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post your terrarium pics
anyone else have terrariums... if so post your pics
http://i324.photobucket.com/albums/k...DSC_0023-1.jpg http://i324.photobucket.com/albums/k...DSC_0021-1.jpg |
most people on here like water in their tanks!!!! sorry
I keep my snakes in fairly simple set-ups now, it's easier to clean + they don't need quite that much humidity. I do appreciate nicely-done terrariums tho, kepp the pics coming! Yours are pretty, love the flowers.
Keri, i was thinking oh getting a rough green snake for on of them but they seem to be hard to find around here. I will get some pictures of the orchids when they flower. |
Anything in them machete?
Nope, just plants for now.
I do wants some dart frogs though. |
Ive thought about keeping darts many times. There are many different exquisite species available.
I find myself browsing on this website every now and then. :cool: http://www.understoryenterprises.com/ |
Im pretty sure there the only online vendor for canada.
these are the places i lurk around to get info. www.dendroboard.com www.canadart.org |
There are, or at least used to be, some really nice terrariums or vivariums kept by Canreefers. I know Sean/Tarolisol has some darts, maybe he'll see this and post some new pics.
I was tempted to try darts at some point but ... well, I'm just far too much leveraged into SW right now. Maybe one day though. I'm kind of thinking though that, as much as I like the looks of those Exoterra's, I probably wouldn't keep darts in one without at least mods first maybe. I kept some salamanders in an Exoterra and the CRICKETS I fed them could escape the Exoterra. So pinheads and fruit flies are a sure thing to expect to find crawling and/or flying around all over the place. The crickets drive me crazy, the novelty of my basement sounding like a rainforest at night wears thin after a few weeks.. Anyhow, those are some great looking terrariums. Looks like maybe a couple pleurothallids/masdevallias in there ... nice. Whatcha using for lighting? Are you just misting manually or do you have a misting kit? |
There are a few mods for the exos to fruit fly proof them.. but then they look perty ugly. I would probably make some 10 or 20G verticals if i were to get some pdfs.
I was into bonsai, tropical plants, and terrariums before i was into to reefing so i gotta through a bit of money into hobbies i still love but have pushed off to the side. I have 4 differnt orchids in the terrarium on the right, haha im really not good with the namesof orchids. I know the one big on is masdevellia for lighting im useing a 24" T5 sunlight supple new wave fixture and a exoterra hood and hand misting. I would like to get a misting kit one day. |
Very nice setup.I have wanted 1 forever but that's never worked out.If your ever looking for different plants for your tank hawaiian botanicals in richmond has some amazing plants.They also carry pitcher plants for darts to lay there eggs in.Thanks for sharing.I just hope that this doesn't start a new obbsession.LOL.Clint
dam machete....
sexy terrarium. |
hawaiian botanicals is a awsome store.. just sucks its in richmond... to far away. I got extra broms if anyone wants to buy some.
I would love to get my hands on a Vriesea racinae. I once piggybacked on a group order on canadart and one of them was supposed to be that one (which didn't come) and one of them was supposed to be Neo. fireball (which I'm sure what came, isn't). So if you have either of those we might have to talk :)
I was into orchids before tanks, and getting into SW was the worst thing that ever happened to me in terms of that hobby. One day I really need to scale back on the tanks so I can return to some form of respectability with my plants... What background are you using in the terrariums? Did you stay with the stock styrofoam or did you make your own? I'd love to try one with a drip wall of some kind. |
not sure of the names of the broms i have but i can get pics if you want. i just got into orchids... pretty much just ones that wil grow in my terrarium i have a wired fascination with epyphitic plants. The terrarium on the left is expanding foam sillicone and coco fiber and the one on the right is epi web with a drip wall
let me know if you find that snake, i'd love to see pics! i haven't seen any here in bc.
Orchids! I have a couple of those exo-terra tanks just kicking around, the Ball pythons quickly outgrew them, wasting space in storage....you've given me ideas!! edit: how are the plants anchored to the back wall? |
i have an iguana but hes in no special tank
I just make a wire U staple sort of thing and jam it in. They eventualy root and you can pull it out..
hes in a big tank when he sleeps and eats but when we get up he come out and lays on the coutch in the sun all day
I've got a neat desert set up for our Beardie "Loki". I'll try & post a pic soon.
i had a really nice set up for my scorpion. but after a few years he died on me.. it was a black emperior
they'll root into that foamy "rock" backing then?
Cool |
pretty much depends on the humidity.. i have had plants go right into te foam. the other tank has something called epi web in it.. its pretty much a thick scrubbing pad. plants root easily on it.
The scorpions are very easy to care for. give them some nice place to hid and climb. you have to buy crikets and some meal worms and put a few in the tank and thats all
Well it's not planted, but the torties would eat anything planted in there anyways.
http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q...m/IMG_1237.jpg http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q...m/IMG_1239.jpg |
tortoises are awsome. will they even eat cacti?
those look like red footed tortoise`s and a russian tortoise
Correct they are Red Foots, the one you prob thought was a russian is the little yellow foot hanging out with them.
They would totally eat cacti, anything that aint brown or black is on the menu for these guys, even if it isnt good for them, they dont know any better. Eating machines, nothing like watching them lay waste to a cantelope. |
Nice terrariums you got there machete! heres mine,
http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/d...Things/084.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/d...Things/041.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/d...Things/005.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/d...ings/004-4.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/d...ings/003-1.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/d...ings/002-3.jpg I caught these guys in the morning up at the front of the tank near the pond. Almost every morning before my lights turn on while the sun shines through my window and into the tank these guys are always up and around the pond. I'll try to get a new FTS.. i am missing a plant on the left side there..not sure if i should add a brom there or just let the creeping fig or plant on bottom grow up. Where do you get your broms Machete? i love those red ones.. i cant find any good ones..any places to order from that you know of? |
awsome frogs i really need to get my act together and pick some up.
i got the big groups of the red ones from art knapps in kelowna. the other broms are from hawaiian botanicals in richmond, you can order from them.. http://www.hawaiianbotanicals.com/aboutus.html |
anyone on here with reptiles go to edmontonreptiles.com lots of very smart people on there and cool pics lol just thought I would say.
most people who I know call them Red footed tortoise`s thats why I said it like that and not red foot |
Thanks Machete. I'll have to try art knapp in Vernon here..maybe they have some but i doubt they do anymore. I tried that website.. i emailed them but no reply ? :S.
haha ya probably not the vernon ones pertty lame normal. I have only been to the place never had to e amil them so im not sure.. maybe try calling them?
nice vents!!! my friend martin is out on the island and has been bugging me to get back into darts for years now. almost did till i cought the salt water bug lol |
Well, after seeing these few pics I was inspired. I ran out and with my DIY mentality I have created my first terrarium. Other than Hawaiin Botanicals, is there another store i should check out for miniature orchids and other plants?
"the orchid shop" Its in fort langley i believe there web page is down at the moment there shop is on glover and 96ave, i think they are open wednesday to sunday 9-5 ish 604 888 8194 .mostly orchids but do have some broms and ferns... just say you are looking for orchids that will do well in terrariums and she will show you a good selection. they also carry cork bark, epiweb, lighting and other random green house terrarium stuff..
now you have to post pictures.:mrgreen: |
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