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bluetang 10-06-2008 09:40 PM

Need your help in eradicating Anthelia / Xenia
Its been a while since I have been on here. So hello again.
I am needing help on eradicating Zenia. I have a 125g tank that is full......
I do not want to tear it down and replace all the live rock.
Any ideas on Fish or inverts that might eat the stuff.


trilinearmipmap 10-07-2008 12:09 AM

1. Limit nutrients

2. Get a sonic scrubber - there was a thread about the Sonic Scrubber on this forum earlier this year.

mark 10-07-2008 02:12 AM

I've been able to keep Xenia in check by manually removing. Found if use a dental pick to gentle pry off the rocks (and not leave behind) it doesn't come back.

It will bud off what remains, but again easy to control with a few minutes a month.

reeferious 10-07-2008 02:34 AM

xenia infestation
been trying to use xenia as a mean of nutrient exportation. i will be very happy to take a few xenia-covered rock off your hand and pay you something for them

robzilla 10-07-2008 02:44 AM

my emporer angel eats it up :)

albert_dao 10-07-2008 04:20 AM

FYI, what you have is not Cesptiularia, if it was, you'd have a GOLDMINE in frags ;)

Der_Iron_Chef 10-07-2008 04:36 AM

corpusse 10-07-2008 04:38 AM

rabbitfish will most likely eat it. If they don't they'll at least eat your algae.

dareefguy 10-07-2008 04:47 AM

I keep mine under controll with a good pair of tweezer's, available at a medical supply store. I also do like the idea of a dental pick. I have found that if you miss a little piece it will still greatly stunt it and slowly come back. at this time you can just get it again.

bluetang 10-07-2008 02:02 PM

unfortunatly I would be tweezing for months. IF any one want any, let me know via PM and you can take as much as you can. All I ask in return is some clean live rock free of the stuff. It is literally choking the life out of my tank


04scoobysti 10-07-2008 03:35 PM

I've used the sonicscrubber and it seemed to do more harm than good. It mostly just tore up the anthelia and spread it around the tank just to grow back in multiple spots. If i had to do it again i would just remove the affected rock and replace it.

tlo 10-07-2008 03:59 PM

remove as much as you can manually, then smear kalk or joes juice over whats left to kill any remaining tissue.

whatcaneyedo 10-07-2008 05:37 PM

My tomatoe clown actually destroys any xenia I try to have in my tank. She just rips it apart... I wish she did the same to anthelia.

Delphinus 10-07-2008 06:06 PM

Good luck, I have the same problem.

Rabbitfish might eat it?? Interesting. I'll try that out, I have a tank with a pair of rabbitfish. Although that tank has xenia that they don't touch, so I'm a little skeptical that they might go for anthellia.

I'd love to try me an angel to eat them, but my main worry is what will the angel eat afterwards... Are clams safe? LPS? Acros? etc. .. My experience is that usually if something eats something you do want it to eat, rarely is it contained to that "one thing" and the other things may be things you DO want to keep. For example, my CBB eats aiptasia like there's no tomorrow. That's good! :) But he also picks at blastomussa's and candycanes. That's .. ah, not good. :(

tang daddy 10-07-2008 11:39 PM

angels eat clams and zoas aswell so not good if you have either of those.... I go for manual removal on anthelia as for the xenia sell it or trade.

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