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i2ik 10-09-2008 04:42 AM

Some pictures of my reef tank
When started:

i2ik 10-09-2008 04:45 AM

Pictures taken today, changed the aquascape:

i2ik 10-09-2008 04:46 AM

Naso is having some skin problem, i have no idea what it is, seem to be spreading... I thought it was scratch when i bought it, but seem to be worse than before. He still eat very well and all kind of food..

lastlight 10-09-2008 04:49 AM

That wall panel idea is so BOSS you really should be beaten for being so clever! In other words...WOW lol.

spanky 10-09-2008 05:04 AM

That is you have a best friend? if not can i be him. lol. But seriously your setup is beautiful.

Delphinus 10-09-2008 05:49 AM

Agreed, very nice! :)

I would have guessed scratching on the Naso too. But if you never see him scratch against rocks then it's odd that it's spreading? How long have you had him? Maybe it's some kind of fungal thing that will clear given enough time ... I don't know, sorry !

Trigger Man 10-09-2008 06:01 AM

I had to drop a line giving you credit for your tank, it looks great. The wall panel is a grea t idea, I wish I had thought of it when installing my tank. I am suprised to see a parrot fish in there, with you having corals and all. How long has the parrot been in there? Has it torn up much?

Keri 10-09-2008 06:16 AM

Shweet... Love the panels! GREAT idea especially if you have a really long awkward room, I really could have used that in my last place!

What is the white with blue and black striped angel-looking fish? 7th pic down. I like it a lot. edit: Is it a bellus? Nice!!

Chaloupa 10-09-2008 06:28 AM

What a fantastic idea!!!! Tank has some really neat fish in it! NICE TANK!

fishytime 10-09-2008 01:06 PM

Tre Bon. Looks like some serious ca$h invested in that tank. Im envious:mrgreen:

TJSlayer 10-09-2008 02:11 PM

Agreed very bice setup, but I don't know what may be wrong with the Naso....

Parker 10-09-2008 02:47 PM

I followed your thread over at RC. Nice build, turned out very nice.

i2ik 10-09-2008 02:55 PM

Thanks a lot everyone! I really like the wall panel, it can also give me access in the back with no problem. Its not big, but could not get a fish room, so its the best way closest to a fish room. There is a QT tank/frag tank in the back and a reservoir of 90G for my water change. Everything else is under the tank.

I recently change my CA reactor to a GEO 818, working really good up to now, much easier to adjust than the Schuran i had.

I got the Naso tang a week ago, the most recent fish. All the other fishes are in the tank for at least 6 months.

TriggerMan: thats indeed a parrot fish, its a quoyi parrotfish. Its been known as the only parrot fish "reef safe". Up to now, he have not touch any kind of corals, grazing algea on the rocks. As efficient or maybe more than a rabbitfish IMO. He is also eating all kind of food: pellets, flake, frozen, salad, nori, etc...

Keri: thats a Bellus Angel. Had him for about an year. My favorite genicanthus angel.

i2ik 10-09-2008 02:56 PM

Thank You Parker!

I just got back from the airport this morning to pick up a box... :)

i2ik 10-09-2008 03:03 PM

Meanwhile, here's more pictures:

Thats how it looks before the stand was done and the old aquascape:

TheMikey 10-09-2008 03:15 PM

Love the new aquascaping. Great job, i2ik! Looks like a great setup.

So... what did you get from the airport?

Rumika 10-09-2008 03:30 PM

Looks great. Do you have shrimp in your tank or has your peppermint hogfish made a meal of them? I have one and I use to have shrimp but not anymore!!

i2ik 10-09-2008 06:26 PM

TheMikey: Thank you! I will post later on... :)

Rumika: I have no shrimp in the tank since i dont like them pulling off the food of my corals when feeding, i have no idea if my peppermint hogfish will go after then... I might try a sexy shrimp for the anemone, but that might be the only shrimp in the tank, will let you know

JDigital 10-09-2008 06:37 PM

Wow.. that Lighting rack is pretty impressive.

Great look to your aquascaping. Really dig it!

i2ik 10-10-2008 05:10 AM

Thanks JDigital!

Received from JL a really nice pair of Declivis Butterflies!

very well packed!

Being acclimated:

ElGuappo 10-10-2008 04:41 PM

Very nice. i would like to see some sump pics. looks retty high tech from the one pic, are you running 2 one aboe the other???

i2ik 10-10-2008 07:06 PM

ElGuappo: Its a costum made sump in acrylic, there is a refugium on the top and an sump on the bottom. Its save me space overall :) Not the best picture to show the sump, but you get the idea :)

i2ik 10-10-2008 07:10 PM

i2ik 10-11-2008 06:15 AM

Bought some corals today...

This one looks like an tennuis acropora... beige with blue tips

No idea what kind of acropora... hard to tell from the picture, but its kinda purple/blue with green polyps

Also, here's the butterflies in the QT tank:

Keri 10-11-2008 06:22 AM

Beautiful butterflies!!

Put the sexies in when the hogfish is sleeping, if they make it into the safety of the anemone or a tightly branching coral they just might make it, I have a couple and they are not dumb :)

ElGuappo 10-11-2008 06:27 AM

thanks for the pic. looks great.

i2ik 10-11-2008 06:42 AM

Good idea Keri, i will put them close to the anemone, they cant miss it ;)

I am looking for an achilles tang to add in, anyone know where i can get one and willing to ship? I cant seem to find any store in montreal.

i2ik 10-11-2008 06:42 AM

ElGuappo: No problem!

i2ik 10-18-2008 03:55 AM

New corals !! :)

A beautiful piece, i used to have one almost similar to this one, lost it with my unbalance parameter... About the size of a full open hand :)

this is some serious thick branch!

Pink Millipora with yellow tips... pic is not great, but gives an idea...

I am thinking switching my MH to something more blue, like 14K or 20K.
I am thinking between Radium 20k, XM 20K and Aquaconnect 14K... I tend to go with Aquaconnect, but the price of those bulbs are high! On the other hand, with the radium, i have to change them twice a year... any opinion?

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