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Myka 07-14-2008 12:57 AM

Does anyone else ignore their tanks all summer?
I obsess with my tanks during the winter, but when summer rolls around the poor fish are lucky if they get fed once a week! They're still fat though...lotsa crap in the dirty summer tank for them to eat! :lol:

christyf5 07-14-2008 01:51 AM

I find I'm pretty consistent. Summer is the time for the tank to have issues with chiller fuses blowing and the like so I've become a little more vigilant. I think I have a system that works for me now and a great tanksitter for when we're away. I must admit though, the tank has a few more skipped meals with it being light out later though. They're all a bunch of lardbutts tho so its not a big deal (even though I feel horribly guilty about it sometimes).

martym 07-14-2008 02:10 AM

I am the other way, during the winter months I busy with Scouting so i tend to lose interest, but the summer is my down time and when I pay more attention

SATELLITE 07-14-2008 02:15 AM

i know with me mon to fri i work so i still do what i can with the tank. on the weekends if the weather is nice i'm out all day/night doing things. but if it rains then i work more on the tank..

spanky 07-14-2008 04:30 AM

the weekends get tough, like satellite said, especially if its nice out. Camping is kinda what we do, but i do feel guilty sometimes. I need a reliable tank sitter to keep me totally at ease i think lol.

banditpowdercoat 07-14-2008 04:34 AM

I noticed Ive slacked off too. Feeling guilty, but I guess Im not alone. I more slack on tank cleanings and water changes. I have to do another change here quick, getting GSA buildup on the sand

EmilyB 07-14-2008 06:19 AM

I can see how younger people with lives would get distracted with holidays and stuff.

I left hubby for four days and he was topping off and cleaning, but oops, he never even thought to feed. The fish were all lined up in a row at the front of the tank when I came home, and I said...hey, I missed you guys too ! (not knowing...) Trig ate the cleaners he had lived with for a year...oops....

Myka 07-14-2008 01:47 PM

^ Haha!!

So....... looks like I'm the only who ignores my tank all summer!!! :lol:

Delphinus 07-14-2008 04:55 PM

I voted "Summer? I have tank(s) to care for!" because it does seem as if I'm married to my tanks.

Before I had kids there was a definite change in the approach to the tanks. Now that I have kids and too many to-do's anyhow, there isn't the hugest of changes. My tanks are what I get to play with when work's done and everyone else has gone to bed. There's this thin sliver of "me time" somewhere around 1am and I'm hanging onto it for dear life. :lol: Everyone at work thinks I'm tired because I have a baby at home... I'm running with it for as long as I can!!!!! So I can at least honestly claim a level of consistent care to my tanks now. It's just consistently inadequate year-round!!!

Summers are just harder on the tanks overall though. For the most part it seems the heat is a battle, and of course the vacations take their toll too. I can count on something going wrong (sometimes big, sometimes small, but something) .. everytime I go away, ie., when I come back I can expect to find "oh, how quaint, a new problem I have to solve."

SeaHorse_Fanatic 07-14-2008 11:44 PM

This summer, my tanks have been neglected, but due to Felicia and us staying at my mom's since she was born. I still try to keep up with the tanks even though my "best frag ever" has changed my priorities.:biggrin:


Dale 07-15-2008 01:03 AM

I try to ignore my tanks all the time! They seem to do better that way.

BMW Rider 07-15-2008 03:08 AM

I try to keep up with the basics, but even that gets a bit neglected at times in the summer. :redface: I do have my tanks set up so they are fairly self sufficient without much need for me to meddle with them daily. Biggest thing is to keep the TO water filled. I usually try to fit in a vacation or two in the summer, and the tanks have to look after themselves then. Auto feeders are great, as is my Aquatronica controller; these technical marvels keep things running smoothly and happily. I don't do much in the way of adding livestock in the summer since all my money is being spent on motorcycles. Most of my time too.:lol:

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