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JDigital 08-03-2008 06:28 PM

JDigital's 23G Nano 'SPS' Build
Well, I have decided to start a 23G Nano tank in my room. I plan to make it an SPS Dominated tank. I will be running a Fluval 305 canister filter with Carbon, Phosphate remover, and Live Rock. Flow will come in the form of the return from the Fluval and 2x Seio M620 Powerheads. Giving me about 1500GPH of flow. Sand bed will be 20lbs of Caribbean Live Sand, LR will total out at about 27lbs. Lighting will come in the form of an Aquamedic Ocean Light HOT5 Fixture. 4x24W, running 2 10K, 1 Fiji Purple, 1 Actinic.

The LR that I have is currently cooking to get rid of a bunch of NASTY THICK GHA.. it's so thick it looks like carpet! I worked for about an hour last night scrubbing with a wire brush, and only got about half if it scrubbed before the brush was pretty much useless... :lol: Need to get a new brush to finish the job.

Pics aren't much to get excited about, but I know we all love them.

And my new toy for both of my reef tanks! :mrgreen:

mseepman 08-04-2008 01:08 AM

Looking good...I'm currently working on a 16G DIY SPS nano myself and so I look forward to seeing how yours moves along.

JDigital 08-04-2008 01:59 AM

^^ Nice Mark, Hope you make a build thread for it..:biggrin:

I am doing the Nano SPS just because as of right now, my MH lighting for my main 75 display is gonna be awhile before i can get it.. This will give me a chance to have frags growing out, that I can transfer once my lighting is complete on the 75. Plus I need a lil SW where I spend the most time. :lol:

purplepolypeater 08-04-2008 03:39 AM

i didn't know lightsabres were real

brandy 08-04-2008 04:13 AM

For your inroom 23G Nano.
since you are setting it up. Thought you might interesting in some crush coral (little bigger than sand, with some red stuff mixed.) I have extra with me here after my setup in may. About 1/2 bucket (the HomeDepot bucket)
Shout me if you want it.

OCDP 08-04-2008 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by purplepolypeater (Post 337838)
i didn't know lightsabres were real

haha.. took me a second to figure out what you were talking about..
they DO look like lightsabres.... :rolleyes:

Sorry to hijack. This should be neat... I tried going SPS in my 20g, and had some success. Not too much growth or polyp extension, but I did get really nice colours at least. It can be a challenge..

Have you considered BB ? I found having sand in a small system while doing SPS was the devil. Wayyy too much nutrients and just a general amount of crap that builds up that the SPS didn't care so much for. Obviously results vary, so to each their own! I'll be following along here. I love smaller tanks.

JDigital 08-04-2008 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by OCDP (Post 337913)
haha.. took me a second to figure out what you were talking about..

they DO look like lightsabres.... :rolleyes:

Sorry to hijack. This should be neat... I tried going SPS in my 20g, and had some success. Not too much growth or polyp extension, but I did get really nice colours at least. It can be a challenge..

Have you considered BB ?

Not really, for the simple fact that I am not a huge fan of how it looks.. :lol:

OCDP 08-04-2008 06:44 PM

Fair enough.. it all comes down to a personal preference in the end. I just like to see how much crap is building up, and it makes it that much easier to remove!

Anyways.. tagging along!

JDigital 08-04-2008 06:49 PM

I think that's the only reason I would go BB, easy clean up, as there will be 1 or 2 small fish in the tank..

DanG 08-05-2008 03:34 PM

Refractometer, one of the best investments you can make for a reef tank.

JDigital 08-06-2008 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by DanG (Post 338019)
Refractometer, one of the best investments you can make for a reef tank.

haha! tell me about it.. i absolutely love it.. :biggrin:

JDigital 08-17-2008 05:30 AM

Ok, couple changes from my original post regarding equipment and LR.

1. Lighting:

Wattage hasn't change, just my units. I was originally going to go with a 4x24W Aquamedic unit, however, I was able to get my hands on 2x 2x24W Coralife units for much less money (even if I replace all the bulbs, it still saves me $100, plus the units are a lot more sleek). I will still be running 2x 10K , 1x Actinic, 1x Fiji Purple.

Also added one Coralife 1watt LED Lunar light.

2. Powerheads:

I am still going to be using 1 of the Seio M620's, but the other will be used in my water change bucket, and get replaced with a Koralia 2 for a bit more flexability in position and jet concentration.

3. Live Rock:

I picked up about 25lbs of Coraline covered (plus loads of bristlestars, snails, and misc live stuff) rock from a local Can-reefer today, so I will be returning the other stuff I had cooking where I got it. Hopefully save myself a bit of algae issue down the road.


Last night after adding the CaribSea Live Sand:

and tonight after adding the new lights and LR (this is not my final aquascape, just had to get the rock submerged to avoid die off):

JDigital 08-18-2008 02:41 AM

Aquascaped it this afternoon..

yeeg 08-18-2008 03:08 AM

The pic above looks much bigger than 23g

JDigital 08-18-2008 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by yeeg (Post 340083)
The pic above looks much bigger than 23g

That's a Koralia2 and Seio 620.... I think they make the tank small... :lol:

JDigital 08-19-2008 12:31 AM

August 18, 2008 - 48hours after rock was added.

Ammonia - 2.4-3.7 ppm
Nitrite - No Kit
Nitrate - 5-10ppm.

Could be a quick a cycle with this new rock I picked up.. :biggrin:

JDigital 08-20-2008 11:28 PM

August 20, 2008 - 96hours after LR addition.

Ammonia - 0-0.1 ppm
Nitrite - No Kit
Nitrate - 10ppm.

JDigital 08-23-2008 01:35 AM

These two beauties will be the main inhabitants of this tank, along with a small yellow clown goby... No pic of him yet..

True Percula Clowns already paired:

JDigital 08-23-2008 07:57 PM

FTS for today:


Porcelain Crab:

mseepman 08-24-2008 05:46 AM

Looking great...makes me want to work even faster on mine.

JDigital 08-25-2008 02:22 AM

First corals in the tank!!

fishytime 08-25-2008 02:37 AM

Schweeeeeet man! Where did you get those?????:surprise:

JDigital 08-25-2008 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 341643)
Schweeeeeet man! Where did you get those?????:surprise:

Just some little place called Red Coral Aquarium..... ever heard of it?? :lol:

OCDP 08-26-2008 08:08 PM

Hey buddy,

Things are looking great! Nice perc's ;)

So what are you using for lighting on this bad boy? (sorry if I missed that..) The Yuma looks amazing.. once they grow/split, frag me off some of that!

What happened to your SPS dominated tank huh? :razz: jk.. everything looks really nice. I'll post some new pictures tonight or tomorrow of my tank.

rocketlily 08-26-2008 09:03 PM

Those pictures are amazing. Could you tell us what type of camera you are using?

JDigital 08-26-2008 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by OCDP (Post 341986)
Hey buddy,

Things are looking great! Nice perc's ;)

So what are you using for lighting on this bad boy? (sorry if I missed that..) The Yuma looks amazing.. once they grow/split, frag me off some of that!

What happened to your SPS dominated tank huh? :razz: jk.. everything looks really nice. I'll post some new pictures tonight or tomorrow of my tank.

It's still planned to be an SPS tank, but I am waiting for the system to mature alot more. I am currently running 4x24W T5's (2x10K, 1 Fiji Purple, 1 Actinic) however I have a 175W MH waiting to be added, just need to order a better reflector for it, or find one used here in calgary ;)


Originally Posted by rocketlily (Post 342007)
Those pictures are amazing. Could you tell us what type of camera you are using?

Thanks for the comments. :) I use a Canon 40D w/ Canon 60mm Macro lens for the above shots, FTS shots are done using the 40D w/ Tokina 12-24mm. :smile:

JDigital 09-06-2008 06:58 PM

New FTS for today.. Added a 175W MH.

JDigital 09-08-2008 03:50 AM

It's amazing how a tank can change over night...

Added 2 fish.. The Copperband Butterfly will not be staying in this Nano (just incase anyone wants to say anything... He's getting transfered to the 75G when its back up and going) The 2nd fish is a Royal Gramma, which has been in hiding since adding.

Can someone ID the SPS for me please?? LOL i suck with coral names/id.

Updated FTS:

Purple Yuma:

Green Yuma:

My FIRST SPS colony: :mrgreen:

And a Macro shot of a couple tips:

fishytime 09-08-2008 12:59 PM

Not bout that one Josh. You could give Snappy(Greg) a pm and ask real nice if he could id it for you...and then tell me so I know too.

karazy 09-12-2008 03:13 AM

holy cow, ive seen this before, but i never realised how nice those percs were!
o, and is that a cleaner wrasse i see? whats the story on him?

JDigital 09-12-2008 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by karazy (Post 344970)
holy cow, ive seen this before, but i never realised how nice those percs were!
o, and is that a cleaner wrasse i see? whats the story on him?

The Percs WERE nice... one carpet surfed, and the other got stressed to death from the pygmy angel. :cry:

The cleaner wrasse was in my 75G before I tore it down to rebuild, so just tossed him in the 20 while I work on getting the 75 back up and running.

karazy 09-12-2008 04:25 PM

oo, ok.

dang, thats harsh man. was the pygmy angel introduced after the percs?

JDigital 09-19-2008 03:07 AM

^^ Yea, he was, but I brought him over from my 75G which was HIS tank... so I think he just took over my Nano after the female Perc went for a jump..

Well the 'SPS' part of my build is starting to come alive.. haha.. couple shots of some new frags i got from Red Coral tonight. and 1 unknown Anemone, if anyone could ID it for me that would be great.. plus 3 of the SPS..

Birdsnest Frag:

Unknown SPS 1:

Unknown SPS 2:

Unknown SPS 3:

Unknown Anemone:

bsyoun 09-19-2008 08:20 AM

I bought a similar looking anemone from Red Coral (from previous owner) about two years ago, and I was told that it was a Carnation Anemone. I really couldn't find much info on it online, other than that it needed to be target fed regularly, wasn't photosynthetic and likes to wedge itself at the base of live rock or sometimes bury its foot into a sandy substrate. It may also be called a Sun Anemone.

I gave mine a small squirt of mysis every couple of days and it seemed pretty happy and after a few months, it split into two anemones. My false percs never really seemed interested in hosting it. I don't know if these anemones have an appetite for fish, but mine left my fish alone.


michika 09-19-2008 02:05 PM

Very nice! I love all the little frags, so cute.

Tarolisol 09-19-2008 06:53 PM

Yarrr, there be a nice water box, wit' plenty o grand corals. Best be sleeping with one eye open, for many o bucaneers be eyein yarr booty.

JDigital 09-20-2008 01:48 AM

I was a busy beaver today.... Built a canopy for my MH today. Still needs to be painted (probably black).. but I like how it turned out..

Oscar 09-20-2008 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 346409)
I was a busy beaver today.... Built a canopy for my MH today. Still needs to be painted (probably black).. but I like how it turned out..

Other than the label why paint black? That size of a board is getting harder to find all of the time.

Oh yeah, nice tank!

mseepman 09-20-2008 04:30 AM

Any details on how you built the canopy? How is it supported over the tank?

fishytime 09-20-2008 02:45 PM

Hey! You got er done. So does that mean no trade? Or do you want frags instead? Looks good bud.

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