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marie 07-25-2008 12:54 AM

C&C marine HOT skimmer
So I'm trying out the new hang on tank skimmer rated to 125G. This thing is big and ugly, not something for a 10g nano but it can produce an amazing amount of bubbles.
First impressions...the cup is going to be hard to clean
After starting it up I found it a bit noisy, the airline is going to need to be muffled and the return has a bit of a gurgle but check out the bubbles
lastly, once again I think the collection cup is poorly designed, here you can see that the bubbles are travelling up the outside of the cup to the top of the skimmer

and this is what you see inside the tank, the skimmer is dumping bubbles into the tank at the moment but it is breaking in and I expect that will stop in the next day or 2

This skimmer so far is skimming great and I think worth the purchase price of $349
I haven't been impressed with the HOT skimmers I have tried up till now (bak pak, prism pro, remora pro)

Lance 07-25-2008 01:55 AM

Marie, on this forum the manufacturer says 99% of micro bubbles are removed, so maybe it is just a break-in thing.

Lance 07-25-2008 01:56 AM

Oh, I forgot to ask. Which tank do you have it on?

marie 07-25-2008 02:05 AM

Yea I can't see why the bubbles won't disappear when the skimmers broken in, I do like the design and looks of the part thats actually in the tank. Its just the part thats on the outside thats ugly but then most people would have that part against a wall

It's on the tank by the stairs. I upgraded the tank to a 65g and the bak pak skimmer just wasn't cutting it, the tank has algae problems out the wazoo :lol:

Lance 07-25-2008 02:19 AM

I'm sure it will be OK. Did you have to do any reno on the wall/stairs for the 65?

marie 07-25-2008 02:28 AM

Thats what kept my husband busy on his week off :lol:

marie 07-25-2008 03:00 AM

A pic of the skimmate

Lance 07-25-2008 03:33 AM

Pretty Impressive! How long has it been running for?

marie 07-25-2008 08:17 PM

It had been running for 48hrs in that pic, It was over 24 hrs before it started to form a head

supersmile 07-28-2008 03:05 PM

I bought this same skimmer as well. I think it is noisy too. I was told to bend air tube and stick it inside the compartment. This has helped somewhat although I find the actual pump inside is loud. What are thoughts about it? I find it is doing a good job but the noise just bothers me.

marie 10-19-2008 07:49 PM

Oops, note to self, never, ever clean the pump on this skimmer again. Not only was it a painful experience (very poor design) this happened when I turned it back on

The gallon jug is holding down the lid...the bubble kept pushing it off the skimmer

Lance 10-19-2008 10:38 PM

Time to get out the carpet shampooer. :mrgreen:
Marie you have more patience than me, I'd have thrown the thing off the sundeck by now.

marie 10-19-2008 10:49 PM

The only piece of equipment that has drove me to that point so far is my prism pro skimmer...but it is still early days yet.

Lance 10-20-2008 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 353435)
The only piece of equipment that has drove me to that point so far is my prism pro skimmer...but it is still early days yet.

Ah yes, the good old Prism Pro. I've nearly thrown mine away several times. It's been down-graded to the QT, where it works quite well. (Because there isn't anything to skim in there. lol:

i2ik 10-20-2008 07:39 PM

When i first saw it, i was very impressed by it. You are right, the design of the cup is not perfect but the bubbles are great. Hopefully, the pump wont go nuts often and you will be good with the bubbles in the tank.

Would it be as loud as an Remora Pro? How would you compared it to an Remora pro or an Deltec MCE600?

Thanks for the review!

marie 10-20-2008 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by i2ik (Post 353614)
When i first saw it, i was very impressed by it. You are right, the design of the cup is not perfect but the bubbles are great. Hopefully, the pump wont go nuts often and you will be good with the bubbles in the tank.

Would it be as loud as an Remora Pro? How would you compared it to an Remora pro or an Deltec MCE600?

Thanks for the review!

The skimmate is perfectly nasty and I have no complaints in that department wayyy better then my remora. I can only compare it with a remora pro because I don't have any experience with the deltec but for bubble and skimmate production there is no comparison with the remora (I even have the mag 7 pump on the remora and its still pathetic).
For design it gets 2 big thumbs down. The pump is situated in the middle compartment and the cord is threaded under the baffle into the third compartment and out the top. You have to reach your hands into the skimmer and push the plug underneath the baffle to remove the pump for cleaning, you also have to reach in and disconnect the airhose from the pump which is also extremely awkward. Puting it all back together is the same fustration in reverse

Whatigot 10-29-2008 02:15 PM

man that sucks.
skim is pretty impressive though, too bad about the shortsighted design.

Am I the ONLY one on canreef who has had great experience with the prizm and prizm pro?

marie 10-29-2008 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Whatigot (Post 355673)
man that sucks.
skim is pretty impressive though, too bad about the shortsighted design.

Am I the ONLY one on canreef who has had great experience with the prizm and prizm pro?

The prism pro worked great, when it wasn't flooding the floor

Whatigot 10-29-2008 03:55 PM

I NEVER had that problem and I used it for a year on a heavily stocked 32.

I would def take one of these c+c over a prizm though, that 1 gallon bottle being lifted off the collection cup is pretty impressive.

harrscars 11-02-2008 02:47 AM

Anybody have one of these for sale??? It seems the business isnt open any longer??? I would love to try one on my 72bowfront.

Thanks in advance

p.s. you guys have a great site here.

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