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lorenz0 08-27-2008 12:40 AM

Eurobraced 60gal
So once again plans have changed. finally decided to do a 40 breeder with a sump

plan on having 60-70 pounds of rock

30 pounds of live sand, maybe more

sunlight supply Tek 6x39 T5HO (picked up today)

right now the tank is being drawn up. should have it by decemeber 1st


Sept 3th/09

60gal eurobraced 48x18x16
1" return's
2" drain and emergency


Aqua Medic Oceanrunner 3500 pump
Ebo Jager 150watt heaters x2
Deltec mc500 skimmer
Tunze Turbelle Deluxe Multi Controller
Tunze Nanostream 6055 powerheads x2
Tunze ATO unit
48" Sunlight Supply TEK T5HO 6x54watt fixture

SPS dominated
Multi types of zoa's
Open brain

Yellow tang
Tomato clown
Yellow watchman goby
green chromis x3

fkshiu 08-27-2008 02:19 AM

If you've got the room, try going deeper (front to back) than 18". Much easier to aquascape and a much better sense of depth.

JDigital 08-27-2008 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 342066)
should be fun and i will keep it updated

If you don't, I will make you... :lol:

BTW, your tank will be approx. 95G or so.

lorenz0 10-21-2008 08:24 PM

So i ordered the tank today and put a deposite down on it. can't wait to see it. Also picked up the bulbs from my tek sunlight supply t5 fixture which is absolutely amazing.

but i am planning on moving everything over from my SPS 10gal nano into this tank and that will just become a spare for frags.

lorenz0 11-05-2008 01:44 AM

So my tank came in tonight, thanks red coral. here are some previews

increased the size 48x16x18

fishytime 11-06-2008 12:22 AM

Right on!. Kinda surprised you got it already. When did you place that order? By the way that sucking sound you hear is the money draining out of your wallet:lol: Have fun with it. I know I would.

lorenz0 11-11-2008 10:45 PM

so built the frame for my stand today. now just waiting on the sump so i can start my plumbing. fingers crossed that i will have water in it december 1st. i also need to figure out how i am going to hang this light lol

doug, was ordered 2 weeks before picking it up. i will have to come in on sunday and pick up my rock for it, time for some baking.

brizzo 11-11-2008 11:00 PM

What goes with a new tank? Grey goose vodka! (See pics LOL)

lorenz0 11-12-2008 01:07 AM

lol what can i say, if i am going to drink it better be the best.

did a shot with the tek light on

tang daddy 11-12-2008 01:12 AM

nice set up what is your light combo, btw is this the new style tek lights?

lorenz0 11-12-2008 01:24 AM

I think it is the new style, but my set up is all aqua science bulbs:

reef blue
figi purple
figi purple
reef blue

i love it, honestly took me a while to figure out which bulbs i wanted but i am extremely happy with my choices

JDigital 12-06-2008 06:31 PM


lorenz0 12-06-2008 11:40 PM

aww yes i guess i haven't updated this in a bit

So in the past month i sold my lighting which was the 36" TEK which i was planning on running. I was in a bit of a buckle trying to figure out which light i was going to go with because after seeing the shimmer off jdigitals tank and foosers from the MH i really was debating about going this route. Than came the heat issue. So being upstairs i once again decided to go with T5HO and picked up a 48" TEK with legs from red coral. while i also picked up a deltec mc-500 skimmer for my sump.

Also in the past month I picked up my rock which is curing right now, 55 pounds if i remember correctly and i still need to pick up more for the sump which i am planning on running another 20-40 there.

Big thanks to kevin at red coral. its coming along and i am just working on the plumbing right now.

I will have to post some pictures tomorrow, my dad just got back from austrailia and i lent him my camera for dive pictures so maybe i can post a few of those. Sadly i wish i could have went on that trip

lorenz0 12-08-2008 01:19 AM

So here are a few pictures. my dad broke my camera diving so i got to borrow his power shot, still learning how to shoot with it. but in return i got all his dive photos ha ha

and now the dive photo's, can't wait for my dive trip in march

Carmen 12-08-2008 01:27 AM

Awesome Dive pics!!! Oh I wish I could dive! So neat to see in the real Deep Blue Sea!! Thanks for sharing.

fooser 12-08-2008 02:01 AM

When you diving, remember to take me with you!

Looking forward to seeing your tank all set up!

sphelps 12-08-2008 02:23 AM

Looking good, and cool dive pics! But I though a rimless tank didn't have bracing??

Rimless Aquarium Club

lorenz0 12-08-2008 02:36 AM

Thanks guys, ya i really wish i went on that trip. sadly my mom didn't allow him to dive to much that trip but he is already wanting to go back for a week of diving. first thing he did when he got back was tell me to get my padi lol

fooser- i don't bring much when i travel, could always stick ou in my bag lol

sphelps - ya when i orginally panned the tank it was suppost to be a rimless, i guess i should change that to eurobraced since i changed my mind in the ordering process

JDigital 12-08-2008 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 366477)
Looking good, and cool dive pics! But I though a rimless tank didn't have bracing??

Rimless Aquarium Club

Kind of a silly club to have considering all tanks have a rim.. LOL whethers it a black manufactured one or the true rim of the glass.. every tank has rim.. :lol:

fishytime 12-08-2008 03:12 PM

Great pics Larry(:razz:).Your Pa has a good eye.

sphelps 12-08-2008 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 366486)
sphelps - ya when i orginally panned the tank it was suppost to be a rimless, i guess i should change that to eurobraced since i changed my mind in the ordering process

I was just more curious than anything, as I agree rimless is a misleading description. I would personally call a tank:
without black trim, trimless
without bracing, braceless
with water constantly overflowing the sides, rimless or edgeless.

I'm not sure who originally thought of the "rimless" tank but I wouldn't call him/her the smartest person in the world. "Hey lets remove the BRACING and call it RIMless" said the douchebag :lol:

All kidding aside I think you made the right choice going with the euro brace, thinner glass = higher clarity.

lorenz0 12-09-2008 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 366643)
Great pics Larry(:razz:).Your Pa has a good eye.

LOL thanks. I have over 500 pictures and i keeping going through them looking for neat things. i will post some more but photo bucket keeps bringing down the resolution.


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 366657)

All kidding aside I think you made the right choice going with the euro brace, thinner glass = higher clarity.

Really when it comes to terms, its just a name to me and i don't make a deal out of it. But the tank was designed mostly by red coral (kevin) i gave him an idea of what i wanted and he basically perfected it.

lorenz0 01-02-2009 04:05 AM

So i guess its time for an update

tonight i am just finishing up sealing my piping and i started to fill my tank with ro water (which is taking forever). I decided not to have it running till i got back from van because it was just 1 more thing for me to worry about while being away

Also while i was in Vancouver I took a trip to J&L. Picked up a Tunze Turbelle Deluxe Multi Controller and 2 Turbelle Nanostream 6055 powerheads. I honestly can't wait to play with this.

To make this post interesting I also met a very respected fellow while i was on the island visiting a friend. So i was in duncan and my friend brought me to this shop that had coral. Noticed that they had Tailored Aquatics in stock so i was explaining something to him when one of the fellows working came up and started talking about the product. ended up being the brad from TA which i had a good laugh after because he totally caught me off guard.

So right now i am hoping Feb 1st my tank is in decent shape and almost finishing cycling. So anyone reading, i am setting up another wicked order than.

lorenz0 01-05-2009 09:57 PM

Borrowed one of jdigitals camera's. finally got the water all in and busted up my rock to make something i was happy with. But i still need more for the center. One issue i have had in previous tanks is buying to much rock and down the road when buying new coral that comes on larger rock I just couldn't make it fit, so this time i am tryingto avoid that. Now just waiting on the sand which should be in on wednesday.

also included a picture of the wire nightmare i have going which i need to organize lol

untamed 01-05-2009 10:17 PM

If you must have the powerbar, see if you can mount it upside-down under your stand so that any water that happens to be running down a powercord doesn't drip straight down into the powerbar. It is the simplist things that can sometimes save your bacon.

fishytime 01-06-2009 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by untamed (Post 374706)
If you must have the powerbar, see if you can mount it upside-down under your stand so that any water that happens to be running down a powercord doesn't drip straight down into the powerbar. It is the simplist things that can sometimes save your bacon.

Ya believe me, they dont feal good when you touch them when they're wet.:shocked!:

Big jump since the last update. Any word on the deltec yet? Is it pullin?

lorenz0 01-06-2009 05:06 AM

thanks for the input. I have the next couple days off work so i am going to be dealing with cleaning up the wires. I hate messy wires but this was just to get everything all running for now. I plan on building a stand beside the tank that will house all the wiring with the power bars and the auto top up once i can get my paws on one. everything will be done once my cycle is complete. than in the spring i still need to skin my stand.

I actually haven't plugged it in for longer than 10 seconds yet doug. I am sure it will be able to pull some stuff right now but it will be running once i get the sand in. I want a filter sock over my drain before i start it up.

lorenz0 01-07-2009 01:19 AM

Picked up some more rock today. The aqua scaping looks so much better now.

Also here a few pictures of some of the stuff going into my tank that i have in the nightmare 10gal. The zoa's i keep seeing around town, i don't know if it was my lighting but both fixtures brought out the purple/blue in them. Yet the ones i see look brown. Also the birdsnest that i am so suprised that it is alive and growning. It has tripled in size since i bought it, sadly it turned brown but fingers crossed that the color will come back. Than we have the infamous yuma. I love this thing, one of the 2 i kept from my 20nano (the other is a superman yuma).

Tailored Aquatics 01-14-2009 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 373471)

To make this post interesting I also met a very respected fellow while i was on the island visiting a friend. So i was in duncan and my friend brought me to this shop that had coral. Noticed that they had Tailored Aquatics in stock so i was explaining something to him when one of the fellows working came up and started talking about the product. ended up being the brad from TA which i had a good laugh after because he totally caught me off guard.

So right now i am hoping Feb 1st my tank is in decent shape and almost finishing cycling. So anyone reading, i am setting up another wicked order than.

Thanks for the kind words... It was good to meet you to. The new zoa frag you found is fantastic, very similar to one in our display tank called "tubs". I look forward to a FTS in a few months time.

OCDP 01-14-2009 08:29 PM

Looks good! I love that ric/yuma (I can never tell between the two..) What a fantastic colour.

lorenz0 01-15-2009 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Tailored Aquatics (Post 377279)
Thanks for the kind words... It was good to meet you to. The new zoa frag you found is fantastic, very similar to one in our display tank called "tubs". I look forward to a FTS in a few months time.

Thanks a bunch. I actually have seen these zoa's around town a couple of times but i think the t5's really bring out the color in them. Compared to other places they looked brown with the purple ring. one fellow came over to buy some frags and ended up running to the store to buy some.


Originally Posted by OCDP (Post 377428)
Looks good! I love that ric/yuma (I can never tell between the two..) What a fantastic colour.

Thanks, it a yuma and honestly my baby. always looking for bright colored yuma's. I have a soft spot for them for some reason.

So on another not, sand has been added. Now just the waiting period. About the 15th of feb is my fingers crossed day for coral to start moving in. And i need a auto top up. i lose way to much water during the day.

lorenz0 01-17-2009 04:33 AM

was shooting some shots of my plumbing for another member and decided to take a quick photo. but good god i need a phosban reactor. starting to see some early signs of algae.

lorenz0 01-19-2009 11:32 PM

got a new toy today. thanks again red coral

Pan 01-20-2009 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 378858)
got a new toy today. thanks again red coral

now you need the calcium reactor add on for the osmolator! :)

Rbacchiega 01-20-2009 01:39 AM

fancy-schmancy! Hurry up and get more corals in there already....

digital-audiophile 01-20-2009 02:53 AM

I love nice fresh white sand... now why does it never stay that way? :p

lorenz0 01-20-2009 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by 'Ol Nobodaddy (Post 378874)
now you need the calcium reactor add on for the osmolator! :)

I am actually going to be running korallen-zucht reefer's best salt so fingers crossed i will only need to dose a bit. A calcuim reactor is down the road, probably on my next tank, when i buy my own place lol.


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 378879)
fancy-schmancy! Hurry up and get more corals in there already....

3 more weeks. i am going to test the water in 2 and see where i am at. But I am kind of hiding some coral in jdigitals tank for now, he he he. Its going to be pure SPS so can't wait.

fishytime 01-20-2009 03:33 AM

Did you get the top-off set up yet.:biggrin:

JDigital 01-20-2009 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 378925)
Did you get the top-off set up yet.:biggrin:

I will have mine installed before either of you at the rate you 2 install stuff.. :lol: and I don't even have one yet!

fishytime 01-20-2009 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 378929)
I will have mine installed before either of you at the rate you 2 install stuff.. :lol: and I don't even have one yet!

Thats where your wrong picture dude:mrgreen: installed mine today.

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