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ElGuappo 09-24-2008 05:21 PM

El Guappo's 10G Critter Cornucopia Pic updated Jan 15
First things First I would like to send a huge thanks out to Red Coral, Coral Master (aka Snappy), And Riverfront for all your help and Great deals.


Tank - (Free - $16.99)
Mag Cleaner (Free - $12.99)
Digital Thermometer (Free - $10.99)
Marina LED HUB (Free - $14.99
Marina LED Light x 3 (Free - $9.99 each)
LR - (Free)
Sand 15LBS - (Free)
Aqua Clear Surface Skimmer Attatchment (used - $14.99 New) - (Free)
Rio Nano Skimmer (used - $34.95-8.74) -$26.21
Hagen Glo 2x24W T5HO (used) - $50.00
Aqueon 50w Heater (new) - $25.99
Koralia 1 (Used $29.95-$7.49) - $22.46
Koralia Nano (used $28.95 - $7.24) - $21.71

Total = $146.37

Live Stock / Corals

Pink Line Wrasse x 1 $34.99 Local Vender.
Fire Fish x 2 = $17.98 (sale price on LA) One Deceased Carpet Surfing
Sexy Shrimp x 4 = $39.96 ( Price on LA)
Bumble Bee Shrimp x 2 = $17.98 (LA)
Pepermint Shrimp x 2 = $8.98 ( Sale Price on LA)
Pom Pom Crabs x 3 = $29.85 JL
Acro $15.00 (2" - 5" as per guidlines) Thanks Red Coral
SPS x 3 = $30.00 (< 2" as per guidlines) 1 x Acropora Convexa, 1 x Ol' Yeller Acro, 1 x Sky Blue A. loisetteae Stag. Thanks Coral Master
Monti = $10.00 (< 2" as per guidlines) Green Monti Cap Thanks Coral Master
Zoa Frags x 2 = $10 ( as per Guidlines)
Toadstool Seedling = $5.00 (As Per Discussion Thread) I also have one for sale for $5. pm me if interested. Smaller than a dime.
Nass Snail x 2 = $3.58 JL
Small Turbo Snail = $1.95 JL
Astria Snail x 2 = $3.38 JL
Marg Snail x 2 = $3.38 JL
Scarlett Hermit = $2.99 LA
Bumble Bee Snail x 2 = $8.97 JL
Blue legged Hermit x 2 = $2.58 LA
Acro Crab x1 = FREE (Hitcher on small colony)

Total - $246.57

Grand Total. $392.94 Out of a Possible $395.45

Empty Tank : Oct 2/08

November 15th Pic. mind the algae as the bloom is just finishing up.

December 15th Pic

Jan 15 Pic
Obviously there are some coral in there that are not part of the contest.

Feb 15 Pic

JDigital 09-24-2008 05:54 PM

J&L's Price is $19.95... so take off 25%.. $14.96 would be the cost to deduct from ur budget.

ElGuappo 09-25-2008 07:16 AM

Ok some prices on things i may use and some additional info that may help others since i was already on the page looking at prices.

Aquaclear HOB Filters

30) $26.95 - $6.74 = $20.21
50) $32.95 - $8.24 = $24.71

Surface Skimmer $14.95 - 3.74 = 11.21

Rio Nano Skimmer $34.95 - 8.74 = $26.21

Koralia PH's

Nano $28.95 - $7.24 = $21.71
1 $29.95 - $7.49 = $22.46
2 $37.95 - $9.49 = $28.46

i also have a 50 watt elite heater i have no idea the value of gotta be less than the jager? $15?

Also i have a 24 inch coralife T5 fixture i am wanting to use. i just sold one for 50 was asking 55. wondering what a fair price for this would be? 50?55? 60?
its not on the jl site as its even cheaper than the cheap coralifes they have. if i recall this retailed at around 70 when i bought it.

I do not have all the above listed PH's filters etc but i have a couple. i just figured i would pull the numbers off the site for others. (just the ones of interest to nanos on the pages i was already on)

JDigital 09-25-2008 01:51 PM

Those prices are for used pieces of gear, correct?

ElGuappo 09-25-2008 07:08 PM

yes all mentioned equiptment is used. i have been running a 10 for 6 monthes now and i will just be tearing it down and starting over. it is currently being used but i will dry out and clean before startup. is a temp tank for now as i was just waiting for my rsm to cycle. should be done now.

ElGuappo 09-29-2008 06:17 PM

I will be editing the fisrt post with equiptment used and picks from each monthe. along with the prices of all used and new gear.

some items may be changed before the tank is setup.

ElGuappo 10-02-2008 10:10 PM

Equipment update.

yeeg 10-02-2008 10:56 PM

How do you get a free tank?

JDigital 10-02-2008 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by yeeg (Post 349346)
How do you get a free tank?

Just part of the "free" items for the contest.

JDigital 10-03-2008 01:45 AM

btw... where did you get the surface skimmer.. I think i am gonna have to scrap my DIY arcylic one...

ElGuappo 10-03-2008 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 349398)
btw... where did you get the surface skimmer.. I think i am gonna have to scrap my DIY arcylic one...

its actually made for and aquaclear hob filter but i am currently running it on this ans so far its doing well.

ive seen them everywhere, from riverfront, picses, petland, big als. i believe its actually made for FW so shops that specialize in SW probably wont have it. i beleive "toms" makes one aswell. under around $15 everywhere soooooooooooo does it fall into the "FREEBIE" SECTION??? LOL New price at JL is $14.95 and i got mine for free with purchse of a aquaclear 50 at picsies about 4 monthes ago.

ElGuappo 10-03-2008 03:17 AM

So i have all my Gear now and am FAR too impatient. How bad do i wanna get this thing wet now. First tank pic updated.

ElGuappo 10-05-2008 12:21 AM

Does this count as a free item this is jls new and our used price. the one i am using was actually free with my AC 50 HOB filter. i assume yes but i would like some opinoins before i deduct this from my budget.

Surface Skimmer $14.95 - 3.74 = 11.21

JDigital 10-05-2008 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 349885)
Does this count as a free item this is jls new and our used price. the one i am using was actually free with my AC 50 HOB filter. i assume yes but i would like some opinoins before i deduct this from my budget.

Surface Skimmer $14.95 - 3.74 = 11.21

If you got it with your AC 50.. just deduct your AC 50 price.. :)

ElGuappo 10-05-2008 01:13 AM

not using the ac50

JDigital 10-05-2008 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 349906)
not using the ac50

Free then. lol

ElGuappo 10-08-2008 05:37 PM

wow once i get all my corals and such im not going to have a whole lot of budget left. what to do for LS??????

JDigital 10-08-2008 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 350800)
wow once i get all my corals and such im not going to have a whole lot of budget left. what to do for LS??????

I could split the bag I have... but not sure its something you would want..

As for budget, try adding a sump to the equation.. its gonna be tight for me.. LOL

ElGuappo 10-11-2008 07:03 PM

:twised:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. the anticipation is killing me.:twised: only 4 days until i can get it wet....:mrgreen:

JDigital 10-11-2008 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 351509)
:twised:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. the anticipation is killing me.:twised: only 4 days until i can get it wet....:mrgreen:

I would have liked to bump the start date up, but still waiting for payment from a few people.. My tank is ready for water now too.. :razz:

justinl 10-11-2008 11:20 PM

Is there any particular reason why you are using a zoo-med powersweep? If it is for the sweeping action, be warned it usually doesn't last more than a month. cheap plastic gears give fast. plus it's a weak, big, ugly powerhead. imo MJs are the most economical. I prefer koralias but they're a little bit more expensive.

ElGuappo 10-12-2008 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by justinl (Post 351551)
Is there any particular reason why you are using a zoo-med powersweep? If it is for the sweeping action, be warned it usually doesn't last more than a month. cheap plastic gears give fast. plus it's a weak, big, ugly powerhead. imo MJs are the most economical. I prefer koralias but they're a little bit more expensive.

Mostly i just wanted to give it a try. i like the idea of the flow not being in a fixed direction. if it doesnt last fine(thanks for the warning) i will just put a used koralia in as a have a few lying around. agreed it is pretty big and the mounting bracket SUCKS. the flow wont be and issue as i think it may be closer to too much than not enough. i tested it in my current 10g and blew the Crap outta my torch (they claim the 214 is for upto 30 gallons). i do preffer koralias myself but wanted to try something new.

MJ's ??????????

Chaloupa 10-12-2008 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 351678)

MJ's ??????????


ElGuappo 10-12-2008 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by chaloupa (Post 351679)

ty ..... Doh

ElGuappo 10-18-2008 06:20 PM

OK so silicon should be dry today and then i can get some sand rock and water in tonight. :mrgreen:

ElGuappo 10-19-2008 03:23 AM

First tank shot after adding water. rock structure isnt final i still have to make room for a skimmer and such.

Didnt do much modding as i wanted to keep it as stock as possible just because of the original theme of a low budget tank. i know all plumping etc. is free but in real life it is not so i just decided to keep this tank as storebought as possible. all i did was silicon a piece of acrylic to the back corner creating a small in tank refugium.

ElGuappo 10-19-2008 08:01 AM

Whoops trying to hide all indications of my ignorance.

ElGuappo 10-19-2008 11:58 PM


JDigital 10-20-2008 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 353444)
Well nobody has made any complaints yet to me restarting this thread so i will have this one deleted shortley.

I don't see any reason to delete?? We all have extra chatter in our threads.. Just causing extra work for the mods.

ElGuappo 10-20-2008 04:05 AM

First tank shot after adding water. rock structure isnt final i still have to make room for a skimmer and such.

Didnt do much modding as i wanted to keep it as stock as possible just because of the original theme of a low budget tank. i know all plumping etc. is free but in real life it is not so i just decided to keep this tank as storebought as possible. all i did was silicon a piece of acrylic to the back corner creating a small in tank refugium. Mad skills look at the camera strap.

JDigital 10-20-2008 04:26 AM

I like the in-tank refuge... Nice idea!

ElGuappo 10-20-2008 04:49 AM

The actuall placement of it was the hardest part. i was going to do a flowerbox style along the side wall at mid hight. then just he whole side of the tank. now im debating having the inlet of my nano skimmer inside this to increase flow a bit. i think it worked out well as its a reasonable size and really doesnt take away from the tank size.

Thanks to doug for cutting the acrylic for me. the holes arnt excatlly semetrical as i free handed it i was just in a hurry to get it in. you probably wouldn't even notice if i didnt tell. not off by much.

Ryan_Lap 10-20-2008 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 353504)
you probably wouldn't even notice if i didnt tell. not off by much.

Now Ill remember to dock points off in the end of the competition....:biggrin:

ElGuappo 10-20-2008 05:08 AM

Feel Free :mrgreen: between my roomate moving out and other crap im just happy to have water in it at this point.:wink:


Originally Posted by Ryan_Lap (Post 353510)
Now Ill remember to dock points off in the end of the competition....:biggrin:

Ryan_Lap 10-20-2008 05:09 AM

I have no water :cry:

ElGuappo 10-20-2008 05:48 PM

Future LS and prices Updated.

ElGuappo 10-21-2008 05:14 AM

Thanks to red coral and kevin for hooking me up with a great deal.

ElGuappo 10-21-2008 09:01 PM

Got the nano skimmer in today and think i have found a rock formation that i can live with..... For now:wink: all that is left is too get the 2 pep shrimp i have in there taking care of some aptaisia out then put in contest LS. if the surface skimmer works aswell as i think it will then this could work out nicely. :mrgreen:

PS anyone have any nano fish they want to get rid of ? Cheap?

tgoeujon 10-22-2008 02:29 AM

any pics with the skimmer. looks good so far.

ElGuappo 10-22-2008 04:04 AM

its just a rio nano skimmer with the surface skimmer attatchment from a aqua clear filter. i will try to get a pic tommorrow but ive don a decent job of hiding it.

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