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Dobber 10-08-2008 06:00 AM

225 gallon & 90 gallon and spare tanks
okay so heres the deal... im in a bit of a pickle because i need to buy an underwater video camera system to get a full ride scholarship to uvic... they cost a LOT OF MONEY!!!! so i need to sell some stuff, so here is a list of the stuff from biggest set up to smallest

225 perfecto corner overflow tank 72"x30"x24" (not starfire)
Stand To Fit is black and made of pine
72" Aqualight Pro (250 watt)
72" T12 Retrofit Kit (new bulbs)
2 Model 3 Megaflow Sumps
2 Magdrive 1800 Pumps
1 Octopus Pro Skimmer (comes with magdrive 900)
1 40 watt Lifeguard UV Sterilizer (could be 22 watt i will have to check)
1 Tunze Wavebox
1 Reefmaster Pro Wavemaker
4 Modded Maxi-Jet 1200's
Random In-Sump Protein Skimmer Rated for 120 gallons (works good)

90 gallon 48"x24"x18"
Stand To Fit black particle board with glass door

55 gallon 48"x24"x12"

Nano Cube 24
PC actinic and white lighting
Self Contained Unit (really nice)

8" Vlamingi Tang (Naso Vlamingi)
6" Red Sea Sailfin Tang
5" Regal Angel
5" Yellow Tang
(4) 2" Green Chromis
(4) Percula Clowns (with 1' wide carpet anemone) package deal
Clarkii Clown
8" Longspined Urchin (black)
2 Target Mandarine's

~200 lbs mixed fiji and eco rocks from bulkreefsupply
~80 lbs live aragonite white sand

If i think of anything more i will list it, may be willing to part out if no one wants to buy the big package. PM me for details on prices. Will sell fish individually if buyer picks up.


hk030405 10-08-2008 07:12 AM

would love to pick up that regal angel
but vernon is a bit far for me :/

JDigital 10-08-2008 07:21 AM

Any prices?

mseepman 10-08-2008 04:21 PM

Tom, sorry to see you getting out of the hobby...i would be interested in some stuff if you end up parting out. Fish are a little to big for my meager setups.

What version of the Octo Pro skimmer is that? How old?

seanoman 10-08-2008 04:24 PM

I would be interested in the wavebox if you decide to part it out.

coolcool 10-08-2008 04:46 PM

sorry to here you that you have to sell your stuff.
what do you want for the whole set up, and also if you piece it out how much for the tank pm me please

Dobber 10-08-2008 07:23 PM

Prices Everyone!!!

225 Gallon set up Price: 5500$

90 Gallon set up Price: 1000$

55 Tank : 100$

Nano-cube : 150$

Live Rock : 5$ Per lb

PM me on specific Livestock for quotes!!

Dobber 10-08-2008 07:26 PM

All equipment is newer than spring break of this year

Starry 10-08-2008 10:47 PM

you have a pm:biggrin:

brizzo 10-08-2008 11:49 PM

mMMMMmm Rock!!! Pm sent!

Dobber 10-11-2008 05:00 AM


Dobber 10-14-2008 06:09 PM

Okay ive broken its time to part out!

Tank and Stand: 1000$
MH Light: 900$
Wavemaker: 75$
Wavebox: 225$
Sumps: 150$ each
Pumps: 125$ each
Skimmer: 450$
Uv Sterilizer: 100$

90 gallon setup: 500$

24 gallon setup: 150$


Red Sea Sailfin: 50$
Vlamingi Tang: 75$
Anemone & Perky's: 100$
Yellow Tang: 40$

PM me for other prices like on quantities of liverock.

seanoman 10-15-2008 01:30 PM

you have a pm

ReeFeR_77 10-15-2008 05:27 PM

pm sent

Doo 10-15-2008 05:50 PM

pm sent

phillybean 10-16-2008 08:08 PM

You got a PM

mfly 10-17-2008 01:19 AM

Do you have any pics of tanks and stands

Dobber 10-23-2008 03:04 AM

okay everyone i have some bad news for all of you...
i just got back from a las vegas trade show on scuba diving, and my boss decided to fund my camera system for me. As long as i do videos for the shop he will pay for the system and i can pay him back through paycheck portions... YAY. Which means unfortunately for all of you i do not have to sell my baby or my babies haha. I do very apologize for getting some of your hopes up on getting some cheap stuff, but i think you can all say yay for me not having to leave the hobby. So yay.


PS: it was bad news for the people that wanted stuff good news for me and my tanks.

Lance 10-23-2008 03:18 AM

Good for you. It's always sad to see someone have to leave the hobby. Glad you're still in.

vancityfella 10-23-2008 03:57 PM

i would definatly say that is a great thing.

Whatigot 10-23-2008 05:09 PM

great to hear....
good thing it took you so long to break on the part out:mrgreen:

mseepman 10-23-2008 06:33 PM

Hey Tom...awesome news...I had a feeling something was up when it took you so long to get me dimensions on the skimmer.

Glad to see you're staying in the get some Full tank shots on Canreef here...we need to see what you have going.

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