09:05 PM

Nice Upgrade Carmen! Really dig the aquascaping! I can't wait to get my 75 back up and going

michika 10-10-2008 09:48 PM

I used the plastic type netting on my 180g with MHs, no melting. However large fish, e.g. tangs that are over 5", can jump THROUGH it if they REALLY want out. Its awesome though for everything else.

You did a great job on bending it to shape!

Bugsy 10-10-2008 10:13 PM

I have to say, that is one nice looking tank.....:biggrin:

All to often I see tanks just plugged with live rock, personally I don't care for the look of live rock at the best of times but know we need it in our tanks.

One piece of advice, "Don't add anymore rock". What you have just looks perfect and balanced to me.

Nice work....:biggrin:

Carmen 10-11-2008 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 351326)
I used the plastic type netting on my 180g with MHs, no melting. However large fish, e.g. tangs that are over 5", can jump THROUGH it if they REALLY want out. Its awesome though for everything else.

You did a great job on bending it to shape!

I have it quite "tight" so that I don't think a large fish could push it up. It sits wedged just under the light bracket so it's not sitting ontop lightly but set in abit (if that makes any sense):neutral:. The only thing getting through this one would be a small fish possibly like a dartfish or something. (Atleast I hope!!):surprise:

Thanks everyone for the comments!

Delphinus 10-11-2008 12:55 AM

Great looking tank!

Red Coral Aquariums 10-11-2008 01:03 AM

All your hard work has paid off handsomely. Well done.

spanky 10-11-2008 05:07 AM

Looks really nice Carmen!!

michika 10-11-2008 05:11 AM

My doctor tang went right through the netting, as in put a hole in it.

MikeP 10-11-2008 06:08 AM

Looking really good Carmen. Great job!

Carmen 10-11-2008 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 351426)
My doctor tang went right through the netting, as in put a hole in it.

WOW! That's one strong tang!

ElGuappo 10-11-2008 05:06 PM

looks good. did you diy the top with eggcrate?

i found some silver clolored eggcrate in town and was wondering if it would help reflect light back down rather than absorb it like the white or black.

Carmen 10-11-2008 05:20 PM

The top is a bird netting from home Depot. CHEAP! It is perfect as it does not affect the amount of light passing through AT ALL! Squares are about 1" so tiny fish could get through. The eggcrate really cuts the lighting in my opinion and while I have not tried the metal eggcrate I think the thickness of it alone would be bothersome to me. Plus it would be tough with the salt I would think it will become corroded fairly quickly would be easier than assembling the mesh top.

Carmen 05-14-2009 02:58 AM

Well, I never did do a proper journal but thought I'd just add some updated pics of my tank now 7 months old. I have officially been in the saltwater hobby now for a year! WHOOHOO! Started my adventure with a 27G Bowfront ghetto set-up:biggrin:. (See the pic)
So here's a few pics of then and now fo anyone interested! ENJOY!
27 G Nano Starter! Kinda makes me laugh now!:lol:

Today 72G Bowfront

Many of the fishies!

fishytime 05-14-2009 03:05 AM

:shocked!: Holy crap Carmen...That is one beautiful LPS/softie setup.... you have a great eye for aquascaping and coral placement....would be curious to see what kind of sps tank you would biuld.:razz:

Leah 05-14-2009 03:17 AM

Wow...Beautiful is an understatement one of the nicest tanks I have seen. I agree your aquascaping is incredible. I love your softies!

my2rotties 05-14-2009 03:32 AM

That toadstool is gianormous!!! Glad to see my cleaner wrasse is happy and has fish to clean. Tank looks awesome as it always does.

levi1803 05-14-2009 04:00 AM

Looks great Carmen

Carmen 05-14-2009 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 420671)
:shocked!: Holy crap Carmen...That is one beautiful LPS/softie setup.... you have a great eye for aquascaping and coral placement....would be curious to see what kind of sps tank you would biuld.:razz:

Thanks Doug! I know you have a huge love of the SPS but it's the LPS that does it for me(and softies)! Kinda like the "movement" really!


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 420682)
Wow...Beautiful is an understatement one of the nicest tanks I have seen. I agree your aquascaping is incredible. I love your softies!

What a compliment! Thanks Leah!


Originally Posted by my2rotties (Post 420688)
That toadstool is gianormous!!! Glad to see my cleaner wrasse is happy and has fish to clean. Tank looks awesome as it always does.

Yup Diana that Cleaner wrasse has fit in EXCEPTIONALLY well! Huge eater and has a love for my Foxface and goby!
Neat fish and eats like a pig!


Carmen 05-14-2009 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by my2rotties (Post 420688)
That toadstool is gianormous!!! Glad to see my cleaner wrasse is happy and has fish to clean. Tank looks awesome as it always does.

Oh and I wanted to mention re the toadstool...the toadstool in the top left corner of the 27G nano is the same toadstool (July08)!!!!! Neat hey!

Oxymoron 05-14-2009 04:25 AM

Looks amazing:) Great Job
How is your copperband doing?
Can ya give us some info on him?
How long you've had him, what he eats, blah blah

Carmen 05-14-2009 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Oxymoron (Post 420718)
Looks amazing:) Great Job
How is your copperband doing?
Can ya give us some info on him?
How long you've had him, what he eats, blah blah

My Copperband was from a fellow canreefer who had him for about 3-4 months before me. I got him in Nov 08 so have had him 6 months. He is superb! Eats mysis and brine(Mainly mysis). Huge pig and very agressive eater!! Hopefully I will be one of the lucky ones as he is one of my favorite fishes.

my2rotties 05-14-2009 02:47 PM

I think your CBB will be just fine. I have had mine for five months now, and he is just like yours... an aggressive eater and piglet to boot. Have you seen the cleaner wrasse nibble on nori yet? He started eating it a week before I had to remove him from my tank.The little guy eats anything he can fit his little mouth around. I am very happy he is in your capable hands now:biggrin:

How much bigger do toadstools get... looking like you will need a bigger tank just for that soon. I can't believe how big it has gotten since I first met you in December. I was so impressed with you tank back then, and now... WOW!!!


Originally Posted by Carmen (Post 420774)
My Copperband was from a fellow canreefer who had him for about 3-4 months before me. I got him in Nov 08 so have had him 6 months. He is superb! Eats mysis and brine(Mainly mysis). Huge pig and very agressive eater!! Hopefully I will be one of the lucky ones as he is one of my favorite fishes.

Oxymoron 05-14-2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Carmen (Post 420774)
My Copperband was from a fellow canreefer who had him for about 3-4 months before me. I got him in Nov 08 so have had him 6 months. He is superb! Eats mysis and brine(Mainly mysis). Huge pig and very agressive eater!! Hopefully I will be one of the lucky ones as he is one of my favorite fishes.

Good to hear:)

JDigital 05-14-2009 07:53 PM

Fantastic looking tank Carmen! One of the best LPS/softie tanks I have seen around.. maybe even TOTM here on Canreef.. :wink:

Carmen 05-14-2009 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 420898)
Fantastic looking tank Carmen! One of the best LPS/softie tanks I have seen around.. maybe even TOTM here on Canreef.. :wink:

Thanks Josh but that's a laugh!:lol:

Leah 05-15-2009 07:32 PM

Don't laugh, I have to agree with JDigital I think it is worthy of tank of the month-
great idea!

Carmen 06-08-2009 04:04 AM

Thought I'd share some updated photos!
Changed lights, much better color. Added a Fiji Purple and a 14000KZ Generation bulb. (Hated the yellow color before from the 10000K bulbs - ugh)



And my new blue zoas!

Some new Orange Lunar Palys!

And my New Yellow leather.

A Before and after of an acan that I "saved" from a reefer shutting down his tank.
Copper who always sneaks into my photos!

JDigital 06-08-2009 04:13 AM

Softie TOTM!!! :mrgreen:

Doug 06-08-2009 01:00 PM

Very beautiful tank indeed Carmen. I,m going to move the thread to the picture forum for you.

And I also agree, a great nomination for a featured tank when we are back at it. :D

Carmen 06-08-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 426880)
Very beautiful tank indeed Carmen. I,m going to move the thread to the picture forum for you.

And I also agree, a great nomination for a featured tank when we are back at it. :D

Thanks for moving that for me Doug!

Leah 06-08-2009 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 426880)
Very beautiful tank indeed Carmen. I,m going to move the thread to the picture forum for you.

And I also agree, a great nomination for a featured tank when we are back at it. :D

Hip Hip HOORAY!:biggrin:

Carmen 06-08-2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 426828)
Softie TOTM!!! :mrgreen:


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