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Black Sheep Project 5.5 NEW PICS Jan 26th!!!!
Well here is just a taste of what im building
http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august076.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august078.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august082.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august084.jpg One question was my lights cost $119.00 for two sets can I cut the price in half since im only useing half of the product ?? Im going to for more of a techinical tank then crazy coral. |
Very cool great idea what did those lights set you back?
Can't wait to see how they work. |
119.00 I was wondering if I can only clame half since im not going to use both??????
Come on 15th can wait to get water in this bad boy :) Im still very interested if the H.I.D will suport coral growth.
In regards to your lights can you tell me if I am reading this right; you bought two of the sets pictured in the box, and each set is $119? Or did you just by one set, as pictured, and only used one light? Let me know an I can make a call on your lighting.
What made you think up these particular lights? The dolphins? I like your dog! |
No I bought one box of lights but im only useing 1 light from it. I wanted to do something 3d for the hanger so a dolphin it was wait to see what I have lined up for it though. acrilic and a 2 foot square by 1 foot 3D lath the possablities are endless... I chose these lights since I have read about people thinking about useing them but never going through with it I wanted to go big or go home!
looking good already! setting the standards you are!
Sounds good. If you have a photo of your receipt for the lights, would you post it, or send me the link please for an online comparison.
You MADE the dolphin?! crazy!!
I look forward to seeing how those lights turn out! |
http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...Picture303.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...Picture290.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...Picture305.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...Picture297.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...Picture306.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...Picture308.jpg Well everything is now almost done for the tank build next will be the electronics. Im so ready to get water in this bad boy but I have to wait till the 15th correct??? grr I hate waiting. What does every think so far? |
Dude, that's sick. My own DIY skills include mixing saltwater and taking the green stick of epoxy and mixing it together with the purple stick of epoxy.
Well done! Very clever/thinking outside the box/etc/yadayadayada. |
i honestly can't believe your running HID's as your lighting lol
but i know exactly how your setting up your flow. i was/am going to be doing the same |
scholar, I admire your innovation but have you looked into your idea? I have two concerns, heat and less obvious UV. Even with a fan you'll only remove the inductive heat, a fan will not remove the radiant heat which will likely cause big problems with such small volume. Not 100% sure but it's possible you may need a UV shield due to too much UV. It may also just be too intense, I've looked at those types of bulbs before they are brighter than halides and could blind your fish or damage coral. Also keep in mind HID stands for high intensity discharge and refers to halogens, metal halides, mercury vapor, high pressure sodium and so on. |
There is very little about useing this type of lighting system on reefs other then in Japan and well ya... Im a mechanic and I know the heat these things can produce. I dont think my self that they will run any hotter then power compacts but I will have to see. I dont plan on keeping any fish in the tank but I do see what your saying about there health, if I do plan that road i will factor in the price of uv glass since I dont have access to it for free unlike acrilc. As for the par of this bulb i cant see there being a problem I have seen people use 50 000k bulbs on frag tanks to make zoo's and other coral do crazy morphs then ship them out (dont agree with this but it is done more then people think). There are many diffrent H.I.d kits available these days and yes some are 59.99 on ebay and some are 500.00+ I have no problem showing the price of the kit to people Im more happy that im going to be alowed to cut the purchase price in half.
I hope that every one is likeing this build now come one 15th i want water in this thing!! lol |
A few more teeth were added from advice on nanoreef I was told that there wouldnt be enough flow with only 4 http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...Picture320.jpg last pic of the night or Am to you guys and girls |
Well I'm interested to see how this works out. What's the wattage on one of those lamps? How are you planning on powering it since it runs on 12V. Not sure if you thought of this but if you could find a 12V pump and heater you could run the tank on battery and just have a charger keep the battery charged.
The lamps are actually 35Watts only unlike your standard Headlamp at 65Watt. I plan on running the light with a computer power supply I had kicking around 12v 28amp they reqiure 20 or over to fire then run at 3Amp. If i were to look for a 12v heater and pump im sure that would put me way over the 250 limit. I think that im going preety far out to creat this tank as it is.
You can get RIO powerheads that run on 12V, range from about $10-40 depending on size. Not sure about the heater but I'm sure it could be done. By the sounds of things you would only need a 5A charger and fairly small battery. Battery powered reef sounds pretty cool.
hmm im going to stay with the direction im going right now I think tomorrow is going to be slow at work so ill be drilling the hole for the maxijet 600 and hooking up the power supply to the light YEH.
Hey guys no worrys at all im not affended at all :) i have just been up to my eyes today I will post a pic of my bill before i post any more pics of the tank:) like i was saying these lights can run from 59.99- 400.00+ this set is a highend set but it was a sale that came through my work hense why i thought about doing this... I hope every ones tanks are looking good
To me it seems offensive to go against your rules and guidelines to target one contender because he's doing something innovative which I'm pretty sure was the whole point of the contest. Why not give him the 50% he requested, he paid $120 for the kit but only used half, seems pretty obvious he should only claim $60 for his lighting. Oh and a little research to settle your curiosity can go a long way. |
Well was a long day at work I got the hole drilled for the Maxi Jet return, im going to go with a 600 :) lots of flow. I also got the power supply all hooked up the light and it works great (yeh I was a little worried) Now i can start glueing in my baffles and welding up the acrylic. Now its also onto some sort of stand hmmmm.... Like I said I will post pics but have to find my bill first so I can show the price.
I'll take an internet link to the product instead if that is simpler.
http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august090.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august092.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august095.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august096.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august097.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august098.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august099.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august100.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r.../august101.jpg The stand is made of an old Bell sighn (the blue oval) and the rest consists of an old night table laying around and some partical board. The mini power bar for the mini tank and a reworked computer power supply to power up the light. |
My bulbs are the 10K 9006
Ok so just going over my budget just want to check to make sure I have this right.
Lights if it is approved= $60 The maxi Jet i had kicking around its sells for $21.95 so i count it as=$16.50 The heater is from wallmart 25watts=$12=Free Compter supply i had kicking around I think they sell for $30ish=$20 The build material was all freebies and stuff kicking around the house plus I think that the building material was all free, correct? So my total as i sit is either $96.00 or $156.00 depending on the judges about the light |
There is no way you should be logically billed for both the lights when you only used one. Hopefully someone will get back to you about that soon. Who even makes the call on that?
scholar. Thanks for the ad.. works for me. Take it as half. :) |
Well every one I have been bumped up to play with the big boys it will now be my 5.5 verse all the 10Gal entries due to no intrest in the 5.5 section:( Ohhhh well bigger they are the louder the crack when they fall.... (ya that was me trying be funny) The best part of this is i get another $25 for more coral sweeettttt more FRAGS!!!! still trying to figure out if im going to go with zoo's or try just a Monti tank?? any thoughts guys and girls?
Thought i would post some pics of my 75gal for everyones pleasure. Hope every one likes it.
http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...ter2008004.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...ter2008002.jpg |
WOW, that looks fantastic!
How is the intensity of the lighting? Can you give me some info on how you wired it up?
I had been thinking of trying this... Great build so far! |
Well the lights are blinding to look at (I love them in my truck every one and their brother flashes you but hey lol....) I dont know how well the light will go through the water but i guess it will be trial and error. I have it wired up to a some what heavy duty computer power supply but im going to have to do the wireing again due to the light not fireing right away (dont think its good for the light to stay in warm up mood for a long period of time). Im just working out all these bugs now so I can have water in this tank and running come 12:01Am Oct 15th lol. I think i should be ok for a cycle since the rock is going to be going in a bucket when I do a water change on my display tank and then water and rock are going into the awaiting nano. Hope every one is haveing fun with there build !!!
Well seeing that I was off today I thought it would be a good time to get the baffles put in place and get the dolphin properly mounted, I also snapped some pics of my idea for the return pump. I dont know if im going to use a Mj600 or a 400, so I drilled out a hole in the return side and affixed the spray nozel in there so I can place either pump in and out of the tank as with cleaning it. I was a little to hard on it though breaking off the flap when I was trying to place it in the tank so im thinking about just glueing it in place before the water goes in... Well here are some boreing pics, please dont mind my silicone work im not very good at it.
http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct025.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct026.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct028.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct029.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct030.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct031.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct032.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct033.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct034.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct035.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct036.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct037.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct038.jpg http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/r...SeptOct039.jpg |
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