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LeeR 07-15-2008 03:48 AM

24G shallow glass box
Got my inspiration from brent F's clam pool

Display 14G
23.5"L x 15.5"W x 9"T
3/8" thick palished edge glass

10G sump

24" tek
tunze nano skimmer
eheim 1250 return
eheim heater
ac jr
2 hydor nanos - not sure if i will need both.. will see

The glass


Stuff i used to build the tank

Gun wash.... Really really strong paint thinner

Taping of the glass

Edge close up

Just about done

Last piece will go one tomorrow when i can spin the tank around.
going to do the glass part of the over flow tomorrow too.

fkshiu 07-15-2008 03:53 AM

Ooh nice. Where did you get the SCS1200 silicone?

LeeR 07-15-2008 03:58 AM

just ask wendell at OA and he will get you some..... not cheap though

Midknight 07-15-2008 03:19 PM

Tagging along on this build. Looks great so far. :wink:

sphelps 07-15-2008 04:54 PM

I love the idea of a clam tank, but shouldn't it be designed to be viewed top down? Have you considered another light fixture? The tek will cover the entire top but a sleek DE MH pendant wouldn't.

levi1803 07-15-2008 06:03 PM

Looks really cool, can't wait to see it set up

Brent F 07-15-2008 06:04 PM

Looks good so far and it is nice to see someone building a very similar tank to mine. You'll be very happy with the layout. It shows off clams so well. I have three tanks side by side and my shallow clam tank is the one people who see the tanks are most interested in.

I agree that a pendent would be a better light fixture choice since at 9 inches deep it will be viewed from above. A fixture in the rim would obstruct the view. My tank is Starphire which is a waste since you never look through the glass.

rocketlily 07-15-2008 06:41 PM

Off the topic question, where did you get the plastic squares (orange and yellow)?

LeeR 07-15-2008 10:49 PM

thanks for the comments everyone.

the light is just a temp. i was thinking a lumen max 3 in the near future.. not sure if i should do a 150W HQI or 175 mogul would like to hear everyones input on this. I wouldnt mind a Giesemann Nova II either.. i think there a bit hard to come by in canada though.

the plastic squares i got at princes auto and canadian tire.

Delphinus 07-15-2008 11:05 PM

Looks great so far. Wow, I have a 12" tall tank (24x24x12) and I thought it was wicked shallow. 9" is just.. wow! :lol:

Lots of advantages to shallow tanks though!

sphelps 07-15-2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by MacheteAvenue (Post 334807)
the light is just a temp. i was thinking a lumen max 3 in the near future.. not sure if i should do a 150W HQI or 175 mogul would like to hear everyones input on this. I wouldnt mind a Giesemann Nova II either.. i think there a bit hard to come by in canada though.

I was thinking one of those viper 150W DE pendents would work nice with a 14K phoenix.

LeeR 07-16-2008 12:46 AM

Delphinus My ex tank was the same dimensions but a all in one.. there is a thread about it someplace on canreef. Im thinkin 9"tall will a good challenge for aquascaping.

sphelps i dont really like thoughs lights they get wayyy to hot and i was planing on hanging the light.. i could get a aqua medic ocean light.

Brent F 07-16-2008 03:50 AM

I have a Aqua Medic 250 watt over my 20 X 20 X 9 clam tank and am very happy with the choice. I have a fan on the same timer as the light to keep the temperature down. The thing I notice most is my evaporation is very high (10+ gallons per week).

I added these pictures showing the light & fan and the aquascaping to my tank thread showing what a 9 inch deep tank looks like:

LeeR 07-16-2008 05:22 AM

Man your tanks sweet! I still drool over it everytime i see it.
thanks for the updated pics. i still do have lots of zoas and chalice coral i would like to keep so i think a 250 would be a bit much.

LeeR 07-16-2008 05:24 AM

oh and im probably going to save my pennys and get a Tunze Osmolator.

Brent F 07-16-2008 05:31 AM


Yea, the 250 is way too much for zoas. I needed to remove everything except the clams and SPS when I upgrade the light. There are no "near the bottom low light" places to put lower light livestock in a tank just 9 inches deep. Everywhere is very high light (even with a 150 watt fixture).

An ATO is a necessity for an open top tank with MH lighting.

LeeR 07-16-2008 05:57 AM

this is true... to bad spot lights are hard to come by it would be cool to do 2 or 3 70W MH spot lights.

Sebae again 07-16-2008 06:12 AM

A lot of Japanese tanks use spot mh lights with both softies and sps to focus on the corals with higher light requirements. Cuts down on power and heat while creating a cool effect.

Brent F 07-16-2008 03:15 PM

I had a 70 W Viper inches over a maxima clam and it was browning out. I switched to the 250 and the colour came right back. I was really surprized a 70 W MH about 6inches over a clam wouldn't provide adequate light.

Delphinus 07-16-2008 04:11 PM

Maybe the spectral output just isn't there in the lower wattages? Interesting, I agree, you'd think it would be OK given how local the light is. I'm betting it's a quality of light issue and not a quantity of light issue.

Brent F 07-16-2008 05:20 PM

Tony, You might have something there. The Viper 70 W comes with a 14,000K bulb while the Aqua-Medic 250 comes with a 10,000K bulb.

In both instances I was using just the MH light (no actinics)

LeeR 07-16-2008 08:03 PM

150w MH track light

2 of these 2' over the tank would be pretty cool looking.

would have to get better ballasts, bulbs and would have to find something like it in canada.

LeeR 07-16-2008 08:56 PM

Veng68 07-17-2008 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by MacheteAvenue (Post 334651)
just ask wendell at OA and he will get you some..... not cheap though

Roughly how much was a tube of that silicone? I'm trying to source some out and I may be able to get a tube for $12ish, though a friend of a friend who is in the glazing business.

Nothing firm yet, but I will see what I can get.

Vic [veng68]

LeeR 07-17-2008 03:54 AM

$37 :cry:.. if you can get it for 12 i would like a few tubes:mrgreen:

Veng68 07-17-2008 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by MacheteAvenue (Post 335039)
$37 :cry:.. if you can get it for 12 i would like a few tubes:mrgreen:

Still working on the source :)

Vic [veng68]

LeeR 07-17-2008 04:06 AM

alright if you find one let me know.

LeeR 07-17-2008 05:27 AM

more pics

overflow walls glued in hole drilled for bulkheads

have to do plumbing now, should be pretty simple.

im going to get the inside and the top of the stand line Xed... spray-on bed liner stuff... i work there and its waterproof... figured it would help keep the ****** ikea partical board together.

Der_Iron_Chef 07-17-2008 05:34 AM

The tank is beautiful....well done! So it's going to be a Clam/Xbox360 tank, then?

fkshiu 07-17-2008 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by MacheteAvenue (Post 335039)
$37 :cry:.. if you can get it for 12 i would like a few tubes:mrgreen:

$37????? I stumbled onto GE Polymershapes in PoCo and they gave me a free sample tube! The guy said that the tube was about to hit its "best before" date so they didn't want to just chuck it. Not sure how much they would sell a tube for since they don't normally do retail.

LeeR 07-17-2008 03:08 PM

well maybe we should call them up and see if we can do a group buy?

zoas, chalice, starry blenny, sexy shrimp, and a pom pom crab aswell.. we will hope none of them get electricuted or poisoned from the x box controller. :twised:

pastout 07-17-2008 05:44 PM

looks good man lots of progress since i grabed the skimmer of you.

LeeR 07-17-2008 11:56 PM

Haha ya its not a pile of glass anymore.

Plumbing is done just have to find a slip union for the back-up drain.

I also have to cut out my black acrylic sheet and see if my friend has time to machine some teeth and cut outs for the return lines.

Sooo i hope to have the stand finished early next week.

After all that its leak test time.

LeeR 07-21-2008 03:55 AM

Plumbing is done.

Just have to paint the inside so its water resistant.

Would also like to add a exhaust fan.

Will get some brighter tomorrow.

LeeR 07-22-2008 12:04 AM

leak test!

sphelps 07-22-2008 01:38 AM

That's a nice little unit, are you going to run a skimmer? (hopefully you didn't already answer this)

LeeR 07-22-2008 02:04 AM

tunze nano.

I was planing on getting a deltec MC 500 but money is a bit low right now.

sphelps 07-22-2008 02:16 AM

Did you consider not using one? Pretty small tank and just, or mostly, clams right? Might do better without one.

LeeR 07-22-2008 04:14 AM

well i figure i already have it and i dont think it will hurt to have in there... there is also a larg place for a fuge. i think i might fill it full of xenia.

hillbillyreefer 07-22-2008 05:21 AM

I like how you leak test right above an extension cord fixed up with duct tape. That's something I'd do. Go ahead ask how many times I've received the 60hz tingle.

Seriously though, system looks great. I'll be watching this thread closely, might be a good winter project.

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